

From the moment you were born, a promise was created.

A promise that you will live.

We are give each one by the universe, that we will be part of this reality. And we are given one by our parents, our friends, and sometimes even strangers.

Those promises are the reason why we live, why we move forward. Promises of wealth, fame, and a happy life. We move through the suffering that this world promised us, so that we could see those promises be met.

But, sometimes those promises are not upheld. Many people will take advantage of the ability to create promises. They lie, they hurt. For their own selfish gain, they will do anything.

But that itself is a promise, a promise that many people will take advantage of others.

Breaking a promise can sometimes, be it small or big, inflict a deep pain on the one who you betrayed.

A pain so profound that it will change them, so painful that they will close themselves to more promises.

Hurting them so bad, that they will deny any proclamation of possibilities.

Love is a promise.

A promise of individuals.

Be it romantic or platonic.

Love is a heavy promise, so heavy that betraying it can lead to an incomprehensible agony.

A promise so sublime, it could break or build humanity.

After all, you are making yourself vulnerable to pain once you accept the promise.

The moment you accept the promise of love, you opened a series of endless doors that promise immense pain that could break a man's soul beyond comprehension, but you're also opening yourself to the possibility of profound happiness, so sublime that it may be the reason why we make ourselves open to this type of pain.

We wake up every morning, we fuel ourselves to the promise to dream, that we will be granted that possibility. That's what humanity is, a species filled with dreams and ambition, but too imperfect and flawed to possibly achieve those dreams.

Life is a promise of love and suffering that reaches the very fabric of our being.


Hey my name is Var! Is nice to nice who ever you are! It's been a while since I've feel someone in this void; it's getting lonely in here.

I hope you stay for a while! Maybe we could have a conversation while you're here.

Hmm? What's that?

Oh, this place is what you can only name, the Void.

Or limbo there's surprisingly a lot of terms for this. But we'll stick with Void for convenience.

So you're asking why I'm here? Well, it's a long story! And I may forget a few details. I've lose track of time here.

So, the reason I'm here, is cause I'm dead. Apparently hit by a stray bullet! So random, it makes me laugh sometimes.


Why am I not sad?

Well, it is what is~

All of us well someday die, and I already reach my time it's seems. Don't get me wrong, I was angry for a long time, but I reflected upon it, and let go of the anger I'm already dead. What's there to linger on my death?

And, the randomness of my death help me to accept it a bit. I mean, who could you place the blame? The shooter? well I asumme the bastard didn't aim at me cause I was just chilling.

You get it! Can you move to another topic? My death is not that exciting after all; unfortunately it's not one of those japanese novel, manga, or anime protagonist death! Which is sad, I didn't meet the infamous Truck-kun.

But I do hope, I meet a God, or Goddess here! I assume this place is a form after life -- and I hope is not purgatory-- and what comes with the after life? Of course! Deites! I can't wait to met one.


Why am I not scared of judgement?

Of course I am! I've done a lot of questionable things after all.

And I hope my group chat ain't gonna be used against me. Cause if it is, there's no hope for me! I'm going straight down to Satan's bedroom.

I hope he's chill.

But I do hope my sins are not heavy to Warrent me going to eternal damnation. I hope.

Why did you say I'm insane!

I'm perfectly sane!

I could still talk to you, whoever you are, and I'm not hallucinating anything! So I must be sane!

Seriously your quite judgy! Didn't your parents tell you not to judge a Book by its cover-

Of course I'm not a book cover! It's a metaphor, You silly bastard! Don't take it too literally!

As I was saying before you rudely judge me. I hope I meet God, or a God. What the hell did I just say?

Ah, ignore it!

Though I hope it's Buddha, I heard the honored one is pretty chill.

Why do you keep saying I'm insane!? I'm not! How many times do I repeat myself?

Okay I'm getting mad at you now.

Your pretty rude!

I hope you stabbed your toe four times a day, you ill-mannered scoundrel!

Wha? - now I'm rude!?

Well, I'm not the one who started it, now did I? This is entirely your doing!

"Umm, are you alright there Human?"


Woah, aren't you bright!

"Thanks for th compliment-"

And small.


Did I say something wrong? Oh bright one, who is also small.

"Seriously, are you okay Human?"

I'm perfectly okay! And sane!

"Okay... Would you kindly tell me what's your name is? This is quite important"

Oh! My name is Var Bartolozi! Nice to meet you, Incandescent one!

"That is not your real last name."

Wha- who are you to tell my last name, who was given to me by my lovely father, who is also a police officer.


"Great, I have to deal with a nutjob."

I heard that! You are rude as hell!

"Var, this is the only name I'll write, because I'm not stupid enough to fall for a obvious lie."

How dare you! I'm the mose honest in the wold! Hell, I was at the top of the "Most Honest human on the world" contest!

"There's no such thing."

"You know what, why am I even entertaining you?"

What did you just press?

"It's the hell button, buddy. Your going to the neither!"

What! you cannot do that!!

" Well, I can! "


"... "


Where's the portal to damnation, with screaming souls of the dead?

" Wha-!? What do you mean, this nutjob is not eligible to eternal punishment!? Have you been not listening!? "

Ha. Told you I'm the most honest man in the world!

" That is not even rela- fuck it, how do I get this maniac out of my domain?"

Wait! Kicking me out so soon?! I did not even get your name, oh 5'2" glowing guy.

" I'm not gonna give my name to you! And I don't want to hear my beloved name come out out of your insane, and dirty mouth! "

Rude! I'll have you know, that I brush thre- no four times a day! My mouth is the cleanest place on the entire world! The people should have evacuated in my mouth, during the pandemic, to keep themselves clean from the virus!

" You're really insane. "

" Gorlock! Get this mongrel out of my shadow realm! "

Oh hi there, three headed doggie! What's your nam-!





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