
A Sweet Aroma

"Woo-hoo! Friday!" A girl shouted with glee, springing her arms carelessly into the air.

"Keep it down, we're still in school y'know." Another one hushed.

"We're outside, it's fine!" The excited girl threw her arms around the third of the trio and smiled. "What's your plan for the weekend, Chris?"

Chris had just found a spot in the courtyard for the three of them to sit during lunch hour. A nice woven green bench under a large oak tree. The shade was perfect, and it was away from most of the commotion. This was better than eating inside.

"Hang out at home, I guess?" Chris awkwardly laughed, slightly embarrassed.

"C'mon! Your dad's rich as hell and you still wanna be a shut-in?" The girl groaned as she plopped down beside Chris.

Chris tilted her head at the girl, smiling an awkward smile.

"You're hopeless."

"Why not a movie?" The quieter one spoke up, "There must be something on this Saturday."

"Yes! Chris lets do that!" The girl jumped from her seat.

"I don't know, I—" A loud clang came from the other side of the courtyard. The three of them turned and saw a couple of boys laughing their asses off at something behind a trash can.

"Those kids," the quiet one sighed, "...never seem to grow up."

Chris continued to watch them. Out of the noisiness of lunchtime, she could discern some of what they were blabbering about.

"What a loser."

"You got that right."

After a moment a blurry hand swiped across Chris' face. "Hello? Earth to Chris? The Theater sound good to you or not?"

Chris jumped in surprise, "O-Oh, yeah. Sure. What time?"

"We'll have to see, but..." the girl leaned in, "...you'll be paying right? My dad—our dads are broke, we would be so happy if you could." She smiled sweetly.

Chris sighed and nodded, "...Sure."

"Hooray!" The girl bounced up into the air. "Fun night out on the weekend with the rich kid! This'll be great!"

"Still in school." The quiet one hushed once more.

After the hour had finished, it was time to dispose of their meals.

"Hey Chris, can you throw this away for me?" The loud girl smiled.

"Why can't you do it yourself?"

"I-I just have something I need to do. Please?" She shot a couple of baby eyes towards Chris. Though ineffective, Chris didn't care about it too much.

"Whatever." She said as she took the tray.

"Mine too." The quiet one held out her tray. "...Please?"

Chris rolled her eyes and took hers as well.

Upon approaching the trash can, a faint aroma began to emerge. It smelled abundantly sweet, almost sugary. A hint of strawberry in there somewhere, as well as...oranges? It was familiar, and the closer she came to the trashcan the more evident the smell became.

"Yogurt?" Chris muttered.

She tossed the mountain of trays into the can. But before she could turn and leave, she saw something just out of the corner of her eye. Chris peered around the trashcan and saw something she didn't quite expect.

A kid around her height lay unconscious against the brass-colored trashcan. His skin was paler than moonlight and his hair was quite fluffy and messy, a stark white color—a rather unsettling color nowadays. He wore a navy blue hoodie and jeans, and an out-of-place, crimson bow wrapped around his neck. The stench of yogurt was strong, and there was trash littered everywhere. An overturned tray soaked in a pink liquid lay beside him.

In a blind fit of worry, Chris crouched in front of the boy and shook his shoulders violently.

"Hey, you okay? Hey!"

His eyes began to open, his vision focused, and the first thing he sees is a random girl in front of him. In surprise, he jerked forward in an attempt to stand. Though in doing so, he bashed his head against Chris.

Chris yelps and falls back with her head in her hands.

The boy got up quick and reached his hand out. His forehead glowing as red as hers. "Shit I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

Chris looked up at him and wacked his hand away, "You idiot, I'm suppose to ask you that!"

"Wha?" He was visibly flustered.

Chris rubbed her head, "You were knocked out by the trashcan, I thought-"

"Knocked out?" The boy looked behind him where all the trash lay. He scratched his head in embarrassment. "O-Oh, uh, I was tired."

"Tired? You sleep...by a trashcan?" Chris was completely confused.

His face burned a bright red as he shoved his fists violently into his pockets. His body entirely tense.

Chris stood up slowly, and looked down at the food around him, "This all yours?" She asked curiously.

The boy's hand drifted up to the back of his neck, his smile faded slightly. "Uh, yeah. It is."

Chris looked at him in disbelief.

The school bell loudly rang, making the two of them jump in unison. Kids began to flood the courtyard as they made their way back to class.

"I guess I better get going." Chris muttered to herself as she looked at them all leave. She turned back around to the boy, "Well it was nice to-" but it seemed he had already left. "...meet you."

Soon enough, Chris had started shoving her way to her final class for the day. As she made her way into the halls she couldn't help but to think of that boy. Who sleeps by a trashcan?

What a strange kid.

Update: Just added a more detailed description, nothing else.


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