

Pete had been fully recovered from the snakebite he suffered after his first

attempt to escape from the land of gold with his sister Jenny. Ten complete

years had passed since that incident, and both of them had spent a total of

twenty-one years within those old walls with painting of golden creatures

that protected the land of gold from anyone entering or escaping out of the

land. Jenny had grown to be a very pretty woman. She had found some

writing materials in late Uncle Paul's golden drawers, which she had

converted into a dairy for recording her experiences in the land of gold. While Jenny engaged in her writings daily, Pete had used most of his time to

collect golden metallic objects, which he had spent some time converting

each and every piece he found into weapons for war. Pete had developed a

skillful personality in fabricating weapons of war; he would finish each day's

work and collect all his completed weapons in one place. Pete had more or

else dedicated his personal room back in Uncle Paul's chamber, a storage

warehouse for all his hand crafted weapons. Pete had become more or less a blacksmith. He would collect gold objects, heat them up to very high temperature then hit them hard to form the kind of

weapon he desired. On one occasion, Jenny had walked up to him while he

was busy at his weaponry factory and said, "Pete why are you wasting your

precious time making all these weapons?

"This is no wasting of time Jenny, it's for our good. We have to leave this

land. I cannot spend the rest of my life in this place," Pete replied. "I guess this time you would have to go out there alone, because I don't want

to die," Jenny replied. "We had made these attempts to escape several times

and in all we never succeeded, coupled with the fact you were bitten by a

snake the last time. I am not coming with you this time, you are alone. Jenny

turned and walked away, A couple of mouths had passed. Pete had made and collected so many

weapons crafted with hand. Meanwhile, the gods had been paying good attention at the recent

development within the land of gold. They had observed the three children

from the Tolen's family right from the very first time they ventured into the

land of gold using their guards called the 'invisible watchers' and this had 

been possible because of the guards are angelic in their nature as they

hovered and followed Pete and jenny everywhere around the land of gold

they entered. They would return periodically to make their reports on their

findings on Pete and jenny to the gods of the land. It had come to the knowledge of the gods that, Pete and jenny had planned an

escape out of the land and they had been informed of Pete's weaponry

factory and how he had gathered so many weapons to fight the creatures at

the gates. The gods had decided to call for a meeting regarding these findings

about Pete and Jenny's plan to escape. The leader of the gods said in his address to the others: "look, my loyal

devotees, those two intruders must not be allowed to leave this place to go

outside and become rich with our gold. Now my devote followers "the

invisible", we must do everything to stop those two," the leaders of the gods

said to the invisible guards. "Now all you invisible, my prized guards in the

land of gold, I want you to go to every nook and cranny of this land and touch

every statue and painting in this land. I want them all to come alive; the

leader of the gods instructed his subordinates. We will use all our creatures to

scare those two from trying to escape out of the land. More so, they have both

come to know too much secrets about the land of gold. We must not let them

escape outside those walls," the leader of the gods cried out loudly. The invisible guards went all round touching every statue and painting in the

land in order to bring them to life, as the leader of gods had instructed them. Pete and Jenny had armed themselves fully ready to confront all the creatures

that had terrorized them both, killed their brother Charley on the very day

they entered into the land of gold. Pete had reassured Jenny, that if they

succeed in killing all the dangerous creatures an the gates area outside the

land of gold, he would return through the bridge to the walls on the other side

so he could touch Charley's statue and bring him back to life and three of

them could return home together. Jenny and Pete had resorted to praying

before they embarked on their journey out of the land of gold a second time. Pete leading the process of the prayer session, praying and saying, "Father, the God that is rich in everything, powerful, we crave your indulgence in

giving us the wisdom in knowing how to fight the war against these creatures. We plead with you to lead us on, guiding us through till we escape from this

place. Remove all fear and discouragement from our spirit of these evil

creatures which are bent on killing us. Give us the wisdom to fight them 

fearlessly and to conquer all of them to the glory of your most powerful son's

name Jesus, Amen."

"Let's go now Jenny, we are going to make our journey easier, faster and

shorter by using those teleporting machines. They would facilitate in

reaching the gate entrance into the land of gold. As they arrived at the

entrance to the valley of the twin waterfalls, where Pete had caught sight of

those creatures; they had been waiting for them all along. Jenny, do not move, Pete said; I will take on these creatures one after another by surprise, give me

my automated golden laser machine gun. Jenny I designed a kind of

binocular on this one, it would help me focus precisely on their heads from

any distance. Thus, I could kill each and every one without them knowing

who is killing them. "I read in a manual I had found in late Uncle Pauli's library, those gold

bullets were the only weapon that could kill each creature found in the Land

of Gold. Do not be afraid of the snakes anymore Jenny, just use that golden

gun I showed you, the one that brings out fire and remember all what I have

taught you O.k?" Pete concluded. "I am not afraid of them this time, Pete, and I will ensure to watch your back;

this is our only hope of escaping outside this land." They started the war. Pete took each creature with a prize-winning shot from

his weapons, using thousands of the golden bullets he crafted, he and his

sister Jenny kept advancing forward fearlessly. Jenny likewise had focused

more on the snakes and crawly, creepy creatures killing them with so much

ease and flexibility of a skilled veteran warrior empress. The creatures kept

multiplying in their multitudes, but Pete and Jenny would send back to the

floor as they materialized, they had also observed that each golden creature

killed changed to their real fleshy form and colour. Then after a few minutes, the dead creature would gradually decompose and

then disappear, it was very much a sight worth beholding and for Pete and

Jenny; all they could do was wonder. They battled and battled until the creatures being replaced for the dead ones, by the gods of the land, started increasing in size. Their sizes were gigantic

and their appearance was far more terrorizing than the previous ones they

had killed. And also they would yell and roar so loud, that their sound energy

will cause a dreadful vibration within the walls of the golden chamber

reverberating through out its space with loud echoes as they approached

where Pete and Jenny hid themselves 

"Straight toward us, see Pete, more snakes are approaching behind those

giants creatures and they are huge too," Jenny cried out loud. "Do we still

have enough golden bullets?" Jenny asked. "Jenny, don't worry we have enough bullet to go round, and have the right

weapon for tries saint and their look alike snakes. I had studies in those

manual, I found in late Uncles Pauli's library of books, the secret weapons

for each type of creature that exists in the land of gold," Pete added. "This

time I am confident we would win the battle, Jenny." Then he brought out one of his most powerful hand crafted weapons. It had

the ability to function as a fire sprayer and a golden bullet machine gun. In

addition, he had golden bazooka that could fire and release large golden

bullets directly at its target. The war now started in earnest. Pete and Jenny fought very hard advancing

forward as they killed the approaching creatures; as usual Jenny would face

the serpents and Pete the giants. The fight had continued until they had all

lost track of time or the multitudes of the creatures they had successfully

killed so far. They had golden bullets and weapons on the conquered

creatures. They had finally reached the last entrance that led to the black

arrow indicator that they had earlier followed into the golden chambers at the

beginning of their journey twenty one years ago when they first entered the

land. As Pete and Jenny approached the veranda with the staircase or steps

they had sat, while Jenny cried after the death of Charley, quietly and

consciously a snake crawled towards her leg and gave her a bite. Jenny

screamed, crying to Pete that she had been bitten by a snake.