
[2] First day at the Kuoh Academy

If you have any questions about the system, I will post an aux chapter you can read it from there or wait for me to explain in the chapters.

(Grammar error is fixed with Grammarly and ChatGPT. If you saw any errors please comment on that paragraph so I can fix them.)

(Maybe I used some words wrong. If you saw any wrong words or prounce please tell me. So I can fix them.)


The morning rays of sun hit Kurumi's beautiful face, causing her to furrow her brows. It disturbed her sleep, but she knew she needed to wake up, so Kurumi rose with the first light of the day.

She got up from bed and sat on the edge, emitting a cute yawn as she adjusted to the morning sun. Her pitch-black hair was a complete mess after sleeping peacefully. Her left red eye showed signs of sleepiness, while her right yellow clock eye glowed with mysterious power, as if it had been awake the whole time, watching her sleep.

'This was the most peaceful sleep I've had in the last decade,' Kurumi said inwardly, with an amused smile on her face. She was finally fully awake. As Kurumi spoke, she reflected on the rarity and uniqueness of such peaceful sleep. Every time she tried to sleep, someone was behind her, waiting for an opportunity to kill her. Even her so-called 'lover' was attempting to kill her because she possessed 'dangerous' power.

So this type of sleep was rare and unique for Kurumi.

'Hmm... First, I need to take a shower and then go to school. Who would have known I would go to that boring place once again?' Kurumi said inwardly as she concealed her plans for the day. She finally got out of bed and stepped onto the wooden floor, making a soft cracking sound. As she arrived at her personal shower room door, she halted her steps, as if remembering something important. At this moment, she communicated with the system in her mind.

'Hey... I completed a quest yesterday, right? What were its rewards? I completely forgot about that...' Kurumi's tone carried a hint of embarrassment, but her face remained indifferent to everything. After querying the system and waiting for answers, she stepped into the shower and began to remove her clothes

[Certainly, Host! Here are the rewards you received from the quest named 'Enroll to Kuoh Academy':

{T1 - Common - 1000 SC}

{T4 - Legendary - 1 Skill Card}

{T1 - Common - 1 Traditional Chinese royalty outfit}

{T0 - Not a System Reward - Kuoh Academy Outfit - (Received from a package given by the academy.)}

{T5 - Mythic - Unlimited Money}

That's all, Host. Please be aware that this was your first completed quest, so the rewards were more generous than usual. Next time, rewards may be lower or the same.]

While taking a shower, Kurumi also looked at the rewards she received from the quest she completed yesterday. Only two things caught her full attention. The first and most important one is [1 Skill Card], and the second one is [Unlimited Money]. She actually didn't need [Unlimited Money] at all; she could have looted the individuals she killed. What caught her attention more was the [1 Skill Card] gift. With curiosity, she clicked on it and opened its description.


Name: 1 Skill Card - Unique Type

Tier: {4} Legendary

Description: A Skill card that the Host can use one time. Upon use, the Host can select one Unique Skill. The selected skill will have no drawbacks and can evolve under certain circumstances.


After reading the description, Kurumi couldn't help but feel surprised. She knew what 'Unique Skill' meant, after all.

Unique Skills are below Ultimate Skills, which are the principles of the world. Unique Skills also have some resistance to lower-tier skills; this is one of the reasons why they are called Unique. Normally, these types of skills are innate or stem from strong desires. You also can't select what kind of Skill you will get, as it's determined by your personal growth and inner personality.

So, the fact that Kurumi can select any of them without drawbacks means that she has an affinity for all of them in some way. Thinking this, Kurumi couldn't help but get excited. But she had to suppress that emotion as she couldn't make a hasty decision with this kind of valuable item. So for now, she put down her thoughts and focused on washing herself.




"*Haahhh...* That was certainly refreshing," Kurumi said with a deep breath as she left the shower, with only a towel covering her milky body. At this moment, the system once again reminded her of something Kurumi had completely forgotten.

[Host, you still haven't opened your status screen] This was the voice of Lilith, not the usual mechanical voice of the system.

'Right. I said I would open it when I'm at home, didn't I? Open it then. I'm curious about it too...' Kurumi was also curious about her status screen. In her whole life, she had never seen the details of her own abilities. She had discovered her abilities herself, and the reason why she wanted to open her status screen at home was because her intuition told her so.


[Name: Kurumi Tokisaki]

[Race: Spirit 75% | Angel 25%]

[Age: 10,500]

[Mental State: Half-Psychopath, Half-Sociopath]


• [Strength: 100]

• [Endurance: 120]

• [Dexterity: 98]

• [Agility: 189]

• [Magic: 1000]

(Normal High-Class have stats of 90, except magic; magic for normal High-Class is 950. More detail is in the aux chapter, or wait for the chapter where I will explain them.)

[Skills:] [Angel: Zafkiel, Angel: Rasiel (Weakened, Unusable), Inhuman Body, Spirit Magic (Dormant), Holy Magic (Locked), Angelic Body (Locked), Multiple Thoughts] - (Author's note at the end of the chapter.)

[Status End]

For a whole minute, Kurumi only looked at her status and read everything carefully, giving it her utmost attention. She completely forgot about the food she was preparing.

"Oh no! I forgot about the food! Shit," Kurumi suddenly shouted, now remembering that she was preparing food for herself before going to school. Maybe today she wouldn't be able to eat proper food before heading to school.


"Ugh... I can't believe I burned my food," Kurumi exclaimed as she took another bite of her toast. After burning the food completely, she could only make toast if she didn't want to be late for school on her first day.

'Anyway... As I see, I have a lot of skills besides Zafkiel and Rasiel... But I can't use them at all. One of them is dormant, and the others are locked. I need to upgrade my race to angel somewhat; from their names, they definitely connect to my angel side. Still, I don't know how I got the angel side,' Kurumi said inwardly, making a small report about her status screen. She herself was surprised when she saw her race. She honestly expected Human and Spirit, not Spirit and Angel. Another shock came from her skills. There were quite a lot of skills; she was expecting some skills but not that many.

[Host got her angel side from Zafkiel and Rasiel. As you used them more and more, their essence got blended with you more. As a result, you got angelic traits] Lilith explained, her tone sounding like that of a sage, making her seem older.

'You sound like an old sage elder... Anyway, if it's really like that, then I can conduct some experiments on that... I need more power in this world; those two I saw yesterday were quite powerful compared to the previous me.' Kurumi was well aware of what awaited her at that school. She somewhat knew that the system wouldn't give her useless quests, so when the system gave her the quest to 'Enroll at Kuoh Academy,' something suspicious was going on at that school.

With that, she walked towards Kuoh Academy while eating her toast on the road.




"Oh! Hello, Souna-San," Kurumi said as she arrived at Kuoh Academy and saw Sona at the entrance. Kurumi viewed her as a useful tool at Kuoh Academy and for the other plans she had.

"Ah, hello Kurumi-San... How is your day?" Sona said as she saw Kurumi approaching her. Sona was inwardly happy and cautious: happy because Kurumi talked to her before she could do so, cautious because of yesterday's talk with the Gremory Clan Head. (I'm too lazy to remember his name.)

"It's good. I'm quite excited, as it's been a long time since I went to school," Kurumi said. It wasn't a lie, actually. It had been hundreds of years since she had gone to school, and those memories were ones that Kurumi didn't want to remember currently.

"I see. I hope you will like our school. If you have any problems at school, feel free to come to the Student Council room," Sona said sincerely, not because she wanted to keep an eye on Kurumi, but because she wanted to get closer to her. Surprisingly, Sona found herself attracted to Kurumi.

"Thank you, Sona-san. I won't keep you here any longer," Kurumi said as she slowly walked away from Sona.

(A/N: I don't know if you guys have this kind of speech in your country, but in mine, we do, so I added it. I hope it's not confusing.)

"Ah... See you later, too, Kurumi-san," Sona said. She lifted her left hand, wanting to hold Kurumi back a little longer, but eventually, she clenched her hand and let Kurumi go, just watching as Kurumi disappeared into the crowd.


"Okay, class! Before we start our lesson, we have a new student. Please come in, Tokisaki-san," the teacher announced loudly, silencing the room. When Kurumi's name was called, she opened the door and slowly walked into the classroom, stopping in front of the teacher.

Everyone in the class looked at her with various reactions. Some showed shock, others admiration or affection. However, one reaction caught Kurumi's attention and ignited a spark of anger within her. It was someone she knew and hated with every fiber of her being: Shido Itsuka.

A name that Kurumi despised even in the afterlife. She had been deceived and betrayed by this bastard, leading to her death. (A/N: AU)

Despite the surge of emotion, Kurumi quickly regained control and suppressed her anger. All of this transpired within a mere two seconds.

"Hello! My name is Kurumi Tokisaki! Nice to meet you," Kurumi greeted with a shy yet cheerful tone, instantly winning over the hearts of her classmates. This time, she chose not to mention that she was a spirit, recognizing that it would be unwise in this world.

"Hello, Kurumi-chan!"


"You are cute!"

"Those are some big weapons there."

Various students shouted compliments and comments as Kurumi introduced herself. However, she made a mental note to deal with the last comment about her breasts later.

"Okay, enough! We have class to get through. Now, everyone, please take your seats and let our new classmate catch her breath," the teacher declared, his voice firm despite the playful protests from the students. This earned him a collective 'Boo!' from the class, causing a visible vein to throb on his completely bald head. He huffed but said nothing more.

After Kurumi took her seat, an unexpected event occurred, although it wasn't entirely surprising.

[The World's Will has issued a new quest! The quest is titled 'World Quest: Kill the Usurpers' and has been assigned to the host.]


Quest: Kill the Usurpers.

Quest Type: World Quest

Description: The pawns of Outer Gods, often referred to as 'protagonists,' are they truly attempting to save the world, or do they seek its destruction? The world does not birth protagonists; instead, it rejects them. These individuals are not weak enough to require a protagonist to save them. Protagonists are essentially playthings of Outer Gods, existing solely for their amusement while draining the 'Essence of World' from the World Itself.

Your role is to eliminate these protagonists from the world. Whether through experimentation, torture, or any other means, the world desires their eradication.

Objective: Kill Issei Hyoduo, Shido Itsuka, and Sung Jin Mi (Sung Jin-woo). (Note: Host may choose to conquer them instead, with the exception of females.)

Time Limit: None; the world is desperate for this assistance.

Rewards: Repair - Rasiel, ???, 3500 SC


Upon reading the quest details, Kurumi had numerous questions but decided to keep them to herself. However, she emitted a sinister aura for a brief moment, though it quickly dissipated. Nevertheless, this did not escape the notice of the watching eyes.

[The host has also acquired the 'Observe' skill as part of this quest.]


Skill: Observe (Tier 0-1 Skill Upgradable.) (A/N: 0-1 indicates immeasurable but considered tier 1 due to upgrade potential.)

Description: Allows the host to view the specific status of a designated person. Currently, it can only be used on 'protagonists' and 'heroines.'

Upgrade Cost: 2000 SC, either through purchase or natural progression.


Kurumi nodded satisfactorily upon reading this information. The class then resumed as if nothing had occurred, but afterward, many people surrounded Kurumi, eager to ask questions and learn more about her.


"Haahh... Finally done. It was really boring," Kurumi exclaimed with a deep sigh as she walked towards her house. The school had ended half an hour ago, and only now could she make her way home.

The people at the school didn't let her go at all, always asking something else before she could answer another one. If it weren't for the quests and her plans, she would have blown up that place even before entering that class.

[Host completed 'First day at the School' Quest, Does host want rewards now?] Lilith's mature, milf-like voice made Kurumi break her thoughts and focus on what she said.

'Yes. After that, I'm planning to complete 'Side Quest: The Hunt' too,' Kurumi thought. She wanted power the fastest way possible, and the quickest way to get power was by completing those quests. The system also mentioned that when she completed the World Quest, Chat Group would open, as it had made the invites but was only waiting for her to complete the World Quest first.

[Host received the following rewards for completing the quest 'First day at the School':

- 1000 SC

- Information about the current timeline of the world (1/4 - Very Limited Information)

This is all, Host. Remember, not every quest will give you the best rewards.]

Kurumi was indeed a little disappointed with the rewards, but she knew she couldn't be picky, especially since she had already received really good things from the system, all within 3 days.

Some information appeared in Kurumi's mind. Normally, this would cause great pain to anyone, as memories were forcefully inserted into their brain. However, for Kurumi, this kind of thing was normal. After all, when her clones died, their memories directly went to Kurumi's head. She experienced great pain when she first encountered it, but compared to that kind of pain, this was nothing.

'Ara~ I didn't expect to see one of my targets in this memory fragment,' Kurumi exclaimed inwardly with surprise. This memory fragment was specifically for one of her targets, mainly Issei Hyodou. If she made the correct choices based on this memory fragment, she could kill one of her targets while obtaining something really important to her.

'Fufufu~ Just when I thought it couldn't get any more interesting. Only 1 week left, huh?' Kurumi thought lastly as she arrived at her house and entered it. Quickly changing her clothes, because she was going to "visit" some bad guys today.


Word Count: 2738 (Everything Included)

Yo~ Your ultra-super author here. I don't want to keep you guys waiting too long, so I just wanted to say that I'll try to incorporate Kurumi's Ara~ Ara~ personality somewhat. Also, I won't be adding Rias and Sona to the harem, even if you guys don't accept it. However, I will include Akeno, as their personalities are quite similar. Both of them are sadists and have an Ara~ Ara~ demeanor.

Author's Note: I didn't want to provide a description for every skill and overwhelm you with almost useless words. So praise me for creating an auxiliary chapter for anyone who wants to read the skills' descriptions. Only when Kurumi gains a new skill will I explain it in the skill section. Except for that, don't expect me to explain every one of them every time.

Anyway, Ciao.

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