
Last Man Standing: The Pilot

Just a pilot of my newest book I'm working on, check for release updates.

DeQuan_Wren · Action
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4 Chs

Chapter Two: Escape Artist…

I followed Hill down into the lab, to a far corner where a deranged looking man in a lab coated tinkered with a metal hand.

"Hey, Trevis, we got fresh meat in, and be gentle, you hurt him, I hurt you!"

As Laura walked by, she kissed me on the cheek, leaving me alone with the doctor. He stared at me long and hard, inspecting my body.

"So, you're the escape artist the captain spoked of. To think you did it all with only a smoke gun! Let's get you some metal!!!"

Next thing I knew I was strapped to a table with all sorts of needles and tools hanging above me, as Dr. Trevis stared at me with a sadistic smirk across his lips. He laughed, softly at first then louder, until he was hysterical! He stopped abruptly and looked me dead in the eyes.

"I'm gonna take real good care of you!!!"

His creepy chuckling was the last thing I heard before I finally awoke. When I did, Laura and Kendall stood by me, observing the doctors work. I lifted my own hands, and saw they were both completely metal! As I moved my new hands, I noticed they felt just like, no, stronger than my real hands. Kendell stared at Dr. Trevis.

"What all did you do to him?"

"Jets on his back, and a tool or gun for each of his ten fingers. all meant for an escape artist! And there's other tools on these hands too!"

Laura smirked.

"Nice! Pretty unique! Alright we gotta get some weight on you, Reggie!"

Kendall frowned.

"Don't forget his training, me and Dominick have our own mission to complete. Don't take it easy on him, got it Laura?!"

"Yeah yeah, I got it! Let's go handsome! I'll whip you up a meal before we start out!"

Kendall nodded at me before he left. Dominick waited by the steps leading to the car on the upper deck. As they left, Laura grabbed my hand, leading me to a wall. As she laid her hand on the wall, two hidden doors slid to the slide, revealing beautiful, carpeted, well-lit hallway. We went all the way to the end to a lush, open kitchen and bar. I was amazed at the scenery. Classic paintings lined the walls, and a dimmed lit chandelier glowed in the center of the room, across the beautifully set tables. The room look ready for a dinner ball! She sat me at the bar stool closest to the grill and went behind to prep her ingredients.

"Hey, Laura, um, thank you for saving me back there. I appreciate it really!"

Laura smiled.

"No problem, but it was all the boss's plan, you'll have to thank him when he gets back! Which is why we gotta train you fast! If you aren't strong enough, you won't make the cut!"

I was starting to understand.

"So, a certain amount of talent in combat is a requirement?"

"We're in a dangerous line of work. You need to be able to handle yourself if it comes down to it!"

I watched her cook wildly on the grill, and although I couldn't see her ingredients, I could smell a mouthwatering buttery piece of salmon grilling, bacon, and some sort of vegetables cooking as well. My stomach growled impatiently. Laura giggled as she handed me my plate.

"Eat up, you're going to need the energy!"

The meal was beautiful! Perfectly grilled salmon, swimming in butter, as the lightly salted rice soaked it all up! And the best part, bacon wrapped asparagus! It was a meal fit for, well, someone much better off than me. I scarfed it down almost as soon as the plate touched the counter. Laura laughed as she made another plate.

"Looks like someone's got quite the appetite!"

I ate plate after plate, until I was full to the brim. I slowly passed out, tired after eating, and when I awoke, I was outside looking up at Laura. She looked down at me sternly.

"On your feet! Starting now you have a ten second head start! Don't let me catch you!!!"

I was up in a flash! Damnit, I shouldn't have fell asleep! I gotta try the jets! I could feel them power up, and I suddenly blasted off! I flew awkwardly as I tried to adjust myself to the speed I was going. I turned to see Laura airborne as well, hawking me down! Her jets were in her legs, which were both totally metal.

I finally stabilized in the air and sped up as I tried to figure out my new fingers. On my left hand, it looked like a flame thrower on my palm, but the fingers I don't recognize, and on my right hand, hmmm. He moved my smoke gun to my pinky, replacing my index with a gun barrel. This should do for now!

I flipped around, looking backwards as I flew and took aim!


I was shocked at how quiet the gun was! As Laura lost speed dodging, I used my flame thrower hand to gain a bit more speed, gradually losing her, and giving, me time to learn more about my new hands. My right hand had a LED light in the palm, a grappling hook in my ring finger, a laser in my thumb, and a second gun barrel in my middle finger.


She hit me out of nowhere! I just knew my nose was broken on impact! And the pain was blistering! As I flew towards the ground, I used my grappling hook to swing up into a tree. I saw Laura land on the ground beneath me, looking around. I breathed in heavily and blood streamed from my fractured nose when suddenly, I smelled gasoline!!! Looked at my left hand to see them dripping with the ancient fluid! So that's what the flame thrower is for! Just as she seen me, she was in the air, leaping all the way up to me. But I was making my move as well! I splashed my branch and tree with gas as I purposely fell out of the tree, acting like I was afraid. And just before I hit the ground, I took flight, leaving the tree ablaze as she headed right towards it! I rushed to try and get away, sweat trickling down my back!

Zip! Zip!

Her bullets whispered in my ears as they passed. She's toying with me! I slowed, flipping around, and putting my light right in her face!


Yes!!! I think I bought some time! I flew low to the ground, filling the whole area with smoke as I went! I figure it's not smart to run before hiding my location. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Nice try, but you're already caught!!!"

I was on the ground before I knew it, tied in whatever wrestling hold this was!


I screamed out in pain, and Laura slowly let go. She held her hand out helping me to my feet. My smoke slowly cleared. Laura smiled!

"I see why the boss was so interested in you! Had you had any real speed or strength, I may not have caught you! Good job!"

"Ugh, I thought the objective was to not get caught?! Man, your fast, are you even human?!"

Laura laughed.

"You see we only have a month to prepare when we join. The reason is because of our military grade technology! Come on, let me show you phase two of your prep!"

I gathered myself and followed as my mind floated, wondering what was to come. Knowing how secretive the government was these days, it could be anything…

--back in the lab…

"Here sit."

We were back in Trevis's corner, waiting for Trevis to prepare, "it", as Laura called it. Suddenly I heard Trevis's deep, bellowing, creepy laugh rises from his belly, as he turned with a needle in his hand.

"I give you; one does of the liquid magic itself, Chemical BRDC 3.6!!!"

Before I could ask the many questions I had, he shoved the needle into my arm and injected me, laughing manically the whole time! Pain filled my arm, and a warm feeling took over my body. I could feel my muscles growing, growing stronger. I could feel my parts of my brain I didn't use awaking, and I felt an indescribable power growing inside me. That when Laura began to explain.

"You see this chemical unlocks your latent animalistic instinct, as well as the full function of your brain. You didn't realize it, but I put a highly absorbent powder in your food to make your body strong enough to take to this abrupt change. This will give you speed, strength and stamina that seem inhuman."

I get it! They developed something to give us back the strength that civility stole from us! That's genius!!! But for her age…

"You seem to be extremely skilled in some sort of martial arts, but something tells me you don't have the time to study it, is this also artificial results?!"

"You really are smart! That's next! Come."

We walked over to the wall opposite of Trevis's station, to a blank spot in the wall in between all of the computer screen lining the walls. Laura pressed her hand against the wall and door popped back a few inches and slid to the side, revealing a room with a single chair, and a helmet hanging from wires. Laura pointed to the chair.

"Go ahead!"

I went and sat down and put the helmet on. I heard Laura murmuring and rummaging.

"A ha!!!"

Apparently, she found what she was looking for. Suddenly, I was in a boxing ring. What in the hell is this?! My body was moving on its own as I moved around the ring, masterfully evading my opponent, making him look silly. Fight after fight I won, rising up the ranks, becoming champion over and over, and in the end, I stood at fifty wins, and fifty fights, using my quick hands and incredible defense to make every night look easy! My mind spun and my body hurt, and I ripped the helmet off. I felt exhausted, panting for air!

"What, what just happened?!"

"Floyd "Money" Mayweather. That's what they called him. In his time, he was considered the greatest, most skilled boxer of all time! I downloaded his fights directly into your brain, putting you in his shoes, giving you his thoughts, and teaching you, his moves. Anything he could do, you can now and more. Humans were still primitive back then; they didn't have a chemical like the one you just took!"

No wonder I felt it all.

"So, this machine tricked my brain into living as another man and learning his art… you guys truly have a lot of impressive equipment!"

"Like I said, we only have a month to prepare you! And we intend to help you as best we can! But remember, this is only phase two. Phase three of your prep requires a bit more effort you know!"

Her face was serious as a heart attack. I took a deep breath.

"Bring it, I've come this far, let's do this!!!"

"Not so fast!"

They both turned. Kunta waltzed into the room looking impressed. He smiled and spoke.

"Reggie, I want to introduce you to the city! I know you're a long way from home, and it's essential to be comfortable in your own work environment."

Me and Laura looked at each other and I got up and followed him out of the room. Things just seem to get more interesting by the second…