
First Fight

Waking up the next morning our young hero still finds that he is imprisoned this makes him realize that all of this is not a dream and in actual fact real life.

Looking out the Bars the dungeon is filled with more activity as the people prepare for the upcoming match. All the people show no sign of laziness in fact they all have enthusiastic faces with anticipation in their eyes of course the more happy they are the less Happy Aldrin is.

'Savages' Aldrin curses them silently.

It did not take long for a guard to come to his cell and escort him.

"Hey buddy can I maybe not go and fight"

"No" the guard simply says

"I have this rare disease that makes me unable to fight"


"I also have a disease that makes me unable to lie"

The guard just rolls his eyes

The guard proceeds to unlock the cell

"Don't be too hasty. Can i have a last meal?"

"We have Burnt bread or stale bread for prisoners"


"Burnt bread or stale bread"

The guard proceeds to cuff Aldrin

"Wait I really can not be allowed to go in that arena"

"Why is that?"

"I'm pregnant" Says Aldrin with a straight face and a serious tone.




His serious tone even causes the guard to halt his movements.Until he remembers that this prisoner is a Man.

"Lets Go"

"I'm serious here"

"Not buying it"

Aldrin can only obediently follow the guard.


Aldrin quickly arrives at the elevator to enter the arena it is there that he finds a weapon rack,tacking a look at the weapons rack it contains the usual weapons Swords,Mace,Bow,Gun,and a Spear.






'Isn't this a game world? Why is there a gun?'

'Wait if this is not a game world that makes this a real world!'




"GUARDS WHAT IS THIS WEAPON!" exclaims Aldrin unable to hide his resentment for this weapon.

The guards are visibly confused by this prisoners random outburst nonetheless one decides to answer. "This is called a Flintlock pistol"

'Flintlock pistol? Taking a closer look it really does resemble one,I am really am a Idiot for not noticing earlier. I'm just glad they don't have modern weapons.

"Yes this weapon has many problem which is why they were discontinued,How they may not be used by the people it is perfect for us because those problems make it perfect for are Arena" continues the guard.

'Discontinued he says? How far have they Advanced?' O.O

Seeing him in a daze the guard urges Aldrin to pick his weapons.

Aldrin then pauses in thought for a moment before he grabs the Flintlock.


[Flintlock Pistol]

Common Grade


Attack Damage: +50

Weapon Type:Bow

Weapon Description:Prone to Misfire and a slow reload this type of pistol was both reliable and dangerous at the time.

'So Flintlock and Bow fall under the same category makes me wonder can my (Arrow) skill also be used with it? I also can not just ignore that +50 damage considering it is a level 5 weapon that is a lot of damage usually only level 10 weapons contain that much damage! Sadly I am only level 1 so I am currently unable to bring out the full effect of the weapon but gladly only the damage should be halved still giving me a +25 in damage'

"I will take this weapon and also the sword"


[Iron Sword]

Common Grade


Attack Damage: +5

Weapon Type:Sword

Weapon Description:A dull sword made of Iron.

All weapons and armors can fall under their own respective tiers.The tiers are what classify a weapon with a higher tier if weapon the better its effects and the stronger its damage.The tiers are what follows-







Common weapons are as the name says the most common type of weapon a person can have.No matter where you are in the world you are guaranteed to be able to find a common weapon where people gather.

Uncommon weapons are not as common as the common weapons but as long as one is not a idiot finding one should prove no problem. Uncommon weapons are said to give effects to it's user granting them with more power.

Rare type weapons are a whole new problem only advanced blacksmiths are able to create a rare type if one cannot find a blacksmiths buying one for a large some of money at a auction is also possible. Rare weapons posses stronger effects and higher damage.

Epic weapons are said to be beyond the reach of humans but with the recent technological developments the secret behind the weapons are being unveiled. Many will not be able to catch a glimpse of one and none know who has created them.

Legendary weapons are born from the stories and deeds of the champions who wield them. Believed to be alive. Example: Hero's Sword,Demon's lords Saber.

Mythic weapons are believed to be a myth some believe the existence of such weapons were born from the tale of a drunken fool. Some believe that Mythic weapons are believed to be the weapons of God's.


Aldrin holding the sword gives it a few swings 'Not as heavy as I thought it would be'

"Hey guards can I get some armor before I go."


Confused Aldrin ask "How come I can't"

"Armor would only help to keep you alive longer" replies the emotionless guard.

'ISN'T THAT THE POINT!' Aldrin says in his head but seeing the emotionless faces of the guards he can only complain internally.

All of a sudden the sounds of the arena quiet down and the announcers voice can be heard from above.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMAN today we have a old classic battle for you the SLAVE FIGHT!!"

"Our arena has recently purchased a whole new batch of slaves who for your entertainment are going to have a DEATH BATTLE! Yes you heard correct the Death Battle.For those who are new a Death Battle consist where only one participant can come out alive! and today we will have 2 participants!"

"WITHOUT ANYMORE OF A WAIT LETS BRING THEM ON STAGE" yells the announcer as loud as he can.

The guards then proceed to push Aldrin on to the platform. A guard then pulls a lever which makes the platform start to rise.

All Aldrin can do is stand there in his rags with his a Flintlock holstered on his left thigh and a Sword in his right hand.

It would not be a lie to say that Aldrin is not nervous.Growing up on Earth since when did he have to ever fight for his life now all of a sudden he is about to enter a Death Battle. The fact that he is even sane can all be attributed to his "Go with the flow" mentality.

'I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!'

'I have fought many times in the game i just have to recreate all that in real life, stay calm stay! stay calm!'

When the platform finally raises to the top and the blinding rays of the sun hit Aldrin's eyes he can't help but internally scream 'FUCK THIS WORLD'

Walking out into the arena he notices its only about 2 times larger than the Roman Colosseum on Earth.As looks up into the sky he notices there are 2 bright suns shining down their blinding rays in the sky,breathing in the air a horrid,sickening,and sweet stench enters into his nostrils Aldrin can only assume its blood by looking at the spots of dried blood that litter the arena.As all the gazes land on him the crowd boo's enter his ears,probably assuming this would be a quick match judging from his look. Nonetheless he savors the moment of his first experience viewing a different world.

Looking across from him a gate opens revealing a rising platform where once it hits the top a man walks out.Even from a distance as far from where he stands he can still make out the details of the man clearly, Looks to be about a head taller with tan skin and bulging muscles a curly beard matching his curly hair and a war axe over his shoulder.Aldrin remembering in game you can see a enemy's data quickly tries to appraise the man before him.

<Beserker lvl 7>

'Usually there is a Health bar but I guess in real life its just not there' Aldrin can only sigh in disappointment.

Walking to the center the big man laughs out loud when he properly looks at his opponent.


Aldrin immediately brightens up when he hears what he says he can't help but ask for confirmation "Serious?".

"I AM A MAN OF MY WORD" replies the beserker.

"I SURRENDER!!" exclaims Aldrin immediately without the slightest hint of shame

This earns him Boo's from the crowd and a confused look from the Beserker.

"Actually I prefer talking over our differences because with that method I believe we can grow as a society and work towards a common goal like Ending world Hunger"says Aldrin with a face full of righteousness.It is a shame that the audience are savages that only hunger for blood.

"BEGIN" says the announcer suddenly

The beserker then proceeds to charge like a raging bull.

As soon as the Beserker is in a close enough range he does a wide swing from the left hoping to behead Aldrin and end this match immediately.Aldrin seeing this quickly backs up at his fastest speed,as the axe comes closer he just manages to get out of range before it hits him.As the axe passed him the wind following the swing managed to knock him off balance sending him falling to the ground,the bear seeing this immediately follows with a vertical swing like chopping firewood,Aldrin wide eyed quickly rolls away.As he rolls away he swiftly grabs a handful of dirt on the ground,standing up hastily he throws dirt at the man blinding him before following up with a (Charging Slash).Aldrin immediately speeds up then follows with swinging his sword horizontally which manages to leave a mark across his opponents stomach.

After both sides separate 3 meters apart from each other they both take their time recollect their thoughts.While the crowd cheers watching such a Battle.

Aldrin may look calm on the surface but inwardly he is freaking out.

'How did I just survive just now!!!'

'All I did was panic before the the fight started but as soon as he charged for some reason I felt danger approaching and my mind was clear allowing me to make accurate decisions'


[New Passive Skill Unlocked]

(Battle Sense lvl 1)

Battle Sense-Allows User to sense incoming Danger,Clear ones Mind,Make accurate decisions,and Boost Combat prowess.

'Is this skill what allowed me to survive up until now? and that is just at level 1! What would happen if I were to level it?'

Next chapter