

"The sun was rising again in the sky, and for some, it was the beginning of another monotonous day, while for others, it was a time to pray for new hopes. For some, it marked the fresh start of a university, a job, or school they had won.

The sun rising was actually a good thing for everyone .Without it, plants and trees would not exist,thus there would be no oxygen-producing creatures, so would people  no exist and If it wasn't for the sun only a cold winter would have covered this vibrant world, the sun was a good thing for everyone, wasn't it?

But the woman who was lying in the hospital room couldn't feel the same way, for her every sunrise and sunset was a sign that she was approaching death and she could pass away before the sun set.

The old woman looked at the sun with a smile and said a few words

"What was the meaning of the sun rising for me?

I am one step closer to death every moment, like other people.

But why are other people so unconcerned about the harbinger of their own death?

Why do I feel that I am running towards death with the sunrise every moment?

My body will soon die of old age, what was the point of money then?

If I can't buy the time I need, if I can't prolong my life?

What was the point of all the years and labour I spent when I could just enjoy it?

Why can't I buy time with my money, why can't I buy my life if money is omnipotent as people say?

I have tasted everything in this life; I have tried and learnt everything; pain, reputation, being loved and abandoned, that is, love, death of loved ones, money, friendship and friendship, betrayal and hypocrisy of people, power, rising in terms of career and business and going to the bottom... I've experienced it all. In this world, there's hardly anything left to captivate me, except not dying... 

Why am I dying? What was the meaning of my money then? What was the meaning of my power if it didn't prolong my life? What was the meaning of friendship? Or what was the meaning of career, love, family and reputation?

I will be remembered for a maximum of one or two months after I die for other people and for my family..."

The old woman remembered the will she wrote last week and smiled

I'll provide you with an English translation of the text:

"It's been a week since my will regarding my assets. People who used to visit me regularly and ask about my health have now vanished, as if they never existed. If there are those who genuinely love me, their time for mourning will be limited. Life continues, and I will once again be consigned to the dusty shelves of time.

In any case, it's only natural for mourning to last for a while. There would be separations in every aspect of life—family, friendship, love, reputation, career, and money. One day, one way or another, they would leave me, severing the bonds between us, They will lose their meaning to me, much like I am Just like they are useless when I approach them my own death now ."

The elderly woman gazed out of the window again, for some reason, with a sense of dissatisfaction on her face.

"Even if I were to live to be a hundred, five hundred thousand, ten thousand, hundreds of thousands, millions, billions, what would be the point once I eventually pass away? Throughout my life, I've been chasing dreams and goals stifled by societal pressure, and this is how it ends...dying miserably."

But the death of this old woman was not miserable at all, in fact, it was a death that people of her age dreamed of, that she could die peacefully, but the old woman did not want to die like that, it was meaningless because she had just achieved everything, but now she was dying, she had wasted her life, but she was dying, why did she waste her life then, if she was going to die one day, why did she waste her life on the goals she dreamed of, if she did not enjoy it to the fullest?

What the old woman was thinking about now, most of the elderly were not thinking about it, all they were thinking about now was the afterlife, where would she go, to hell with the bad people or to heaven with the good people? This was the thought that was going through the minds of the majority at the moment, they were thinking about the good and bad things they had done throughout their lives, and even in their last years, they were even more attached to the religions they believed in, and by closing their minds to the opposing thought, they opposed them without using their brains, they would obtain good deeds by defending their beliefs in their minds, and if they were going to heaven when they did this, they probably had dreams of going crazy with joy.

But the old woman did not want to go to heaven or hell, even if she knew that she would be immortal there, she would not want it because she would be under the control of a being and even if she wanted to escape, she would not be able to escape, she would be a bird in a golden cage.The old woman wanted to be free, that was the reason why she ran away from death, it was a shackle on all living things and the old woman suffered from this shackle.

The old woman lay on the hospital bed, closed her eyes and whispered something.

"I am tossed this way and that by the winds of death like a grain of sand.

As much as I want to stay in my place, it is futile. The winds of death are preparing to blow me away without pity and without feeling...

I really feel that in a few hours this sun will not rise again for me to continue my life, these flowers will not spread their beautiful fragrance again when the time comes and I will not be able to witness them.

What a meaningless and empty life!"

The old woman glanced at the leaves blown by the cold winds of the morning.

"The leaf was held captive by this tree and its branches.

If the leaf were torn away by the wind and flew off, would it become free?

I wonder if it would bear witness to the uniqueness of the world and the universe.

Or did it, too, feel imprisoned...

And did it have the longing, like yearning to reunite with the freedom it always dreamt of?

People and  me like , are also like this leaf... Trapped in the tree's captivity, these leaves cannot detach from the tree's branches until the wind tears them off. Even if they were to break away willingly or unwillingly, they would simply wither away."

As the old woman heard the sound of a violent gust outside, she felt her vision darken.

As the old woman heard the sound of a violent gust outside, she felt her vision darken. "Leaves cannot detach from the branches of a tree, nor can branches from the tree itself, and the tree cannot detach from its roots, which are rooted in the soil; that is, the earth...".

In fact, how similar we are, throughout our lives we want to leave it, that is, the branches we are imprisoned in, but we cannot leave, and even if we finally leave, we just wither away."

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