
Koi for Koa

The moon lit up the night sky as Mehan counted the stars through his bedroom window. It was oddly Serene for him even though he lost count more than enough times. Taking his attention away from the stars he turned his head watching his lover Leo get dressed, he wished that he could reach out to him but what good would it do if it would just be slapped away. Leo walked over leaving a kiss on Mehan's right temple, as Mehan watched Leo walk away he reached up touching where the lingering feeling of his lips once was a little bitter as it was now cold. Mehan whispered to himself 


Mehan let out a deep sigh that he himself didn't even know that he was holding in, looking around the room for something that he could focus on other than the emptiness around him but failed to do so. Mehan got up sliding on some sweatpants and a large gray hoodie to match along with his black shoes, Mehan walked out onto the paved street heading to the small convenience store at the end of their street. Mehan's eyes lingered around the colorless houses and plants wondering if anyone else felt as lonely as he did. Finally reaching the small store Mehan walked in grabbing his usual soda and cigarettes, Mehan walked to the counter and paid ignoring the clerks eyes on his face sense he was use to getting looks from strangers

"Thank you..."

After Mehan thanked the clerk, Mehan walked out and sat on the curb pulling out a cigarette just to slide between his lips. Before he could light it however he heard a male voice from next to him

"Smoking is bad for you"

Mehan chuckled softly looking up at the pretty attractive male that he now realized was the clerk from before, Mehan smiled at him and offered him one from the pack saying softly

"I know other things that are bad for my body too~"

The man chuckled softly sitting next to Mehan bot trying to hide that he was checking Mehan out, he reached past the pack of Cigarettes and pulled the one from between Mehan's lips out and placed it in between his own. Mehan was a bit stunned but smirked lighting the cigarette for him, Mehan lit a new one for himself while saying

"Mm don't be surprised if it tasted nice i just left my lover"

The man chuckled and looked at Mehan leaning closer and whispering

"It doesn't taste bad but how about you let me taste you to compare? I get off in 20...I'm Koa by the way"

Mehan gulped softly as he wasn't used to such forwardness but really liked it, Mehan dropped his cigarette and stomped it out before standing up. Mehan watched the man for a second and offered his hand saying

"I'll wait until you finish first"

Koa smirked and nodded, taking his hand. The man got up and went to finish the closing duties that he had to do. Mehan watched him from outside not wanting to be in the way at all plus he didn't mind the cold air on his hot skin giving him goosebumps, Koa finished up rather quickly. Mehan smiled standing up straight and watched Koa walk to him saying with a chuckle

"You know my name but I don't know yours yet"

Mehan chuckles softly and reached out taking his hand in his saying seductively 

"Lets go to my place and if you're good i'll tell you my name..~"

Koa smirked nodding his head and held Mehan's hand letting him lead the way, on the way there Mehan was getting excited thinking of all the things they were going to do tonight pushing the thoughts of Leo away as Mehan just wanted to forget about him when Leo was gone before he would come back.

Mehan smirked getting to his place pretty fast unlocking the door for Koa, Mehan was about to ask if he wanted something to drink but was interrupted as his back hit the wall letting out a light groan but was soon muffled by Koa's lips. He melted into Koa's lips and let the erotic feelings take over roughly tugging on his shirt to signal to Koa that he wanted him to strip, Koa stepped back teasingly sliding his shirt off to reveal his slim but toned chest along with a black Koi fish tattoo above his left hip. 

"I got to say your pretty eager but good thing I find that rather hot, I don't like really needy people in bed....I like them more...assertive"

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