
Catch the thief!

POV Vesuvius:

The dragon flew across the sky, leaving behind a thick trail of smoke, the tall black tower before him was quickly getting closer. He braced with his wings, and in one quick swoop, his body landed on the tower's roof, the whole tower shaking under him.

His body suddenly froze as he inhaled a whiff of air. It was a very weak and faint odour, but it couldn't escape the dragon's keen senses.

He immediately narrowed his eyes, scanning his surroundings, 'Something is in the air... Someone was here. Someone that I don't know. It is so weak that they likely tried to erase their smell. Yet it still feels fresh.'

Both of his hearts immediately flared in quiet but intense anger as he knew the only type of beings that were stupid enough to sneak into a dragon nest.

'A thief, someone wanted to rob me.'

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