
Chapter 85- Transferred

I of course had to inform the whole room about my

cabin fire and that it was believed to be arson. The remainder of the Board of Directors meeting was dull after a brief update from yesterday. Evidently, the 'People Of Interest' announcement on television was because both Dr. Armani and Dr. Adams, were nowhere to be found. They either fled the area or were hiding out. The announcement had been sent to National news outlets to run for a few days. The fact they said, 'days', didn't give me much confidence they would locate them, but maybe we would get lucky.

We finished the list of topics and the President turned to me, "Wam, after some discussion, we were wondering if you are available to help out here in Rochester at all? We are currently down two doctors. Depending on what happens, we could have a permanent opening, if you're interested?"

I was shocked. Yesterday I felt they were ready to throw me under the bus, now today they are offering me a position? Wow! Take about fickle. I took a deep, steadying breath before I answered. I met the President's eyes and studied his expression as I asked, "am I understanding you correctly…are you offering me to transfer to Rochester from Red Wing? Or is this just to get you through your staffing issue?"

"I think I speak for everyone when I say," Doctor Eman looked at the other board members before again meeting my gaze, "your reputation precedes you Dr. Teton. You are known not only for being an excellent Neurologist and Surgeon, but a stand up guy. I don't honestly think anyone took Dr. Adams' accusations seriously."

That was not the impression I had gotten yesterday, but maybe I misunderstood? After a brief pause, another board member, Dr. Mary Olson, spoke up, "you should know Wam, that the majority of the staff here think very highly of you. It's ironic that of all the people to try to incriminate, she chose you. It was pretty clear to most of us it was either an attempt to misdirect our attention or to get back at you for finding out about her underhanded activities."

My eyes became wide as I listened to her speak about Dr. Adams' attempt to get me fired and lose my license. Dr. Olson tended to keep everything close to her breast, so coming from her, this was as much of a compliment as anyone had ever gotten. She smiled at me after she finished talking. "Wow, thank you Dr. Olson. That means a lot to me," I answered sincerely.

Dr. Eman spoke up again, "you Wam, would be the perfect candidate to be the head of Neurology, if Dr. Adams isn't allowed to return like we expect. The bottom line is, the investigation is just starting, and the evidence is already overwhelming against Dr. Adams and Dr. Armani. As you know, their privileges have been suspended pending the results. There seems to be employees that were blackmailed by Dr. Adams, that have come forward now that she is being investigated."

"Wow. I'm glad they came foreword. No one should get by with that behavior," I growled. Wow, I didn't know Dr. Armani was suspended too. He must have been in deeper than we realized. It then occurred to me what he had said first. "Wait…you want me to take over as Head of Neurology here in Rochester?" I asked with surprise.

"Between us in this room, you'd be a step up from what we had," Dr. Olson stated. "Dr. Adams looks good on paper, but she has developed quite a…reputation. Let's just say her reputation isn't as favorable as yours," she added. "Of course, that all depends if you are willing to relocate. I understand your family is still in Red Wing." Her eyebrows rose as if in question.

I thought about my answer before I replied, "I'm honored for the offer, thank you. Before we address that though, the young woman whom I was accused of inappropriate behavior with, I'm now dating. Is that an issue? I ask because I can see a future with her, but do not want to keep anything from the Board members. I want to be transparent."

President Eman answered, "I appreciate your honesty, but I personally spoke to this young lady, and she cleared your name. I don't see any reason why this has to be an issue."

I nodded once while stating, "good to know. Thank you. How soon do you need an answer? Have you chosen an interim director yet?"

Dr. Eman shook his head, "no interim Head of Neurology yet. If you agreed, we were hoping to work out a deal with our Rochester location to get you here sooner. How much time do you need to decide Dr. Teton?"

I sat back in my chair, took a deep breath, and thought about what I was asked. How much time did I need to decide? I'd have to talk with my family, talk to Kynlee…do I want to leave Red Wing? I had so many things to consider. Of course it is a promotion, which likely means more money, but what about the hours? "President Eman, can I please have two weeks to talk to my current employer, my family, and consider if I'm ready to move to Rochester permanently?"

President Eman nodded. "The sooner the better, but I think two weeks is doable. If it would be helpful, I could talk to your Administrator in Red Wing about the transfer…once you make a decision."

I couldn't help but smile as I responded, "you seem pretty sure I'll take the position. If that is what I choose, Again, thank you for the offer. I'm honored, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

President Eman turned back toward the board, "anything else we need to address today?" No one answered but a few shook their heads. "Okay, then do I have a motion to adjourn the meeting?"

"I make a motion we adjourn the meeting."

"I second," Dr. Mary Olson added.

"All in favor, say 'aye'," he said.

Everyone repeated, "aye."

"All opposed state the same." President Eman announced, "meeting adjourned," and banged the gavel in front of him.

As I left the meeting room, I checked my phone and saw a message from Kynlee.

Kynlee: I received a call from Rochester Renowned Rehabilitation. Kedron is being rushed back to the hospital for possible emergency surgery related to the instability in his cervical spine.

I took a deep breath and ran my hand down my face. Damn that Dr. Adams for convincing Kedron to forego the surgery and transfer for Physical Therapy instead of surgery.

Dr. Wam Teton: Are you on your way to the hospital?

Kynlee: I'm trying to get Marve lunch. I don't think I can leave until Jane returns. Marve had his first radiation treatment today. Are you at the hospital?

Dr. Wam Teton: I'm at the hospital and can check in with Kedron. I'll stay with him until you get here. If any decisions are made, I'll update you. Deal?

Kynlee: Thank you Wam! This means more to me than you know. I love you and I'll see you when Jane arrives home.

I smiled at her endearment and made my way to the emergency department where they would most likely bring Kedron from the rehab facility. As I waited, I texted Kynlee back.

Dr. Wam Teton: I love you too. Try not to worry. I'll do my best to stay with and help Kedron. (Hug emoji and heart emoji).

As I paced in the waiting area, I wondered how bad the misalignment would be that brought Kedron back to the hospital. I knew it likely wouldn't be good, but didn't want to worry Kynlee until I knew for sure. The doors swung to the hallway and I saw two Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) push a gurney into the hospital emergency department from the ambulance garage. The EMT at the head of the gurney was using an ambu bag to deliver breaths to who I believed was Kedron as they strolled by.

Still dressed in my clothes from the board meeting, I strolled into the hallway and followed them in. Without my employee badge I wouldn't have dared, but I was fairly well known here and did have my badge displayed on my suit coat. It was indeed Kedron on the gurney. My heart sunk when I saw his dusky coloring and that he was no longer wearing the external halo, but a cervical collar and he was strapped to a long board.

Two nurses and a doctor followed us into an emergency bay. The area was separated from other bays only by blue curtains hung from rods. Not exactly private, but at least it gave the semblance of privacy. The doctor began to ask questions, and I listened carefully.

"What brings this young man into the ED today," a physician in scrubs asked.

The EMT at the foot of the gurney began to report vital signs, interventions performed at the scene to stabilize C-spine, and then explained, "the CNA said she removed the halo to give Mr. Knutson here a bed bath. She is unsure what happened, but somehow he went from sitting up straight in bed to slouched sideways and not breathing. We stabilized C-spine, inserted a temporary airway, and began to bag him on 2 liters of Oxygen. According to the CNA and nurse at the facility, he was conscious and responsive, although quadriplegic prior to the bath. His trauma report and treatment records should be in the computer because he has only been at the rehab center a few days."

The doctor looked at the EMT and asked, "what idiot transferred him to rehab rather than doing a surgery to stabilize his C-spine? According to these X-rays after the accident, his cervical vertebrae were broken into several pieces." The physician then looked up and saw me standing there, "Dr. Teton, can I help you?"

I cleared my throat and moved closer to the physician in charge, "I am a friend of the family and consulted on this case when the patient was brought in. We advised against transfer prior to surgery, but ultimately, he listened to his Neurologist, and it was his decision."

The physician, Dr. Kuntz, shook his head as he looked at the records. "Ah yes, Dr. Adams was his primary while in the hospital. That explains a lot." Dr. Kuntz as it said on his badge, began to spout off orders for tests and procedures to decide on a course of action. I observed but stayed out of the way. This doctor seemed to have things under control, thank goodness.

Within half an hour, Kedron was intubated with a more sturdy airway, his breathing supported by a ventilator, and we waited for all the tests to be completed. Until we had all the results back, there was no need to update Kynlee. She was likely worried, but would be more so when she learned the condition in which Kedron had arrived.

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