Shay, a 22-year-old boy, moves to Akai, Kashmir, and joins a music store without knowing his life was going to change after saving a girl.
(The concept of Wage guild is inspired from the movie Fight Club by David Fincher)
Bad and good, black and white, darkness and light, everything has its contrary. If there is a world full of people who care about each other, there will be a world where everyone kills each other for survival. A world where your hands get dirty and guilt rules over your heart. Death and violence are the pillars of this world. Sacrifices are made, the weak are killed, and the strong survive. Drug smuggling, weapons dealing, assassination of people, murdering hundreds and thousands of innocents and bastards, leading to genocides and massacres. There are many illicit activities that makes people think of hell as a paradise.
The cops, on the other hand, coexist in this world with professional respect to each other, but that doesn't stop them from interfering. The governments have arrested, seized their goods, and many more but can't stop them, as the underworld contributes to their economies. They chose to act like a puppet, controlled by the authorities of this world.
One can see the bloody wounds on a person and can come to a conclusion that they just gambled their life for survival in a Wage Guild. Street Fighting can be explained in one word, Brutality. It is one of the main activities here, which takes place in a street fighting club, commonly referred to as a Wage Guild. It's a live or die situation here. Once you enter into this world, your fate will be determined, either you take one's life or allow others to take yours. The people here have many reasons. Some came here to save their loved ones from death, while others came for money, vengeance, and bloodlust.
This world is ruled by a secretive syndicate. They have complete control over all the illicit activities that take place here. No one can act on their own, everyone is a slave controlled by the secretive syndicate. This world is called the Underworld by society, but the people of this world call it La Vita Nova.
Each and Every single country in the world is a part of La Vita Nova.
There are many people with many different powers here. The Jurists, or the qanun, who deal with the law and the disputes between people and organizations, the sovereigns, or the organ, who control the organization, the sinners, or the fiddle, are the inhabitants of the underworld. There are many more people with various levels of authority in the underworld.
Some view the underworld as a hell, a curse, and some view it as a heaven, a blessing from the gods…..
Thump! He closed the book and placed his pen aside, chuckled with anger and sadness burdened eyes and whispered,
"Some view it as a tool for vengeance and punishing the impure ones.