
I Love You




"Jeno calm down."Jaemin said as he was pushed into the dorm room by the pissed off boy. Jaemin was used the aggressiveness. Jeno had mental problems because of his past the he refused to tell Jaemin. Jeno didnt want the boy he loved to here all the sick things he went through as a kid.

"Shut the fuck up Jaemin." Jeno said with a growl. Jeno was pissed because Jaemin was talking to some other guy at the club they were at, and the guy got a little too touchy with Jaemin.

Jaemin walked over and sat on the bed, he rubbed the spot on his arm were the angry boy had a tight grip.

Jeno flared his nose, his fist was balled and he narrowed his eyes at the light brown hair boy on his bed. Jaemin sighed and looked back at the boy.

"Go ahead and be pissed, I didn't do anything." The brown-haired boy said as he crossed his arms. He heard a low chuckle come for the boy by the door. His eyes widened when Jeno grabbed his collar roughly and he let out a yelp when he was jerked forward. He could feel Jenos breath heavy against his lips.

"Did nothing?" his voice was loud and filled with rage. "You let him touch you." The black hair boy said with a deep growl. He slid his hand up to the smaller boys neck and grabbed it. Jaemin let out a gasp when the hand tightened.

"J-jeno s-stop-" Jaemin could barely breathe. He grabbed the hands around his neck and tried to remove them but failed, his grip was too strong. He looked up and the boy through is watery eyes, he could see the anger and crazy in his dark brown eyes.

This was nothing new to Jaemin, he was so used to Jeno's anger. It wasnt unusual to see bruise on his small body. Jaemin was always told to leave Jeno, that he would end up killing him, but Jaemin stayed. He wanted to help the troubled boy, save him from himself. He grew to love Jeno. Even though he was crazy and would hurt Jaemin, he was also sweet. He spoiled the younger boy, gave the best kisses and cuddles, showed him love, helped him love his body. Jaemin didnt want to leave the boy, he loved him. He was willing to take the pain.

Tears fell down the brown hair boys cheeks, his vision was getting blurry and his lost more air. Jeno let out a growl as he released his grip on the boy's neck and aggressively pushed him back on the bed, he walked over and punched the door, his knuckles were red. Jaemin grabbed his throat and he coughed and gasped for air. He could already feel the bruises start to form on his neck. Jeno walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, he looked down at his hands. Jaemin was still breathing heavily. He looked over at the black haired boy.

"I'm sorry." Jeno said quietly.

Jaemin didn't respond, he sat there still trying to catch his breath. Jeno looked back and his eyes met the watery light brown eyes of the boy he just hurt. Jaemin scooted closer to Jeno as he wiped his tears away. Jeno raised his busted hand up to Jaemins neck. He caressed the dark red fingers prints he left. Jaemin leaned forward and connected their lips. The black hair boy pulled the boy closer and deepend the kiss. Jaemin wrapped his arms around the crazy boys neck. This is the Jeno he loves, the side of the boy who was soft and loving, treated him like the only boy alive, kissed him like no other. The smaller pulled the older on top of him. Jeno settled himself between Jaemin's small thighs. Jeno just wanted the boy to forgive him for what he did, he hated seeing fear in his brown eyes. Especially when the fear was because of him. the black haired boy removed his shirt showing the boy under him his amazing ripped and flawed body. Jaemin slowly slid his fingers over Jeno's scars. He wanted to know what they were from but every time he asked Jeno would change the topic or ignore him. He never told Jaemin about his past. Jaemin wanted to know, he wanted to know so bad.

Jeno kissed his way down to the boy's neck, he started lightly sucking on his sweet spot.

"Jeno." Jaemin said as he ran his hand over one of the scars.

"Tell me how you got this." The brown haired boy said in a low voice.

He felt Jeno growl against his neck as he gripped the smaller's waist tightly.

"Jaemin don't start this." The black-haired boy said as sucked on the boys soft skin.

Jaemin moaned and rolled his eyes.

"Why?" He ran his hands up the boy on top of him arms

"Why don't you want to tell me."

Jaemin said, his voice became serious.

Jeno stopped, he let out a 'tic' and got up off the boy. He looked back and narrowed his eyes at the boy. The smaller boy got up of the bed and stood up 3 feet away form the boy he loved.

"Why are you afraid?" Jaemin said with a weak voice.

"Afraid? What the hell am I afraid of?" Jeno screams.

The brown haired boy looked up at the dark brown eyes in front of him.

"you're afraid of me!!! of us!! Your scared that I will leave you because of your past!" Jaemin yells back, he could feel the tears start to form in his eyes.

Jeno narrowed his eyes a turned around.

"I'm leaving." He says with a deep tone.

Jaemins eyes widened and he jumped in frond the taller boy, He put his hands up to stop the boy from moving any farther. Jaemin knew that Jeno could easily move him out of the way if he really wanted to leave.

"No you're not leaving." Jaemin said.

Jeno glared at the smaller boy in front of him.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT TO KNOW" the crazy boy screamed.

"That I was raised in a abusive house hold!!" Jaemin tensed at those words.

"That I had cigarettes put out on me?!" the boys voice was angry.

"I didn't know that-"

"You want to know that these scars are from me taking the beating instead of my mother and my little sister." Jeno yelled and he pointed to his scars.

"Jeno I'm-"

"You don't want to hear that shit Jaemin!!" Jeno yelled as he pointed his finger at the crying boy.

"I do-"

"NO you don't, don't tell me you want to hear that shit Jaemin!!" the older yelled.

"I DO. I want to hear it because I want to help you!" Jaemin cried out.

"HELP ME!! WHAT THE FUCK! What, do I have a sign on my back that says 'help me'!" jeno screamed.



"No." Jaemin cried out. He let the tears of pain flow out of his eyes.

"God I just want to be with you-" Jaemin said as he reached out to touch the troubled boy.

"DONT FUCKING BULLSHIT ME!!" Jeno screamed as he pushed the sobbing boys hands away.

"I LOVE YOU!" Jaemin was slammed against the wall by Jeno.

"DONT. BULLSHIT. ME!!!" The older slammed his fist against the wall right next to Jaemins head.

The room went quiet besides the sobs coming for the smaller boy.

"I love you." Jaemin quietly cried out.

Jeno was breathing heavily as he took a step back. Jaemin looked up as tears streamed down his face.

"I want to hear you say it." Jaemin said as he stepped closer to the taller boy. Jeno backed up and shook his head, be pushed away the smaller hands that were reaching out to him.

"I want to hear you say you don't love me." Jaemin cried out as he reached out to the boy he loved dearly.

"Because if you say that." The smaller boy grabbed the black-haired boys cheek.

Jeno stopped fighting the boy.

"I won't call you." Jaemin rubbed his thumbs over Jenos cheeks.

"And I won't be in your life." The brown-haired boy said quietly as he leaned up and softly kissed the frozen boys forehead.

The room went quiet. Jeno looked up and his eyes met the puffy red eyes of the smaller.

"I don't love you." Those four words hit Jaemin like a bus. Jeno walked around the shocked boy and walked out the door.

Jaemin fell to his knees when the door was slammed shut and he was left alone. He held his heart as his felt like it was shattering into 100 different pieces. The room was filled his he sobs as he struggled to breath. It was just him on the floor, broken and bruised. While the older walked down the side walk, the cool air didnt bather him. What did was the single tear that fell down his cheek. What did he just do?He just broke the only boy that loved him.

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