

Ever since HB 2469 passed, or the H-Bill as it was often called, Humiliation is the approved form of discipline. Laura, a high school teacher, breaks a rule and finds herself having to deal with ever increasing humiliation. She thought the humiliation of day one was bad, but day two adds a whole new set of challenges.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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44 Chs


Maria was the last to climax. She was playing with her pussy and nipples. She had watched each of the others climax and watched the girls as much as the boys. She would enjoy playing with the bodies of any one of the others. She licked her lips wondering how each of the others tasted. She had started drooling when she saw Thomas shoot off. And then there was Heather and her gushing! She wanted to just drink it all in. She reached into her own pussy coating her fingers with her wetness and brought her fingers to her mouth as she liked them clean. She did this over and over. Finally, it was too much, and she came. She gathered as much of the fluid leaking from her pussy into her cupped hands and brought them to her mouth as she licked them clean. She was quiet as she came and closed her eyes. She savored every moment and was lost in the flavor as she licked her hands clean.

Finally, the last bell of the day rang, and the remaining restraints clicked open. They were all free! An announcement came through the speakers: "All individuals under any level of sentence are to report to the front office as soon as possible."


Laura helped Thomas and Melanie walk toward the front office. Their legs were still very shaky after their orgasms. Jen, still topless, got between Maria and Heather and helped them. Mika came forward and helped Hector. On the way Albert and Tony joined the group. They were joined by three others. A girl that was wearing only panties and a wrist band that was half Red and half Green and white. Another blonde boy that was completely nude wearing a Yellow band. And another girl with large breasts wearing only a bra and wearing a half Green and half Red and White band.

She was shocked when she saw Mr. Ames, the history teacher naked and wearing a Blue and Yellow band walk up to the group headed to the front of the school. She had no idea another teacher had a sentence.

As soon as they reached the office all Thirteen were escorted to the front pickup line. Circle decals had been placed on the sidewalk in equal distances. Stools were placed on five of the circles. The five that had been standing in the courtyard were guided to the stools and the others were told to choose a location. As soon as everyone was in position. Mark Owens stepped forward and told the ones that were standing to place their hands on their heads and lock fingers. All of the sentenced where to place their feet at the edges of the circles. Once all had complied, he said, "This is how all sentenced individuals are to be for end of the day pickup. If you have been provided a stool, you are free to move your hands as you choose. Any individuals that do not have a stool, are to keep their hands on their heads. Any violations will result in additional discipline that may include extended sentence time or upgrade to a higher level. When a sentenced individuals' ride arrives, they may then break their position, gather their things, and get into their vehicle."

Each of the sentences had to stand or sit nude or seminude, completely exposed to all the parents and students as they were picked up from the school. As Laura stood there, completely exposed, she felt she was never going to understand how new forms of humiliation could be forced upon her and the others. Just as she thought it could not get any worse it did.

Laura looked over at the five seated students. Each was playing with themselves. After being stimulated all day long but prevented from climaxing had left them hyper horny. They wanted as many orgasms as they could get. Each was surrounded by friends or admirers.

Thomas had Jessie stroking his cock in front of everyone. She had been hot and bothered watching him on the video feed and now she was playing with his cock. She had a big smile on her face. When some pre-cum appeared on the end of this cock, she bent over and licked it off. Thomas was obviously surprised by the sensation of her tongue and his hips bucked forward causing the whole head to enter her lips. Technically that level of interaction was not allowed with a Yellow, but unless Thomas complained none of the administrators felt the need to stop it.

Jessie pulled her head back and with one hand continued to stroke his cock and with the other hand ran her fingers through the thick pubic hair and up to his flat stomach, then back down to his leg and around to his balls. This caused his hips to start bouncing. When his cock started to increase in size Jessie opened her mouth wide and soon Thomas was shooting another big load, but this time it was caught in Jessie's mouth. When Thomas was done Cuming, Jessie turned her head to show everyone that her mouth was full of Thomas's cum. She then closed her mouth and a moment later opened it to show everyone it was now empty. When she felt a small dribble running down from the corner of her mouth, she took a finger and gathered it on the tip of her finger. She then took her finger and inserted it as far as it would go into her mouth, closed her lips, and slowly pulled a clean finger out. There were several people clapping at the performance.

Someone had given Melanie a hot pink smooth Dildo that she was using with gusto. Several of her track friends were holding her shoulders so that she would not fall off the stool, a boy on one side and a girl on the other. She leaned back into their abdomens for support. As Laura looked closer, she realized that not only was the dildo hot pink it was glowing. It must have an LED surface that made it glow so bright. It was mesmerizing how it contrasted with her dark skin. Anyone that even glanced in her direction would see the bright light as it appeared and disappeared into her pussy repeatedly. As she was using the dildo to have repeated orgasms the one of the boy's hands had reached down and was playing with her nipples. Melanie had her eyes closed and her muscular legs were quivering with repeated orgasms.

Heather was also playing with herself with a dildo, but hers was a big Dark Blue one in the shape of a cock, balls included. She too was leaning back onto some friends that were supporting her. The dark blue clashed with the red hair on her pussy. It was as if the two girls had been given toys that would be most visible as they used them. The more Laura thought about it she thought that was exactly what they had done. Heather's legs were also quivering with repeated orgasms. After one particularly strong orgasm, her hands fell to her sides and the dildo slowly started sliding out. Before it could fall, A boy that was standing next to her grabbed it. He sniffed it and smiled. Fluid was dropping off the end and he ran a finger up the side of it, and then he licked his finger. His smile got bigger.