
Good things come in fleshy packages

Kenvas clawed his way to the wall and put his back against it; he needed to deal with this stinger in his leg. 'Why the hell did it have a stinger anyway? Is it some kind of fly-hornet hybrid? A Flynet? No, that's stupid. In the first place, it was useless to think the species of this place would be the same as my world.'.

His mind was wandering; it might've been an effect of the poison. He brought his mind back on track. He looked at his leg and hesitated for a moment before ripping out the stinger in one fell swoop, like ripping off a bandage.

He clenched his teeth, his screams muffled to grunts. His wound was releasing blood steadily. Quickly, he brought out one of his impromptu bandages, which were just glorified strips of cloth. He wrapped it tightly around his leg and tied it into a knot. It wasn't mentioned before, but due to him being unused to his new body, his dexterity was piss poor, so he had quite a bit of trouble doing that.

Now all that was left was to deal with the venom. But Kenvas didn't know how; this might not have been much of a problem if he took it out earlier, but he wasn't thinking straight. The only thing he was thinking of was how to kill the fly as fast as he could. Now he had to deal with the consequences.

"Damn, such a nasty venom, I need to suck it out somehow... Wait, can't I use my orb?" He used it before when he was changing the bandage on his shoulder. He separated the blood from the bandage by only pulling out the strip of cloth. "Can't I separate my blood and the poison in the same way?" He was going to try.

At first, he just pressed his orb against the opening of his wound. But that didn't do much. It may have absorbed the blood on the surface, but it didn't suck out the blood in his body. And when he tried to push deeper, it accomplished nothing. Until it did. The orb phased right into his leg.

At this point, Kenvas was convinced that the venom had mind-inhibiting properties. How did he know? 'Well, there's no bigger indicator than when you think a thought three to four times in a row.' He thought for the fourth time.

But still, despite his mind being dulled, he went to work at what was essentially filtering his blood. The blood rushed into the orb, and he let the blood out. But it was useless; the difference between the cloth and his blood was that the blood on the cloth was easily distinguishable.

The poison was already running through his bloodstream, to the point where it had already affected his brain. He grew dizzy; he couldn't think straight; his ears were ringing; his vision was blurry; and he couldn't even keep his back straight, let alone move. As his eyes grew heavy, he could only hope he would recover from this.

And then, everything went dark.

Whether he was dead or simply unconscious was unknown. His orb stopped glowing, and his body went limp.


He opened his eyes, only to find out he couldn't see or feel; all of his senses were gone. 'Is this the effect of the venom?' He thought, but then a more unsavory thought appeared: 'Is this the afterlife?' But before he could panic, words materialized in his vision.





The words gave him an odd sense of comfort, which he felt was somewhat odd, but he ignored that feeling for the time being. 'These words say "take them" but what is there to take?' He stretched his finger out to touch the words, only for them to transform into a variety of items.

The first were globules of pitch-black liquid that seemed darker than the darkness that surrounded him. They seemed to multiply, separating before growing and combining into something bigger. The second were a set of jaws that were lined with an intimidating row of spear-like canines; just looking at them seemed to stab his eyes.

The third was debatably the weirdest, in the same vein as what he assumed was void blood. 'What the hell is this?' They were organs, but these organs were completely unknown to Kenvas. Black organs sporting different shapes and sizes seemed to have glued themselves together, like if you took different colors of blay-goh and smashed them together. 'This is the greedy gut?' The sight disturbed him more than the time he walked in on his grandparents. It was a wonder how they still had so much energy at that age.


They appeared again, cutting off his train of thought. It urged him to take the unusual items. So he grabbed them all at the same time. He wouldn't be able to tell you how he did it, but he had a sneaking suspicion that he wasn't completely lucid at this point.

Suddenly, an itchy feeling spread throughout his body, right down to the bone. If he had a body, he'd be squirming on the ground like a fish out of water. And then it stopped; he experienced the longest 5 seconds of his life, and he felt that it was only going downhill from here.

After it ended, he felt himself slowly drift into unconsciousness before opening his eyes. It was weird; it seemed to be a contradiction, yet it felt so right. Sadly, he wouldn't be able to meditate on that because now he had to deal with the three jawflies that were carrying him to God knows where.

do you like the name our boy Kenvas came up with? there are more fitting names but Kenvas is ignorant for now.

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