1 this is our world

note: i'm really sorry because i really have a bad english so i think u will find a many wrong world , i will do my better to give u better experience in the future

hope u enjoy it

Chapter 1

There 10 years ago

Anas: 9 years old

Kamal: 10 years

Malek: 18 years old

More than 10 billion people

9.5 billion live below the poverty line

More than 50 million suicides every year

This is how people's lives have become in this time

Anas: hi look at that gathering, what is there!

Kamal: (And they are going towards the gathering) Certainly another person committed suicide.

Kamal: Hi, you don't feel terrified

Anas: Of course, seeing people die has become a daily habit

This is the tenth person who committed suicide today

Kamal: Suicide has increased, but I do not blame them. Death may be easier than living in these circumstances

Anas: You are wrong. We should not lose hope

Permanency is impossible, with patience we will become stronger

(This is how people's lives has become, bodies without souls, waiting for their death, their only dream is to find food for their day)

Kamal: Look, Anas, do you know why there are tall and huge buildings in the city center, despite the fact that the rest of the houses are small and low

Anes: Yes, I know, these are the homes of people who have money and power

The people say that they build tall houses so that the poor cannot steal them

And also some personne say that this homes contains more than 100 highly trained soldiers, and it is also said that they work with the World Alliance

Kamal: It is also said that they sometimes go down to wander around the city. If you see them, you have to kneel to them and not hurt them because they will kill you if you do that.

They are racists

Anas: Anyway, I brought a terbola with me to catch a pigeon, which will be my daily food haha

Kamal: You are really a skilled

I know this haha

(Bells ringing)

Anas: What is this Kamal?

Kamal: quickly anas kneel down the heads of the tower !! Presidents are coming !!!!!!!!!

(Kamal and Jamal and all people also kneel)

(The heads begin to pass while they ride over a man (the man walks like a dog) and everyone is kneeling)

Lance: What are they doing? They have no humanity!

Do they really consider themselves the protectors of the world?

The dreaded alliance

Kamal: Do not move or you will be in trouble

A man: Sir, please give me some money. I have a wife and 4 daughters. I have no money

Al-Sayed: (Shoots him in the leg and says) Why don't you go to work, you fucker?

Man: But we were forbidden to work

Al-Sayed: Oh, really, I forgot, but you wante to raise money and become richer than me. I will not allow this

Mr.: I will give you money if you licking the ground

Master: Well (starts with licking the ground)

Master: you lick the ground for some money !!

die (call it shot)

Anas: (explodes in anger and gets up from his place and hits the master with a stone) Oh damn !!!!!

Mr. (turns to people and says) Die, you barren child

Meanwhile, a smoke bomb explodes and everyone starts coughing

After the smoke disappears, Anas and Kamal disappear with him

Mr.: Damn it, damn it, bring me this child, alive or dead

Make him a wanted person around the world

in another place

Malek: Hui, I saved you. Lance almost died

Anas: (and he's crying) Damn he saw your face

I know we are now a wanted family

(Sound of a bullet)

(Malik falls to the ground)

Anas: No, my brother, Malik

Kamal: No, Malik doesn't

Malek: Forget, I will cover for you. Listen to me well. Take this sword. We inherited it from father to grandfather, and go to the coast. You will find there a ship. Take it and go to Noza Island.

Anas: (and he is crying) And what about you, your money! I don't want to be alone

Malik (while he is crying) Forget, please go and end this regimen

Failed coalition system please forget

Anas: No, I will not take him ..

Kamal (strikes a man on his head and says) Do not worry, Malik. I will save him and we will destroy the coalition, I promise you

Malek: Thank you, Kamal, take care of people

(Kamal, while carrying a lance and a sword, is heading to the ship, crying)

(He gets on the ship, starts rowing and sails

(Coalition Forces arrive at Malik's location)

Coalition man: How dare you help that brat You will be punished now

(He puts the pistol on his head and prepares to fire)

(Malik takes a bomb from his pocket and throws it so it does not explode)

At the same moment Kamal is blowing while shedding tears)

At the same moment, a meteor falls on the surface of the sea, and everything disappeared into the light

After the fall of that meteor, the waters of the seas and oceans disappeared, and we heard a voice saying

I have given you strength

I saved you from your troubles

Try to change the world

Don't let our sacrifice go to waste

This weapon! It is great!

Whoever possesses it will rule the world for years

End of first chapter
