
Trial Of Top G - Late Brothers

"This is my kick-boxing." Christian said with a smile, knowing damn well that he had just opened the gates to a completely different world for Arthur.

"Evading the punch means getting hit by the leg...Kick-boxing." Arthur understood what Christian had told him just now.

But, the world Arthur was from, using kick-boxing was same as calling for self-annihilation.

"Christian, he can be a Top..." Orew said to Christian and Arthur turned around to Orew instantly.

"What did you just say?" Arthur couldn't believe what he had heard just now. 

Before Orew could even repeat what he had said just a second ago, a script of the Heaven's Eye opened up between Arthur and Orew.

Though, only Arthur could see it.

( Trial has been dedicated to your growth by Orew Late! )

( Trial 'Fourth' of seven, Trial of TOP G, becoming what you are destined to become, the most respected and feared, is ongoing! )

"Top G?" Arthur was shocked by the trial, 

'Just who are these two? These Late Brother's will turn me into someone respected and feared?' Arthur mumbled to himself as Orew's voice landed in his ear.

"I was telling Christian, that you, Arthur, you have what it takes to be a Top G!" said Orew while gesturing Christian to continue the imparting of his kick-boxing knowledge on to Arthur.

"It's coming." Arthur who had already fallen twice and caught off guard once, knew that he had to stay sharp.

'I need to focus or I will find myself on the ground.' Arthur mumbled to himself while Christian was tightening the gloves on his hands.

"Little Arthur, fight with everything you got." Christian Late smiled as he knew that fighting back was the last thing on Arthur's ind.

But, as someone called here by Goliath in order to build a warrior out of Arthur, Christian had to do his job of telling Arthur to come at him.

"I will." Arthur replied with a unwavering tone and in his heart, he had the confidence of countering Christian.

Till now, he had only been hit. From the kid of the orphanage, to the orphanage director, and now here, by Christian Late.

Nothing had changed except that he was asked to fight back. For the first time, Arthur felt excited along with worried.

Worried about taking a hit and excited about landing one.

"Every scar makes you wiser!" From the side, Orew Late dropped a mind boggling bomb on Arthur.

Arthur felt enlightened and couldn't help but glance at Orew.

In the meantime, he felt a hot sensation landing on his protruding belly.

In an instant, he felt his gut getting crushed and the shattering sensation reached his ribs and even his throat felt stuffed.

Arthur glanced down and found Christian's fist burring a few inches deep in his stomach.

Arthur felt like he was going to throw up but thanks to going through Eclipsis Arcanum, he was barely able to hold back the precious nutrients and the protein that Sam had cooked up for him.

"Oh, you holding pretty well for now." Christian told Arthur while pulling back his right and launching it at Arthur's face.

"Bang." Arthur who was already half way down, got hit with the punch straight on.

Even though he couldn't dodge it, he did push his face towards the punch a little while bracing for impact.

"HAHAHAAHAA~" laughed Orew while watching Arthur struggling as much as he could against Christian.

"He is The Man!" Orew said while watchin Arthur do something that he hadn't done till now.

"Too much." After the recent punches on his face, Arthur was done taking the beating as he was fired up.

It was human's nature to fight back even if it's a little. Even ants will bite their way up if you try to destroy their house.

That was Arthur's mental state at the moment.

With such wild thoughts, he threw a punch.

Even though he had matured mentally, his fist travelled like that of a toddler asking for food.

It landed right on Christian's thick chest and bounced back instantly.

"Soft." said Christian while towering Arthur like an impenetrable mountain with his formidable stature.

Christian looked down at his chest and the fist of Arthur that had bounced back after coming in touch with dominant chest genetics.

"You can do better. Hit like a man." Christian roared at Arthur who already had tears flowing down his eyes.

"Ahhh~" While screaming at the top of his lungs, Arthur barraged Christian with left and rights.

All landing everywhere, but Christian was unflinching to say the least.

'Did I dream of Eclipsis Arcanum?' Arthur mumbled to himself while crying out as loud as he could.

"Boom, boom." Soon, every one of his fist carried a thundering sound which resounded in the whole 'Building', showing that Arthur's fist weren't weak.

And, Arthur too, understood that much.

"You are just too strong." Arthur mumbled as his punches slowed down.

"You feel tired? If you stop because you feel tired, you will never be able to beat someone who keeps on going even when he feels tired." Orew spoke slowly just like the slowing punches of Arthur.

The sound and the punches overlapped and a resonance was created in Arthur's mind as he didn't even turn to look at Orew, yet the words were simply absorbed by his mind.

"Ahhhh." Arthur roared and continued punching and soon continued with his eyes closed.

"Haha." Christian on the other hand laughed as he looked at Arthur and reminisced his own past that he could see in Arthur.

While doing so, Christian realized that Arthur's punches as fast and countless as they may be, the position of his punches were getting lower and lower.

"Hey, open your eyes," urged Christian, but Arthur remained in a trance-like state, relentlessly throwing punches as if he was in another realm.

However, even Arthur, in his trance-state, abruptly stopped the moment he felt his fist touching a soft ball containing two fragile eggs inside it.

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