
The Search

"If he really is the King of this floor why does he have me going to see his lover?" Kage asked O.

"Haha, that old fox would never let you go anywhere near his lover but he knew we were following him so he sent you to die by our hands!! O laughed

"If you knew that why did you follow me anyways? Kage asked.

"To kill you of course!" O said with a creepy grin on his face.

"Isn't your task to blackmail the King?" Kage asked.

"Haha that might be S's goal but it was never mine," O said

[So his partner's name is S but while they may be partners they do not have the same goal] Kage thought to himself. [Maybe I can use this guy to figure out more about the King and even get a special quest]

"If your goal isn't to blackmail the King what is it then?" Kaen asked.

"I already told you, stupid girl, it's to kill," O rolled his eyes as he answered Kaen.

"What did you just call me NPC piece of shit?" Kaen asked with anger in her voice as she raised her hand to hit O.

"Calm down Kaen," Kage said as he thought [Kirito was right about her having major anger issues]

"Why should I after what he just called me!?" Kaen asked angrily.

"Will getting angry and yelling at him change anything?" Kage asked the angry girl.

"It will make feel better so hell yeah," Kaen answered.

"Looks like you have gotten yourself into quite the pickle here O," A raspy voice said behind Kage and Kaen while they were arguing.

They turned around to see a skinny man standing behind them with a dagger drawn.

"Took you long enough S," O said to his partner.


While Kage and Kaen were confronted by S, Kirito and Remington were in the town of Birutal looking around for any information they could find about Laughing Coffin.

"Have there been any strange deaths in this town recently?" Rem was asking a trio of players who were walking down the street.

"Of course there has we are dying in a video game," One of the players scoffed at Rem.

"That's not what I mean," Rem sighed.

"Oh so you mean that's not strange enough for you," another Player said.

"That's not what I meant," Rem tried to explain

"Then what do you mean by strange death then?" The first player asked in a mocking tone.

"Men with weird skulls killing people!" Rem exclaimed.

"So we need to look out for crazy cosplayers," The third friend laughed.

"Yes if you dont you could end up dead as well," Rem tried to warn them.

"Haha listen to this guy," The three men laughed at Rem

"Did you hear him we are going to get killed by crazy anime fans," The three guys kept laughing as they continued to mock Rem.

Rem couldn't figure out why these people were laughing at him when he was trying to warn them about something that could potentially get them killed. He was only trying to help them but they kept laughing as if they thought that he was crazy. Did they not understand or not believe him about them?

"Why are you laughing, this is a serious issue with people dying yet you two are laughing," Rem just couldn't understand these three.

"Ignore them, if they are not going to be any help then let them die," Kirito said as he walked up.

"What did you say to us brat?" one of the three men growled.

"Are you deaf as well as stupid?" Kirito asked the guy.

"Do you want to fight here you brat?" All three asked in unison.

"Sure why not," Kirito nonchalantly said.

Kirito sent a duel request to the first guy without saying another word. This stunned the guy as he didn't think that the young boy in front of him would send a duel knowing that he would feel all the pain of being slashed and stabbed by his sword.

"Heh, you sure you want to do this kid?" The guy asked nervously

"I have nothing to lose anyway plus it will be good practice for when I meet the people we are looking for," Kirito said to the guy.

"Ha so you think getting beat by me will be good practice because there is no way a brat like you could ever beat a level 7 like me in a duel," The guy bragged.

"Are you going to accept the fight or just keep stalling?" Kirito asked

"You asked for this brat!" The guy said angrily as he accepted the challenge.

Kirito calmly drew his sword and pointed it at the guy, waiting for the countdown to finish,






As soon as the count down finished both Kirtio and the guy rushed at each other.

"Kick his ass Klye," One of the guys yelled.

Kirito swung his blade at Klye who dodged and rushed closer to Kirito with his dagger drawn. He lunged at Kirito and managed to slice Kiritos cheek. Kirito let swung his fist and hit Klye in the nose which sent Klye reeling backward in pain. Kirito didn't let this chance go by and quickly slashed his sword at Klye but to his surprise, Klye managed to bring his dagger down to block the swing. The impact sent Klye flying into a wall of a nearby store. Klye rolled out of the way as Kirito brought down his sword right where Klye was a moment ago.

Klye then put flipped his dagger in a reverse grip and stabbed at Kiritos back. Kirito managed to dodge and give a swift kick to Klye. Klye then got up and was about to rush at Kirito again when suddenly he heard the system announce the duel was over

{Winner Kirito}

"What do you mean he is the winner, I clearly stabbed him more time," Klye protested.

"While yes you did hit me more times with your dagger, blades aren't the only way to harm others," Kirito said to the Klye.

"How else do yo-," Klye was saying when he realized that Kirito had punched and kicked him as well as throw him into a wall.

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