
Kratos in RWBY

What would happen to the world of RWBY when the God of War happens to get transported there? Well let's find out

Amirezz_2501 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


I wake up in a familiar dark void. Is this what I think it is?

"Well hello again." I hear a voice behind me say.

And with that,it confirms my suspicion. I'm talking with Salem again.

I turn around to see her standing a few feet away from me. "Is this going to be a daily thing?" I ask.

"No not really, I'll just talk with you when I feel like it or when I just need a stress relief." She answers.

"Well get comfortable then. We have the whole night to talk." I say before making a room around us and some single sofas in front of a fireplace with some coffee on a table beside the sofas.

We both sit down and she relaxes into the sofa, "While the feeling isn't really authentic, I appreciate the gesture." She says taking a sip from her cup.


And so we talked for the whole night about random things. Sometimes funny stories or just interesting ones. I wake up and see that it's already 7 a.m on my scroll. I check the teaching schedule and apparently today is an exception where there's lessons instead of a break, and it's my turn as well.

Well shit, now I'm going to have to think about how I'm going to teach some naive and overconfident kids without lashing out. Or maybe I should, just to shut them up. I'll do that if it comes to it.

I take a shower and get some food before heading to my class early. I enter to see Glynda already there waiting there.

"Hey Glynda, what are you doing here? I thought it was my turn to teach?" I ask.

"Hi Kratos, and yes it's your turn to teach, I'm just hear because I want to and also because I have an announcement to make at the end of the class." She says.

I kiss her which makes her smile before I stand next to her waiting for the students to arrive. A fewminutes later the door opens and Phyrra walks in alone.

"Well you're here early." I say.

"I am, and I've been meaning to ask you.. would you consider training me?" She asks.

"I don't mind training you to not be a disgrace to the spartan name but that depends, why do you want to get stronger?" I ask back.

"So I can protect the ones I hold close to me and those who cannot protect themselves." She answers confidently.

I meet her at the center of the arena a few feet apart, "The I'll train you, but only if you can land a hit on me. If not, then you're not worth the effort." I say.

"I'll do my best" She says taking her weapons out and going into her stance.

"Don't just say it, prove it." I say going back a couple steps.

She charges at me and goes for a thrust with her spear which I easily dodge. She quickly follows up with a kick which I duck under and dash back after. She doesn't let up as she charges me again

doing a flurry of strikes and combos all just to land a clean hit on me.

I dodge or block every hit and in the small window of time between her transitions, I kick her away into the wall. While also being careful not to accidently kill her. She smashes into the wall before

landing with one knee on the ground. And a dent can be seen from where she just was.

Her red aura flares as she struggles to get back up while fighting the pain. She manages to stand and pops her back before she runs at me while firing at me using her spear turned gun. Once she's close, she throws her shield at me which I step out of the way for. I then move to the side to dodge a thrust from her spear.

She tries to knee my gut, but I catch her knee. But then I feel something hit the back of my head making me let go. Then Phyrra's shield flies back into her arm from behind me with a black aura surrounding it. And I can see her smile satisfied.

"Good job, you landed a hit. Was that your semblance?" I ask.

"It is, and not many people know it because I only use it to make small almost unnoticeable changes in fights. My semblance is polarity, it lets me control metals through magnetism." She explains.

"And how much control do you have over it?" I ask.

"Right now I have good enough control over it to manipulate objects to bend in certain ways and my max distance right now is about 30 meters." She answers.

"But do you have enough control to lets say, take the iron in a persons body and form it into something like a razor blade?" I ask.

"Wh-what? No, I would never think of doing something like that to anyone. It'll kill them!" She says.

"That's the point, eventually you'll be forced to take someone's life considering the line of work you have chosen." I say.

"What Professor Dominus says is true Ms. Nikos. We all have taken somebodies life at some point in our career." Glynda says backing me up.

"I-I see." She says looking down.

"Hey, keep your head up. We're going to start training next week after school. You better be ready for hell, because you might just die if you don't take it seriously." I say.

She looks up at me with determination in her eyes, "Yes sir! I'll do my best!" She says.

"You better, now get to a seat, the class is about to start." I say.

She nods before going up to a seat. Not long after, the rest of the class enters quickly filling the class with noise. Right when it's 8 I slam my foot down making a large thump causing the students to shut up.

"Good, now that I have your attention, let's get on with the class." I say.

(Timeskip to end of class)

"And that's all the time I have for today, now before you all leave, Glynda has an announcement." I say before backing up and letting Glynda step forward.

"Right, now all of have been assigned to collect sap from the Forever Fall forest. And your trip will be in 3 days from now. And don't forget the Vytal Festival that's coming up in a few weeks from now and this time the students that are competing will be arriving earlier than usual, so they will likely be here a day or two after your trip to Forever Fall. That is all, you may now leave for your next class." Glynda says.

Soon the whole class leaves leaving me and Glynda there.

So how was the chapter?

Was it boring or not that interesting?

Sorry it was shorter than usual, there aren't enough ideas in my head right now.

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