
Last Hierarchy

How far are you willing to go? For the life you desire, can you think of doing something others dare not think? Though, that's not even the hardest part... But when you cut off all retreats leaving you nowhere to return, falling without knowing when you would hit bottom, the constant fear and every ray of hope leads to an outcome of unended nightmare. We die. We mortals... Die... But this constant reminder keeps us Alive!

Obsessed_Obsidian · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 Minor Mis

Same day, same routine. Day in and day out, but things were starting to change now. Towards a better life, maybe. But change takes time, even fossils take years to turn into a valuable resource.

I could only read at night as I still had a job to do. The people who hurt me have almost forgotten about me. I have enough money to live off the grid, with no social contact except the pub. Just a few more days and it will be enough.

I was reporting to the manager about today's deliveries, the last task to complete once the job was done. Just then, Ryosku came over to me. "Hey, Stan, what's your plan for the day? You're free, right?" 

"I have some..." 

"Yeah, so you're basically free for the day. Let's go to the pub in my 'Rody'."

Linking my arm, he started pulling me towards his vehicle, which he dubbed as 'Rody'. 

"Ah, never mind, let's go. And until when are you going to pull my arm?"

"Shit, I didn't think about that. You're right." With that, he pulled his arm apart and commanded me to walk faster. "Do you want the light to be gone fully? We don't have time until midnight."

(1st person)

I offered to drive his 'Rody' for him. I don't want him to die early, and I'm more emotionally stable than him. He hesitated a little, but I took over. "Do you want to know the actual name of these vehicles?" said Ryosku. "These vehicles are called Dathers, apparently a short name for 'death riders.' We are the riding to our death, working for Lucifer, draining our energies, our life out. For what? Deliveries. We deliver things of no importance to people's homes. Things they can live without. Luxuries."

"But don't you think there are times when we save people's lives too? Delivering items of importance, like medicines they might need."

"Ah, Stan, how are you the one saying it? How do you have the heart to be the positive one among us all?"

We parked 'Rody' in a designated area near the square. The square was bustling more than usual. "Is there something going on?" I asked.

"Yes, a caravan has come into town!" said Ryosku, all excited. My puzzled face was so evident that he started explaining what this meant without making fun of me. "A caravan is basically a group of people traveling from one place to another, performing acts and entertaining the locals with new and old tricks learned from all over the world."

"So, a circus?"

"No, a circus is just a bunch of normal people with different looks trying to make us laugh, but a caravan has people with tricks and performances that use much. The performances leave people stunned and thrilled. It's not something we can understand. They don't have an origin. No one knows where they came from, but just that they are wanderers who don't stay anywhere for long, and it's advised to never mess with them."

"If they have so much power and the said things have actually happened, why are they allowed to wander freely inside?"

"Well, from what I know from my previous days, the king gets help from them to gather items from all over the world. Every kingdom does so. They exchange the things they need with whatever requirements the caravan people keep in front of them. No one knows what the king takes. So, the travel inside the kingdom is just a bonus. They have the permit, the authority."

"What if someone wishes to join them?" I questioned.

"Haha, it's not that easy. They have some requirements that apparently most people can't fulfill. Well, that's that. I don't know the requirements, though. Look, we have arrived at the pub."

We entered, and what we found wasn't what we wanted to see. The crowd was gathered and circling two people. A young noble from the house of Tivian had a member of the caravan by the collar. The person from the caravan was wearing clothes from another era: a black shirt, brown leather jacket, and a long skirt. Shining brilliantly with skin that was practically glowing, and there was a woman standing beside him, belonging to the caravan too. Her skin was dusky-colored, dressed in a flowy emerald green dress and had loads of gold jewelry on.

The young noble was Trinian, or "Trivial," a nickname given by people to the useless young master. The man was basically known for causing trouble over things that didn't matter, breathing loudly, walking slowly, too old, too young, too much handsome... This time was the same.

Discussing people on the sides, "That Trivial of the master up with that girl from the caravan over there. Then he started shouting the usual, like 'How dare you? Don't you know who I am? I will get you hanged.' Blah, blah. Then suddenly, he stopped and looked up, got mesmerized by her beauty, and changed his lines to 'I will overlook this if you spend a night with me.' Hearing this, the man from the caravan came forward and punched him. There was blood all over his shirt, man."

"That escalated to this. Now, that dumbass of a master is on the verge of getting beaten. Degrading," says another man.

"Well, isn't that why he is named 'Trivial Idiot Master of the Tivian Household,' the most useless member of the family?" said someone.

As we were engrossed in the conversation between the people, the male from the caravan had landed another blow on the face of the noble, leaving him on the ground, unable to say anything for the upcoming week. Everyone was laughing by then.

Stan walked forward, limping. The man, wary of him, made a fist again to punch him too, thinking he was a servant of the young noble trying to get revenge. Stan raised his hands and covered his face in an attempt to show that he wasn't with him. "I am not with him. You need to leave this place now before the guards come. They won't listen to your side and will directly arrest you. Your position won't help you either. Hurry, come." Waving his hand to follow him, both of them followed Stan. He took them out through the back door and gave directions on how to return to their camp. Both of them looked at Stan with suspicion, which Stan understood. Anyone in their right mind would be when in their shoes. Nevertheless, they decided to trust him and went their way, not uttering a single word throughout their time at the pub.

He watched over them until they were no longer in sight and returned to the pub. There, Ryosku, waiting for him, asked, "Where did you go? You vanished in a second."

He whispered back, "Yeah, I was showing the two people from the caravan back door a moment before the guards came."

"Stan, why did you get involved? You know the consequences for such actions, right?"

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I maintained my distance when approaching them. Now, let's go get a beer. You were gonna treat me, right?"

"Okay, let's go. Don't be so careless," said Ryosku. "Life matters. Remember that."

They took a seat at a round table and started chatting until the night. Ryosku was a handsome man, with long ponytail and muscular. Good-looking as well as taller than any average joe, with red and blond hair. People like Ryosku were hard to find, both in terms of physical appearance and good-natured nature, no matter what world we live in or the era. 

The total opposite of myself, thought Stan over his caring words.

But who would have thought a silly mistake by this handsome man would get both of them in trouble.