
o n e | Lesley

"Lesley, you are one brave girl. J-just l-like your father, you h-have served us well and have been a dear sister to our H-Harley. P-Please... I beg you.... Please find him and take care of him. P-promise m-me t-that... Okay?"

Those were the last words of Mrs. Vance before she was passed away in my arms just outside the Vance Mansion.

Tears were streaking my eyes that time and I was gripping my father's long black rifle with the noble house in flames as Mr. Vance tried to push the assailants away.

The assailants who murdered Mr and Mrs. Vance were from the same gang who killed my father when I was younger. When my father was killed in that house, I was only about eight. I held his rifle and shot every single assassin while tears were rolling down my cheeks. The Vance family then adopted me and I became Harley's mentor and sister.

Earlier that night before the assassins attacked the Vance household, Harley was reported missing in the school he was attending (The Lion Academy in the Magical City) and is nowhere to be found. Filled with worry, Harley's parents every single guard they have to search for their son which left the noble house defenseless and the perfect time for the assassins to attack that resulted in their death.

I, of course, managed to shoot and kill every assassin in the house but I was not able to secure the riches those thugs were after. I was still in shock and in tears that I was surprised I was able to shoot them with much accuracy and precision that landed on the vital areas of their body which can be considered as critical attacks.

I immediately packed what I will need to find my little step-brother, Harley and hope for the best that the only family I have left isn't dead too.

I gave my two step-parents a quick burial and immediately set forth for Magical City. Hopeful that they know the whereabouts of Harley.

The journey towards the Magical City was a bit tiring.

(Not to mention, boring)

I had to get through the woods and random villages because all I had was a map and a malfunctioning compass is no help.

On the fifth village, it was already dusk, I decided to stop by to exchange these gems for some food, drink, and clothing. It was a particularly big village with bustling streets and fancy lamps. Street vendors are shouting everywhere, kids are squealing with distant chatters, the warm glow of the lamps giving my rifle a little shine. Despite everything that had happened yesterday, the witness of the murder of the only parents I have left, I am able to breathe a little more calmly.

I approached a nearby food stall who's owner must be the elder woman who smiled when I approached, "Hello, young woman. Would you like some apples?"

I smiled in return. "Yes please, how much for a ruby?"

I gave her the ruby stone in my pouch and her eyes widened.

It took her a moment to respond. "This... This ruby... I have never seen anything like it. Is this from the Vance Merchants?"

This time, it was me who wasn't able to reply. I swallowed the dry lump at the back of my throat. "Y-yes."

The elder woman stared at the Ruby more with keen fascination in her squinting and bleary eyes. She was about to reply when suddenly I heard a shriek.

It all happened so fast, the Ruby was stolen by a small monkey dressed in what seems like a polo who landed on a guy who flashed a smirk at my direction. It was a brief moment but with the way this grand village is lit up, I am able to see his features clearly.

He had auburn hair styled in a messy and flowy way, chiselled nose, plump lips and determined eyes with the left one having a blue scar. He wore a body-tight coat that had widely opened sleeves with a red scarf wrapped around it. He wore blue-tights with pockets and blue-violet pants. His right arm is a sort of gun attached to his body. The little monkey with him is also dressed like him.

For awhile there, he gave me a mischievous wink.

But those cunning looks don't deceive me.

I sprung into action as he teleported, a bizarre thing I have witnessed, from the roof to roof by sort of projecting a blue-hologram of the monkey and exchanging positions with it.

He glanced at my direction and I tried aiming at my rifle and tried to camouflage my body to gain some speed. But he was too fast and when I rounded up a dark corner, I lost track of him.

I sighed and put down my rifle and waved my red-violet hair to the side. My feet were sore from running and chasing that mischievous thief. Just as I was about to pick up my rifle and leave, the rifle was then grabbed by a hand and was gone.

"There's a crazy rumor that my partner is a beautiful girl, that could be you." I heard from behind me and saw the same thief who stole my ruby and held my rifle in his hands.

A wave of fury and scorn flooded through me and all his mischievous charisma melted into nothing but a goo of intense will to rip him apart.

"Enemy in range, and you are too." I said with a seething tone. "Give that rifle and ruby back to me and we'll have no problem."

He casually examined the rifle and chuckled. "No need to be feisty pretty girl."

"Give it back, you thief!" I spat at him and then in an instant, he teleported in front of me with such a dangerous distance from my lips and all I could do was stare in his eyes that were even enhanced by the sliver of light passing between his hair.

"Me? A thief? No no no, I'm only borrowing this." He said as he pulled back and then laughed while clutching his stomach as his little monkey joined his little fiasco.

While he was laughing. I took the chance.

Using up my energy, I camouflaged into the dark and when I was near him, I threw the gun from behind my back and reached to a spot just beside his hips where the ruby is being stored in one of his pockets and pushed a tentative inch towards his face.

For a thief, he actually smells good like he doesn't even sweat at all.

Okay, what am I thinking?

"Heh, I am neither the hungry wolf," I said as our lips were centimeters apart. "Nor the sacrificial lamb."

I took my momentum and reached towards his pocket it might have been torn apart and used my Tactical Grenade to push him back. It cost me a lot of energy but it was worth it as he fell behind and I retrieve both the ruby and the rifle. He isn't the one that can only play this cunning and mischievous game.

"Don't you dare miss with a sniper assassin, you assh*le." I said.

All the thief could do was wipe away the little blood streaming from his mouth and grin again. "For a feisty girl, you sure are both pretty and wise."

I rolled my eyes at his compliment.

As if I didn't just blast him off with a harmless grenade, he closes the distance between us by a meter. "We'd make a great team. What'd ya say about robbing that jewelry store next?"

"Are you a lunatic? What makes you think I'd join you and your little secret escapades. You know I could shoot you down now by hitting you in your vital parts and have you in jail!" I say at him exasperatedly. This guy is impossible.

"As if putting me in jail will stop me." He said with a smirk. "Well if you don't want to. Might as well be friends." He offered his hand, I slapped it back.

"No way in hell I'm becoming acquainted by a convicted thief." I said.

"Nyeh stealing, borrowing, same thing. To me, thievery is an art, not a crime. Plus I send my victims cute little notes that I will steal from them on the said say! Not my problem if they can't defend themselves." He said in one breath and immediately teleported closer, grabbed my hands and shook it. "Name's Claude and this little monkey is my partner Dexter. I am a well-known thief and always acquired my targeted subjects and well this time, I'll acquire you too."