
Basketball Camp!

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Shout out to Phill, Reece Campbell, Chris, and random_debuff. They are the current paid members on the Patreon page. If you three guys want me to add something to the story, please tell me and I will oblige.

Also, thanks to Daniel Pranata and Chjen2000 (Free members).





"Can you say that again? I didn't catch it," Shinji inquired, shutting off his phone and turning his attention to his sister, Akane. The two were enjoying a quiet evening in the living room while their parents were out, savoring some quality time together.

On the first day of 2015, Shinji had the upcoming basketball camp on his mind. With his bags packed and essentials on the checklist, he was set to go. All that was left was to bide his time until the next day. The camp would be held in Tokyo anyway. So, the trip to its location wouldn't be a long one.

Irked by her brother's words, for the third time, Akane repeated her question, "How do you want to capture the experience? Planning to vlog it yourself or thinking of having a cameraman follow you?" She sat up, ready to throw something if he dared to ask again.

Sensing his sister's patience wearing thin, Shinji decided to cut the teasing and seriously ponder the question. Moments passed as he contemplated various options. Finally, he looked at Akane with determination and replied, "I don't know!"

Not one to let her brother off the hook, Akane grabbed a pillow and swiftly launched it in his direction. The pillow was moving fast—a result of her dedicated training over the past six months. Anticipating the playful attack, Shinji skillfully dodged it and grabbed another pillow, using it as a shield. "Seriously, I don't have a clue," he declared, evoking a momentary ceasefire.

Taking advantage of the pause, he quickly continued, "What else do you want me to say? No matter how I choose to film, I'll end up looking like I'm desperate for attention in front of the other camp participants," he explained, expressing his uncertainty about the question.

"Honestly, I don't care what they think about me, so either method works for me," he added, grinning as Akane nodded in agreement and set the pillow aside. She didn't have a reason to throw it at him, which is most likely the reason she conceded.

"You have a point, even though it pains me to admit it," she conceded, settling back on the couch. "So, we have two choices. Either film using your point of view or..." she trailed off, Shinji finishing her sentence. "Have somebody follow me around and capture everything I do." He finished with a smile on his face.

As they weighed the pros and cons of each filming method, they both reached the same conclusion: consult their parents, the professionals in that area, once they returned.

With that settled, they went back to their respective activities, respecting each other's space. However, the peace was short-lived as Shinji, engrossed in a video on his phone, was suddenly greeted by a pillow hitting him in the face—a payback throw from Akane.

Taking it as a challenge, Shinji gathered a bunch of pillows on one corner of the couch and retaliated by chucking them toward Akane, who reciprocated. A fierce pillow battle ensued, turning the once neat living room into a battlefield.

Amidst the chaos, they overlooked one crucial detail—the house was equipped with cameras, and their parents had access to the footage whenever they pleased. The aftermath of their spirited pillow fight would not go unnoticed.



"How many clothes did you pack?" Hirano inquired, peering over Shinji as he reluctantly displayed the clothes he had neatly packed. 

Counting on his fingers, Shinji listed, "Seven T-shirts, three hoodies, and five pairs of pants. I also brought two training uniforms just in case they don't provide one." He carefully laid out the clothes for his mother to inspect.

Nodding in approval, Hirano pointed at a specific T-shirt. "I don't like that one. Go and pick another shirt," she instructed, striding towards Shinji's closet. After a brief search, she pulled out a black sweatshirt and matching sweatpants, tossing them to Shinji.

"Put these in there. What are you doing wearing that thin T-shirt with this god-forsaken weather?" she scolded, noticing his reluctance. However, faced with her intensifying expression, Shinji hastily packed the additional clothes she gave him and rapidly closed the suitcase, hoping to avoid further scrutiny.

Observing her son's quick actions, Hirano sighed, shaking her head. "Shinji..." she called, prompting him to look at her with a questioning expression.

As he met her gaze, Hirano's stern expression softened, and she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Listen, although it's only for ten days, this is the first time you'll be on your own. So, remember to take care of yourself, but also enjoy the experience. Make friends, learn new things, and don't forget to call us. You're still my little boy, no matter how tall you get," she said, her advice carrying a mix of maternal concern and pride. Not everybody can brag about their son being recognized as one of the nation's best athletes in his age group. So, she was extremely proud of her son. 

Shinji, appreciating his mother's words, nodded. "I will, Mom. Don't worry too much," he assured, giving her a reassuring smile.

Hirano returned the smile, patting his cheek affectionately. "I know you will, but a mother can't help worrying. Take care and have fun, okay?"

With a final hug and a whispered "I love you," Shinji left the room, walking to his father, who was already waiting for him in the car.



(AN__: Although I will not mention it, he's filming the whole experience. He's doing it in a way most people wouldn't notice, so it won't be a problem. However, off-screen, he would ask whether people would want to be filmed.)



The engine's soft hum accompanied Shinji and his father, Tsuji Koganei, on the 30-minute drive to the Oriental Flower Hotel, the anticipated residence for the upcoming ten-day basketball camp held by Yoshimune Shizuo. The familiar scent of the car's interior mixed with a sense of excitement and nervous anticipation. As the landscape blurred by, father and son engaged in a heartfelt conversation.

Tsuji, an athlete himself with a background in football when he was younger, took this opportunity to share his insights and advice with Shinji. Since he had participated in multiple camps during his teenage years, he had a lot of advice to offer. Of course, none of those were as big and significant as the thin one. However, it still counted as experience. While paying attention on the road, He spoke about the importance of self-care, drawing from his own experiences as a young athlete. "You've got to take care of yourself, Shinji. Eat well, stay hydrated, and get enough rest. It's not just about basketball; it's about being in top shape overall."

Shinji, absorbing his father's words, nodded in agreement. He also has experienced these kinds of camps in his previous life. However, he couldn't help getting nervous. Still, his father's words and advice calmed him down. Seeing that his son was paying attention to him, Tsuji continued, delving into another topic. "Now, about the camp, son. Don't let anyone push you around. Young teenagers like asserting themselves when they're around people their age. That's even more true for sports like basketball that require a lot of machismo from its players..." He started, pausing for a while to gather his thoughts before continuing.

"Do you Remember Murasakibara, that purple-haired kid? He tried to punk you during the Winter Cup finals, but you stood your ground. Carry that same energy for the entirety of this camp. Don't be afraid to assert yourself."

A confident smile played on Shinji's lips. "My mother didn't raise no coward," he quipped, prompting a chuckle from Tsuji, who affectionately ruffled Shinji's hair despite the latter's playful protests.

As they conversed for a while and approached the subject of Shinji's vlogging endeavor, Tsuji gestured toward the camera that was placed in front of the car. "When did you start filming?" he asked, his curiosity evident. It has been recording them ever since Shinji entered the vehicle. Fortunately, the presence of the camera didn't affect them as they were both used to it.

Hearing his father's question, Shinji explained that he began capturing moments for the YouTube channel when he woke up, following their advice to document the entire camp from his point of view.

Nodding approvingly, Tsuji queried, "How much do you plan to film during the camp?" Shinji took a moment, contemplating his response. "As much as possible," he replied. "but I don't want it to affect too much. This is a precious opportunity. So, I want to soak it all in while making sure I have enough footage to to use for the channel."

Tsuji, pleased with his son's dedication, encouraged him. "That's the spirit, Shinji. Focus on your game, and learn as much as you can. This is a chance that might not come around again. Make the most of it."

As the car glided toward its destination, their conversation seamlessly shifted between anecdotes about his father's football playing days, personal anecdotes, and moments of shared laughter. 

Finally, they arrived at the front of the Oriental Flower Hotel. The sleek hotel facade welcomed Tsuji and Shinji as they parked their car, and the courteous hotel staff swiftly assisted in guiding them through the parking process. The anticipation of the upcoming basketball camp hung in the air as father and son made their way into the Oriental Flower Hotel.

Stepping into the lobby, Shinji couldn't help but marvel at the elegant interior. Polished floors and tasteful decor exuded an air of sophistication. They approached the reception, where a friendly receptionist greeted them. Shinji took the lead, offering a polite greeting and stating their purpose.

"We're here for the basketball camp organized by Yoshimune Shizuo," Shinji explained, flashing a warm smile. Tsuji stood behind his son, a silent but supportive presence, allowing Shinji to handle the interaction.

The receptionist, a young lady with a welcoming demeanor, listened attentively. Upon hearing about the basketball camp, her smile widened, indicating an awareness of the event. She asked for the name of the participant and an identification card, a routine procedure for check-in.

Shinji confidently provided his name, and as an added layer of confirmation, he took, from his bag, the official invitation to the camp sent via email—a document bearing the prestigious seal of the Japan Basketball Association. The receptionist, with professional efficiency, inspected the invitation and cross-referenced the names on her list.

As she reviewed the documents, a realization dawned on her, prompting a friendly apology for the brief delay. Shinji, displaying his characteristic wit, playfully shrugged off the apology. "I would've thought this whole camp thing was a scam if you didn't double-check," he quipped, a playful grin on his face.

The receptionist, amused by Shinji's candid response, let out a genuine laugh. "Well, we wouldn't want you falling for a scam, would we?" she teased, her laughter echoing in the lobby.

Once satisfied with the verification process, the receptionist extended her apologies for the brief wait, handed Shinji a badge with his name inscribed on it, and invited him to follow her. A glance passed between father and son, Tsuji already heading toward the exit. Shinji smiled at his father, signaling that everything was in order.

As Shinji followed the receptionist toward the elevators, he couldn't help looking around as the Hotel was truly magnificent. He didn't know how to describe it since he didn't have the necessary vocabulary. However, he still enjoyed looking at the decorations. A few seconds later, they reached the elevators and boarded it.

The elevator doors slid shut, and Shinji, determined to make the most of this opportunity, struck up a friendly conversation with the receptionist, asking for her name. With a smile, she responded, telling Shinji to call her Rei Sakamoto. 

With a warm smile, Shinji extended a hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Sakamoto. I'm Shinji Koganei." Rei reciprocated the gesture, her friendly demeanor making the elevator ride more pleasant.

As the elevator ascended, Shinji's curiosity led him to inquire about their destination. "So, where are we headed?" he asked, genuinely interested in familiarizing himself with the hotel layout.

Rei, still wearing her welcoming smile, responded, "We're heading to the fifth floor. There's a restaurant there, reserved exclusively for the basketball camp members throughout their stay." Her words hinted at the special treatment awaiting the participants, adding an extra layer of excitement to Shinji's anticipation.

Nodding in understanding, Shinji decided to delve deeper into the logistics of their stay. "What about our accommodation? Any details on that?" he queried, eager to gather as much information as possible.

Rei, adopting a slightly apologetic expression, explained, "I'm afraid I don't have that information. You'll receive all the details about accommodation once everyone is gathered. They'll brief you about it." Her response hinted at a well-organized plan for the camp, even if certain details were kept under wraps for the time being.

Ever the playful spirit, Shinji seized the opportunity to inject humor into the conversation. "Ah, keeping me in suspense, huh? Maybe you just don't want to talk to me anymore," he teased, feigning disappointment and flashing a mischievous grin.

Rei chuckled at his antics, assuring him that it was far from the truth. "No, no, that's not it at all," she laughed. The conversation between them made the elevator ride feel shorter, the anticipation building as they neared their destination.

As the elevator dinged to a stop on the fifth floor, Rei gestured toward the restaurant entrance. "Here we are. This is your stop. Good luck with the camp, Mr. Koganei!" she cheered, bidding him farewell with a friendly wave.

As Koganei stepped into the reserved area, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through him, the nervousness he felt earlier completely leaving his body. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and the restaurant exuded an air of exclusivity that heightened the significance of the upcoming basketball camp. A confident smirk played on Koganei's lips as he surveyed the scene.

Inside, two waiters welcomed him, one of them inquiring, "Are you here for the basketball camp?" Koganei greeted them back and nodded in confirmation. With that, he presented the badge Rei Sakamoto had provided earlier in the lobby, a tangible symbol of his participation in the elite event.

The waiter, after inspecting the badge to ensure its authenticity, gestured for Koganei to follow him. As they navigated through the restaurant, Koganei couldn't help but appreciate the elegance of the surroundings, underscoring the significance of the gathering.

Entering the restaurant area, Koganei observed that only three individuals, players, had arrived before him. A faint sigh escaped him as he realized just how early he was for the event. His gaze shifted to the trio, and a subtle smile played on his lips as he recognized two familiar faces among them—Teppei Kiyoshi and Seijuro Akashi.

Coincidentally, the seat assigned to Koganei wasn't far from theirs, adding a touch of familiarity to the gathering. Taking in the scene, he approached his designated spot with a sense of eagerness.

Next chapter