

Year 20XX, as the lives of humans and technologies continue to progress at a steady pace. The amount of lawlessness and violence began to rise in proportion to newfound use of criminal strategies. Crime rate steadily rises as prison cells overfill like worms crawling on top of a rotten apple. Officers of the law work hard day and night to seize these horrendous tumors of society.

But so what of it?

Day after day passes.

Months pass by months.

Years followed by years.

The amount of people being captured didn't decrease, but the amount of space for their storage did. Slowly, gradually, those cells fill to the brim akin to a cup overflowing with dirty water.

What a big problem. Prisoners are human, they need to eat, bath, and sleep. But who is providing for them? Of course, it's them.

Them. They, who look downwards at society as their chin points straight up toward heavens. Even if what they provide is only a droplet of water from their reservoir. But it is still a droplet of their own. How dare these mongrels suck away at their blood and tears this way without cause!

Ah, what a problem. Who can help them dig at the roots of this infection? Who can save them from this pain?

"I know." Someone said, " Let's create a sanctuary."

A place for all criminals to go to.

A place where they can redeem themselves.

A place where we can discard our worries.

The perfect cure for this terrible virus.

That's why. At a place very far away, let's build an island. On that island, let's build a city. For that city, let's give it a name.

We'll call it, " Last Lament."

I do not know how this will turn out.

Relinquishbluecreators' thoughts
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