
Chapter XXV - The Letter

I squint, almost sure I was hallucinating, but a feeling tugs at me saying it's absolutely real. I point to the trees, glancing at Minuet.

"..Did you see something in those trees? A...sort of deer maybe?"

She follows my finger, fixing her gaze intently in the place I was pointing at, then she shakes her head, "No...not at all." She turns to look at me questioningly, "Why do you ask...?"

I look away, back to the dark shadows of the trees, wondering if it really was just an illusion. Though I feel like it wasn't the first time I saw that doe.

"Must have been my imagination then...or a trick of the light," I brush off the thought, finishing off the rest of my can, I toss it into a nearby trash can and stand up from my seat on the bench, shoving my hands into my pockets, "With the last attraction viewed, I guess it's time to end this tour?"

Minuet nods, though a hint of something I can't read rests in her expression. She gets up, a slight sober smile on her lips, "I suppose so, I hope it was pleasant while it lasted."

"I would say so, " I returned, almost too embarrassed to say it, "It was...enjoyable."

She almost beams, shining past the cool facade she usually keeps up, "From what I heard of you, that sounds like high praise." She turns and starts to walk up the road, already starting to leave me behind. "Now, we must get back before the gates close for curfew, we've been out for quite a long time already."

I let out an exhale, making my way after her, "Of course count on the student council president to be so responsible..."

We follow the road back to the square and take the path back up to the academy from there, the marketplace still bustling with some crowds. After walking through the gates, Minuet pauses.

"...I think you know your way from here, I still need to take care of something first." She said, turning in the opposite direction of the dorms, "I recommend you head to your room, or take to the cafeteria if you need something to eat. Don't get into too much trouble." With that, she leaves, striding off into the distance towards another set of buildings on the campus.

I stare at her retreating form for a moment, before shaking my head and turning in the other direction.

"I could use some food..." I walk off, my destination in mind. Completely oblivious about those hazy recollections in the back of my head, I still feel like something important was looming over my shoulder. But alas, that was momentarily forgotten in the pursuit of some food. Hopefully, it really wasn't anything significant...


The sound of North's voice catches my attention, he runs up to me, panting for breath.

"Why the rush? Did something happen?" I asked.

"Hah...ha- where have you been? I couldn't find you all day!" He said, his face worried.

"I was only out...in town."

He heaves a sigh of relief, but his expression turns serious, "Well it's good that you're alright, but there was news from headquarters!" He lowers his voice, making there's no one around, "You received a letter, right? Sealed with the insignia?"

Only then I remember the envelope, I reach into my jacket, panicked. When my fingers brush the paper, I take it out, relieved.


"Yes, that...! Didn't read it yet?"

I then feel ashamed, having not read it sooner. "..Not yet."

North half sighs and half groans, and then pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket, a sort of exasperated brotherly look he was giving me. "Well better late than never, maybe yours will help mine make more sense."

I flip open the letter, recognizing the peculiar cursive handwriting, but the words were cut off by a jagged line, looking to have been ripped down the middle.

North puts his piece of paper next to mine, and the edges fit almost perfectly in place. He quickly skims the letter, his eyebrows creasing further as he goes.

"So...what does it say?" I ask, not being able to easily decipher the loopy cursive from the angle I was looking at.

"It's...just gibberish? -but I'm positive that's HQ's insignia...though it's just a complete jumble of words and letters." He looks at the wax seal again, squinting.

I snatch the papers from his hand, and closely scan the contents of the page, "...I can't read this." I flip it over, confused. Then I recognize the scrawny signature at the bottom, the ink faintly showing through the thin parchment. I hold the paper up to the light, all the sentences soon became legible as the words finally flow with the other.

It reads-

'I offer you my greetings, though some news is in order. The dog had escaped once again, we are trying to track another lead- but we haven't been able to get one. Though a family member contacted me said they had some clues to where our dear canine might be, they offered to show us where. I would be too preoccupied to meet with them, but they will be in your area on the day of the twenty-first this week before the hand hits three in the noon. You will know who are looking for once you go to Three Swords' Cafe. You can't miss them. Hope all goes well.

Signed, Kane.'

"He's cryptic as ever," noted North, after reading it as well, "I can't decide either to be impressed or be laughing at his ability to make a cover seem so convincing."

I lower the letter from the light, still staring at the back of it, "Hopefully...the, 'informant', really does know something." I look up to the starry sky, a dozen other thoughts running in my head.

"...Maybe then, we can finally get some answers."

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