
First kill and Momoi's warmth...

Now that I got that out of the way I could start on writing and drawing the first few chapters of one piece, which took me the about half the day to do.


I finally finished at around 3 o'clock. And the mission told me to make a manga no one has ever seen so I decided before I want to sell it to a manga company I want it to be popularised first to get a better deal.

so I went online to a popular manga publishing website for beginner manga artists and finally clicked publish. I could feel the pressure on my shoulders lift magically as if it wasn't even there.

As I was finally able to relax I felt a soft pair of hand on to of my shoulders. I turn around and look at my girlfriend to ask what she needs.

Momoi with an exasperated voice says" You've been in this house for almost a week drawing your manga so today we're going on a date. And no excuses got that."

I stare at my girlfriend In fear like she's lady death herself, and quickly respond with a" yes ma'am".


8:53 pm

Location-back of ally way.

System" Ding emergency quest complete, congratulations host for killing your first monster."

" Rewards: Title first kills - Every new monster you slay you will get 20 additional player points to allocate anywhere." The second reward: 10+ player points in every stat

System" Ding"

Name: kuroko

Level: 1.

Type: Main character/ kuroko

HP: 43%

MP: 28%

Attack: 25.

Defence: 19.

Speed: 17.

Luck: 110.

Will: 28.

Intellect: 20.

player points:30pp

kuroko" Seriously"

You may be wondering why I'm killing monsters when a second ago I was gonna go on a date with my girlfriend. well, this all started at 4 o'clock.


While me and my Momoi decided to leave the house around four, we called a taxi to go to the nearest park in p city to get some fresh air and have some time with Momoi.

My old self or the old kuroko did take her out a few times but he never normally talked, not much that is.

But Momoi didn't seem to mind so I asked her why she fell in love with me and what she said surprise me. she told me why and I started to remember through kurokos old memories.

Momoi" Darling and I or I have been friends since Junior High School after having met each other as a part of the Teikō basketball team." At first, I didn't think much of darling, due to your size and lack of presence off the court. However, after seeing darling practice and prove your worth on and off the court, my opinion changed and became amazed at darlings determination.

I occasionally became surprised and even flustered every time darling surprised me with your presence, which made me wonder why I was so flustered around darling and began to wonder if it was because I myself developed feelings for darling.

However, once darling gave me that free ice cream, I immediately fell in love with darling and I continued to attempt to cling to you. My feelings later deepened further after you saved me from being harassed by high-schoolers which happened quite often. Since then I constantly flirted with darling by asking to go home with you and giving you water especially during practices.

I wanted to go to the same high school as darling but I decided that it was more important to keep an eye on Aomine so to keep him out of trouble." said Momoi after saying all that with a flushed face while I just smiled.

After one hour and a half, we decided to watch a movie which was not really good but Momoi seemed to enjoy it.

By the time the movie ended it was already close to 8 pm so I decided to call a taxi back and waited for 5m before letting Momoi in first and then myself so we could relax and have some intimate time with Momoi, but fate will always beg a differ.

System" Ding emergency quest, come to location xxx-xxxx and kill monster ???.

Reward: ??????????? second reward: 10+ player stats points on all

When I read this I was dumbfounded but ecstatic as I would be able to get some experience and raise my stats at the same time doing my second problem.

So I gave Momoi an excuse to leave first as l come home later or as soon as possible.

She looked at me grudgingly which made me feel pain but. she eventually sighed the next moment and gave me a permission to go. I thanked her, kissed her on the forehead and ran to the location but got tired after ten minutes and decided to jog the rest of the way to conserve energy.


Back to the present

8:59 pm

Location-back of ally way.

system" Ding emergency quest complete, congratulations host for killing your first monster."

" Rewards: Title first kills - Every new monster you slay you will get 20 additional player points to allocate anywhere." The second reward: 10+ player points in every stat.

I was excited by the title as I would get 20 stat points every time I killed new spices if monster.

I looked at my status wondering where I should put but my points but decided that if I'm going to become the God of assassins ill need to bring up my speed and defence so I added, 15 to speed 10 on defence and 5 on strength.

kuroko" System shows me my status"

Name: kuroko

Level: 1.

Type: Main character/ kuroko

tittle:"fist kill"

HP: 53%

MP: 50%

Attack: 30.

Defence: 29.

Speed: 32.

Luck: 110.

Will: 28.

Intellect: 20.

player points:00pp

Alright with this I'm happy. so after leaving the area making sure there are no cameras I walk back home only to be too tired halfway through and getting a taxi in the end.

After entering I took off my shoes and entered the living room only to see every light switched off.

so I went upstairs only to hear the light splashing of water. It didn't take a fool to guess the Momoi was taking a shower but I was too tired to think otherwise I would be jumping and taking one with her.

But as I was exhausted I only took off my clothes and went to go sleep in my room which I share with Momoi now so I don't have to sleep in that uncomfortable cold room.

Once I hit the bed I crashed immediately on my bed and slept, not noticing a new warm feeling on my stomach hugging it and me hugging it back.