
Meeting Others

(Kratos pov)

It's been about an hour since I left the village, the boy still hasn't woken up yet. Seeing that it's almost nightfall I need to look for a cave. I walk and walk some more before barely missing a small opening. I get closer and enter it, and inside of it is a giant open space with giant glowing crystals hanging on the walls and ceiling of it. They were slightly transparent giving off a blue glow, this cave will do.

I put the boy down near the entrance before going out and getting some leaves for the boy to sleep on, it may not be comfortable but it's better than the cold hard ground. I arrange the leaves and lay the boy down.

I checked deeper inside the cave for grimm and after a good half hour of confirming that there wasn't any grimm, I sat next to the boy before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

(Small timeskip)

I feel something poking my side... I immediately jump away and get my blades out. I hear a small yelp and I realize that it's just the boy. I sigh and put the blades down.

"Sorry... I was just trying to wake you up" The boy said looking down.

"It's fine, boy. That was just my reflexes after being in battles for so long" I replied.

"Oh, so where are we going now Kratos?" The boy asked curious.

"We're going to Vale to get your foot properly healed, after that we'll see what happens" I said

"Ok, but before that do you have any food? I'm hungry" He said holding his stomach.

"There are likely no animals nearby so you're just going to have to eat fruits for now" I said and he simply nodded.

We got out of the cave and after adjusting to the sunlight, I started gathering fruits for the both of us. After 20 or so minutes I gathered enough fruits to probably last us the trip. I made a quick sack and made the boy carry it before going straight to where Vale should be if what the village elder said was true.


We have been walking for about 3 more hours with some minor interruptions along the way such as grimm or the boy getting tired and needing rest. I see a clearing ahead and there was a ruined structure and as I look at it closer, I saw strange pieces on pedestals with some of them being black and some white.

Suddenly I heard rustling, the boy quickly got behind me and I got my blades out. Two decently tall figures came out, one with long blond hair going down to her butt, and the other one had short black hair with a bow on. I keep my guard up and see if they're friend or foe. They both look at each other before the blond said,

"Hey Mr! Are you a part of the initiation?" She asks which confuses me, what initiation?

"Initiation? Explain yourselves." I demand, not letting my guard down.

"Yang, i don't think he's part of it. I mean, look at the child hiding behind him." Says the black haired one.

Yang as she was called made an 'oh' sound before walking up to me. I grip my blades tightly just in case. She stops in front of me and reaches her hand out for a shake.

"Nice to meet you Mr, name's Yang and she's Blake" She says.

I look at her hand skeptical before slowly putting one of my blades away and shaking her hand, "Dominus, that's what you'll call me for now." I say.

"Well nice meeting you Dominus, can I ask what you're doing in these parts of the woods?" She asks.

"Boy, come out it's fine" I say and he comes out from behind me but still holding on to me, "I'm looking for somewhere to treat this boy's wound, do you know a place?" I ask.

"Oh, Beacon probably has an infirmary in it somewhere. I don't know if you'll be allowed in there or not but we'll see." She answers.

"Then take me there, what are you even doing here?" I ask.

"Jeez, ever heard of the word 'please'? But I guess we can take you there when we're done with this initiation." She said.

I internally sigh, I've heard that word too many times to count, 'please spare me, I'll do anything!'; 'please, I have a family!'; 'please not my son!' and so much more.

Blake then walks up to Yang, "Yang are you sure it's smart to bring him to Beacon?" she asks.

"I'm sure it'll be fine Blake, like you said he has a child with him, there's no way he's a threat" Yang says being sure of herself.

Well that depends on what they do but sure, I'll go with that for now.

"*sigh* Fine, if you say so. But if something does happen then it's on you" Blake says not trying to reason with her more.

"Alright then lets finish this initiation and get it over with!" Yang saying determined.

"You still haven't told me what this initiation is supposed to be." I say.

"It's a test where we have to prove ourselves and be able to get the relics which seems to be chess pieces, and get back to the starting point while fending off grimm on the way" Blake explains simply.

I nod and they took the 'relics' and pocketed them.

"Well other than Dominus here we seem to be the first ones here, all the chess pieces are still here" Yang said to Blake.

Suddenly a large shadow covered us, I immediately look up to see a giant flying grimm. Those things can fly too? I saw something falling from it's feet, I squint to see... a girl dressed in black and red? What the fuck is wrong with this place?

I made the boy let go of me before I jump up meeting her halfway and catching her before landing on the ground with a loud thump, she hasn't even realized what happened yet. As she comes to her senses she yelps and jumps out of my hands.

"Are you ok?" Me and yang ask at the same time.

"Wh-what? Oh! I'm fine, thanks for catching me..?" She asks.

"Dominus, you can call me Dominus for now" I say.

"Nice meeting you Dominus, my name's Ruby Rose" Ruby says with an innocent smile on her face.

"Umm Ruby? Weiss is still up there." Yang says pointing up, and I look up to see another girl falling, this one has a white dress fading to a pale blue.

I was about to jump up again, but another person came flying from the side out of nowhere and hit Weiss mid air sending both of them into a tree quite hard. And they get up and start to bicker like that impact just now was nothing but an inconvenience. This confuses me even more, how can they survive an impact like that and just get back up like nothing happened? A normal person or warrior would at least get injured and not be able to move for a while.

Weiss came stomping over to Ruby to shout at her, "How could you forget about me!?"

"I'm sorry Weiss! It just went over my head, and besides, I was busy talking to Dominus here who caught me mid fall" Ruby says gesturing to me.

"Oh and who are you supposed to be?" Weiss said with the same attitude.

"None of your business, bitch" I say the last part very softly while giving her a cold glare making her shiver.

Yang seeing the situation decides to step in and break it up, "Alright alright, calm down you two. Why don't we try this again? Calmly this time" she says.

"With that attitude? No." I say.

Before Weiss could speak, I see a girl coming out of the bushes riding a bear grimm, she had orange hair and was holding an oversized weapon that seemed to be a weird version of a war hammer. She looked like she was having a lot of fun before the grimm died. And not long after, a boy came running after her and he's panting after he finally stopped running.

"*pant* *pant* Nora.. please don't go running off again" He says.

"Ok Ren!" She says cheerfully and hugs him to death.

"Alright so-" Yang was about to say but was cut off by a girl red hair with armor similar to.. spartan armor. She was being chased by a giant scorpion grimm.

I dash in front of it and punched its head into the ground creating a large shock wave and a lot of dust. I jump and slice of its stinger before embedding it into its head, it only partly went it so I slammed it with both hands and it came out the other side of its head killing it.

The red headed girl stopped running and everyone looked at me in amazement. Well it wasn't that hard at all, I wonder what they're all so amazed about.

"Woah he just killed a deathstalker like it was nothing" Ruby says and the others just nodded their heads in bewilderment.

I turn around to turn to the red head, "And you! You should be ashamed of yourself, daring to turn your back against your enemy and running away like a coward! You bring shame to all spartans!" I shout angered at the shame she has brought to the spartan name.

"Uh-ah umm... s-sorry sir..." She said looking down.

"Do not be sorry! Be better, words mean nothing!" I say.

"Ye-yes sir!" She says trying to answer back without stuttering but fails.

"Good, now go get a relic and finish this initiation of yours" I say.

She only nods and awkwardly walks past the others who are silent not daring to speak a word.

"Well don't just stand there, do something to complete this test of yours!" I shout snapping all of them back to their senses.

They all get the relics and formed 2 groups of 4, one group is Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang; the other group is the other blond, Nora, Ren and the red head. And they start walking in a certain direction. I gesture to the boy to come to me, he does so and I lift him up with one hand and follow the groups.

(Small Timeskip)

We arrive at a slightly ruined bridge and a very tall cliff, and I see a man with silver hair on the top of the cliff, along with a woman which is yet another blond with a riding crop in her hand and they were watching us all but looks like they're focusing more on me.

That man does not give off a good feeling, but I ignore that for now as spider grimm are climbing up the side of the bridge like hundreds of ants. Everybody else gets their weapons out, Ruby has a large scythe, Yang has gauntlets, Blake has some sort of weird blade, Ren also has a weird weapon, Nora had her hammer, the red head now I know as Pyrrha has a spear and shield and the blond has a sword and shield.

They all run ahead killing the spider grimm in front of us while I effortlessly slash through all the ones that came near me. Then a giant spider many times bigger climbs up at the end of the bridge, I'll stay back for this one, it is a test to prove themselves after all.

Ruby's group made a type of weird human sized slingshot, and Ruby got on it before getting launched at it. The spider didn't have time to move as Ruby's scythe slices cleanly through one whole side of its legs.

Then Nora launches herself off of Pyrrha's shield and flies up into the air. Pyrrha then throws her spear straight into the spiders head. Nora then comes down and with all her momentum, pushes the spear through all the bone armor killing it.

"Now that that's done, is that man up there the one that's in charge?" I ask the groups and they all nodded simultaneously.

I tell the boy to hug me from the back and hold on tight. After he does so I threw my blades at the cliff and after it has hooked I launched myself up quite high before stabbing the blades into the cliff again and begin climbing. Not long after, I reach the top and meet the man that was watching me along with the woman.

The man looks calm and composed while the blond is cautious of me and watching my every move.

"Looks like we have an unexpected visitor, may I know your name sir?" He asks calmy.

The boy got off my back before I answer, "You can call me Dominus for now."

"What do I owe the pleasure of meeting you Mr. Dominus?" He asks.

"I need a to get this boy's wound properly bandaged." I say pointing to the wound.

"I see, may I ask what your relationship to the child is?" He asks.

"I'm-" I was going to so say but I get cut off by the boy.

"He's my dad" The boy says hugging my foot

"Hmm, may I know your name, boy?" He asks.

"It's Jacob, sir" He answers.

"Now that you know our names, it's only fair that we know yours" I say.

"Yes indeed, I'm Ozpin and this is Glynda, Glynda Goodbi- I mean Goodwitch" Ozpin says quickly correcting himself which earned him a glare from Glynda. "Ahem.. now how about we get your son's wound properly treated" He says turning around and begin walking away. I carry the boy again before me and Glynda follow behind Ozpin.

So what do you think of the story so far? Is it better or worse than the first chapter?

I also don't know how often I'll be uploading, maybe a chapter every 1 to 2 maybe 3 days if nothing happens.

Amirezz_2501creators' thoughts
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