

* Rumbling Sound *

'Professor of the Mystic' Gord was known as one of the most well-learnt Mages in the Land of Dawn. Born in a Magic World, Gord had several Mystic Emblems emblazoned into his Consciousness that had made him a reddish-blue. Gord was a muscular man, half-red and half-blue, with tousled teal hair. Perhaps Gord would have looked attractive had he not had the horrible fashion of dressing in nothing but a metal Speedo almost all the time. Nonetheless, Gord was amongst one of the best Mages in the Land of Dawn, and despite his strange fashion sense, he was one of the best Professors at the Magic Academy.

It was a Blood Moon, the Night at which the Laws of Space was at it's Nadir, and Gord was making use of this Phenomenon to comprehend the Laws of Space. Gord was about to finish up and go to bed when he felt an enormous Magic Wave that almost swept him off his Surfboard. Gord was perhaps the Hero that was most sensitive to Magic, as he himself was made of Magic. The Magic Academy begin to tremble, and Gord got himself back onto his feet, his expression shaken.


That Magic Wave was so intense that Gord knew of but one Being that could pull it off by himself.

No... Itself.

The Lord, Ruler of the Creeps.

That wasn't to say that there was no other suspect.

Gord himself might have been able to achieve it with the help of several other Mage Heroes from the side. However, there was no motive for multiple Mage Heroes to work together to adjust the Laws of Space. However, the Lord did have a motive - to bring his Legion of Creeps to conquer another World.

Gord looked out of his Laboratory, and above the Magic Academy was a vast Space Storm, one of never-before-seen proportions. It was so massive that it seemed to be the Heavens itself, blotting out the Sun and Moon that circled the Land of Dawn. Even as Gord, a powerful Mage, looked into the Chaos of Space itself, he felt shivers run down his spine.

The Space Storm began to descend, as it swallowed up the Celestial Palace that hung in the Heavens first, before beginning to make it's way down. Yet, the Space Storm was soundless. It gobbled everything in an instant, and not even Light could escape. Seconds passed before the Space Storm began to devour the Towers of the Magic Academy.

"No!" Gord shouted.

Gord shot several of his own Space Spells into the Space Storm, but it couldn't do anything, like a few drops of water attempting to drown the Seven Seas. The Space Storm came upon Gord and for once, Gord felt powerless.

Gord felt the Land of Dawn disappear under his feet, and he felt the Space Storm blot out his Five Senses. Gord could not see even Darkness, could not feel even Nothingness, could not hear even Quietness, could not taste even the Tasteless, could not smell even the Odorless.

Gord felt as if he was in that Space Storm forever, but it seemed to be a split-second.

Nevertheless, Gord heard a Being talk.

"Sir...? I'm sorry, but you aren't allowed to sleep -"

Gord began to breathe. It wasn't as fresh as the air in the Land of Dawn, but it was air nonetheless. Gord sat up, rubbing his eyes as his vision began to focus, and he saw that the Being talking was a Human.

"Sir, I'm afraid that you have to move somewhere else, or -"

What was the Human saying? Gord looked around as he took deep breaths. It was Nighttime, and he could see the Moon in the Heavens above. Was Chang E, the Moon Immortal, in this Realm as well?

"D'you have an address? I can send you back home - would you like that?" The Human spoke. Gord began to examine the Human. The Human was dressed well, and was maybe in his twenties? Gord had not spent much time outside of the Magic Academy, but he had known several non-Hero Humans before.

Gord waved his hand to the Human, as he stood up and began to walk. It didn't matter which direction he went in, after all, he had no idea where anything was.

Gord began to think. It seemed that this Realm was somewhat similar to the Land of Dawn. There were Humans, for one, so it didn't seem too hard to imagine Elves, Demons, Angels and so on being in this Realm as well. Gord didn't know whether the other Heroes had made it to this Realm as well and whether this Realm was indeed the Realm that the Lord of the Creeps wanted to invade.

Gord began to hear loud noises and his guard went up. While that Human had been pretty friendly, there was no guarantee that others might be as well. Gord began to move slowly, with extreme caution to... the main road.

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