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Love and logic. Romance and reasoning. Affection and argumentation. Why are they so opposed of one another. My obsession with love… will it have something to do with being one of logical reasoning. Where logic is not need. Just a feeling of intimacy. Support. Care. Just a feeling of attraction can start at first glance. First chat. First touch. Our primal instinct that our minds cannot comprehend. Or at the very least, fail to understand. Your perceptions on how and why things are in life can't possibly overwrite tens of thousands of years of biochemical evolution. So why try. Why try to see reason in love. To be correct in an argument? To manipulate people? To be seen as better? "You don't see it from my point of view." "Put yourself in my shoes." "Do you even know how i feel." " why don't you love me anymore…" For all times I've tried to see reason. I see rejection. Failure. Unhappiness. To be seen as unworthy of someone else's love without even a chance of endeavor or forgiveness. Because I'm ugly. Because I'm not tall. Because I'm not what what you're looking for. Why does reason have to get in the way of potential romance. How would you know. How would anyone know. But. In the end, we still strived to be loved by someone whether it be family, friends, or strangers. Why? Because love will always transcend logic.
