
Chapter Two, Part Three

"I really made a killing…" Hal shook his head as he made his way back to the lookout. Korin had given over two dozen pots of beans, alongside three doses of Ultra Sacred Water. "I won't use this water just yet, but I can research its properties once I finally set up the Fortress."

His future-sight had more applications than he'd first considered. It was invaluable in negotiations. The ability to test out countless pitches and witness the results without consequence made it almost impossible to fail. He patted the capsule on his belt, where he'd stored the majority of the senzu.

"I would feel guilty, but these were all destined for the chubby samurai's belly," Yajirobe would clean out Korin's supply, so Hal's actions were neutral at worst. He shook himself free of his introspections and focused on his next goal. "I need to find Mr. Popo and visit the Time chamber."

He wanted to see if the light inside the room was counted as sunlight by his body. If so, there was even more value in training inside with Popo for a year. The bizarre genie in question was currently occupied in a battle with Goku, one hand behind his back as he blocked every attack with a single palm.

They danced across the lookout's surface, until Goku collapsed to the ground, exhausted. Hal floated to their side, while the Saiyan complained about Popo's freakish agility.

"You're even faster than Hal… I can't even land a single good hit!" Goku placed his hands onto his knees and let out a massive sigh. "One day, I'll be stronger than either of you, just you wait!"

"We'll see about that, you cheeky monkey," Hal's mouth split into a wicked grin as he gave the young Saiyan a noogie. He cleared his throat and turned to Mr. Popo with a more respectful expression on his face. "I was hoping I could take a look inside the Time Chamber? I'm a bit pressed for time, so I might want to spend a year inside while we train."

If he was to keep his promise to Bulma about having working dragon balls to hunt a year from now, he needed to make his wish soon. One year in the chamber left both Goku and himself a year in reserve for emergencies.

"Of course, right this way," Popo gave a bow and began to walk toward the central building. "Each person may only spend up to two years in the chamber, so think carefully about the time you spend inside."

Hal nodded in response as he dragged the weary Goku behind him. He knew that after its destruction, the limit was removed. Until then, it was best to avoid using all their time right away.

It took longer than his journey to the Pendulum Room, but they finally entered the familiar chamber. As soon as they stepped beyond the living quarters a weight pressed on his shoulders. Goku was flattened to the ground, already spent after his long spar with Mr. Popo. Hal closed his eyes and opened his arms, to better absorb the light that fell onto this space

"It's the same as the noonday sun…" A smile spread over his face. Hal turned to Mr. Popo and bowed to the rotund genie. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to get started right away!"

– – – –

Ki flickered through the air, a barrage of spherical orbs that hunted a single target. A void black figure flickered in and out of existence, smooth palms extended to ward off the rain of missiles. Mr. Popo flowed through space like a ghost, untouchable and ethereal. His face never shifted from its blank calm, a tranquillity that began to wear Hal's nerves to the edge.

A ripple of his biofield carried him forward, the world a blur of white that focused on the single point of darkness. Ki filled his body, reinforced his already mighty strength for a series of rapid blows. Each one fell onto Popo's merciless palms, blocked or deflected away. Hal snorted and a blaze of red erupted from his eyes, superheated energy that evaporated Mr. Popo's afterimage to dust.

"Another physical ability…" Popo appeared a few feet to the left, the smallest hint of interest in his eyes. "Both you and your brother are from very unusual races, powerful beyond the norm."

"It's still not enough to beat you…" Hal sighed and stretched his spine. Even with his future-sight, he could find no path to the genie's defeat. "Just how strong are you, exactly?"

He'd always believed Popo was weaker than Raditz, and the anime had misrepresented his strength when he battled Goten and Trunks. Now he wasn't sure. These past six months had taught him much, refined his ability to both control and sense ki, yet he could still detect nothing from the portly genie.

"I am as strong as I must be, to train and care for the guardian," Mr. Popo gave a vague non-answer and motioned for Hal to continue. "Come, soon it will be Goku's turn and you will rest."

– – – –

"Better… but you are still far from where you need to be," Mr. Popo deflected Hal's punch to the side and spun to disperse the momentum of the blow. It was their tenth month inside the chamber and Hal had yet to strike the passive genie. "Your power is now above my current ability, but you are not using all you have as one."

Hal flashed to Popo's back and lashed out with a kick. His foot passed through an afterimage and a frown tugged at his lips. This wasn't the first time Mr. Popo had said these words, but he still didn't understand. His ki was tightly controlled, laser focused and stronger than ever.

"I'm not sure what else I can do," Hal shook his head. He already amplified his actions with his biofield automatically, and mixed in laser vision with his ki attacks. "I'll develop different abilities as I age, but I don't…"

"No!" Popo showed a small hint of emotion as he shook his head back and forth. "You have another limb, a phantom sense that covers your body… you fill your hands and feet with ki, why not this fifth appendage?"

Hal froze in place. He'd never considered combining his abilities with his ki in such a way, he wasn't even sure it was possible. His biofield was a part of him, generated by his cells. Theoretically, he could channel his ki deep into his cells, then let the field carry it from there.

A great shift occurred within his mind, a quake that pulled on the wellspring of his ki and dragged it into the depths of his body. His cells opened, bottomless holes that compressed his ki and infused it into the field that entwined with his very being. A rush of power, intense and bracing, rocked Hal's frame.

Yellow-white flames danced over his skin, transparent and ethereal. The biofield swelled and contracted, visible to the naked eye. Half-concealed by the flames of his aura, Hal let a smile climb onto his lips. His Three Minute Sight no longer showed a string of endless losses.

"Thank you, Mr. Popo," Hal turned to his teacher and bowed at the waist. The light of his flames swelled as ki flowed unrestrained into his biofield. "I finally understand…"

Hal raised his head and flashed the powerful genie a grin. A shift of his feet blurred the world, while his fist lashed out with all his strength. Popo managed to spin, both hands overlapped to accept the blow.

The two collided with a clap of thunder, loud enough to shake the air. Mr. Popo rocketed backwards, almost propelled into the living quarters as he struggled to control his path. Hal smiled and let himself sink into his Three Minute Sight once more, focused on controlling and testing this new power.

'Sorry Mr. Popo, but these aren't actually you, just possible versions of you…' 

Hal began an infinite variety of assaults on the poor genie, three minute battles that often ended in Popo's death. Each loop in time brought him more control, until he was able to suppress the flames below his skin. With the full force of his biofield contained just under the surface, all of his ki was contained and controlled as well.

'It's like a pseudo form of god-ki… not as powerful, but a good start on the path!'

Time returned and his actual biofield followed the one in his visions. It vanished from the air, as did the signature of his ki. Hal let out a deep breath, an icy wind that froze the ground in its path. His ki cycled, over and over, from his body to the field and back again. Every cell was alive, rejuvenated by the infusion of refined ki.

"You seem to have had a breakthrough," Mr. Popo hovered around Hal's still figure, eyes focused as he inspected his energy. "I can no longer sense your ki at all, it's almost as if…"

"I think it's time for me to go out," Hal interrupted Popo with a smile. He drifted toward the entrance to the Time Chamber, eager to be free of this featureless prison. "Tell Goku he should stay until the year is up… keep him away from the full moon after he gets out!"

***Power Levels and other notes***

Hal: 2276 (7324 after the biofield/ki fusion)

Goku: 215

Korin: 190

Kami: 220

Mr. Popo: ???

I've decided that Mr. Popo will have god ki, unlike Kami. His power level is less relevant than his centuries of experience.

Thanks again for reading! This novel will have a slower release rate than my other novel, at least for now. I do monthly content polls on my Patreon, so if enough people are interested then this novel will move up in priority! My top priority novel gets seven chapter parts a week on the patreon and five on all other platforms. All constructive criticism and comments are welcome!



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