

"Hmm. You seem quite strange though. Your clothes are clean...but they don't look like expensive fabric either. Also seeing how skinny and small you are...I did say you were a traveler but to be honest...I was just trying to give you some privacy. I wouldn't say you look really poor. But I also wouldn't consider you those rich mistresses that came downtown to see how commoners live haha," Emili says jokingly as she continues to take another bite of the bread.

Kora smiles.

Looks like Prince Loki's arrival made her feel less uncomfortable and scared. I'm glad, Kora thought.

Ken looks at the two girls chit-chatting and enjoying themselves. He asks Kora to look after Emili while he goes to get some soup for them to drink and fill up their stomachs. Ken gets up and walks to where the people are giving out the soup.

"I'm going to go out to check on how the soldiers are doing," Emili says after she finishes her loaf of bread.

Kora warns her about how dangerous it is. Even though Kora tries to persuade her to not go, Emili is already sneaking out. Kora looks to where Ken is with a worried expression and decides to go with Emili.

Outside the shelter, is a town full of chaos and destruction. The soldiers are clashing their weapons against each other. Fog and smoke corrupt the air while the acrid smell of fire is making it difficult to breathe. Emili walks around slowly trying not to get caught.

"Dan...where are you?"

"Emili!! What are you doing! We have to get back to the shelter!"

Emili looks around and says "I have to find him. I have to confirm that he's ok..."

Emili is so focused on searching for him that she does not realize Kora is speaking to her. Because of the fog, she walks up closer to where the soldiers are fighting to search for "him."

"Wait! Emili, don't get too close! It's dangerous!"

"Where is he...where are you, Dan? You must be alright. You can't be hurt...No, it's fine!! Prince Loki is here...everything will be fine! His highness will protect the soldiers so Dan should be safe...But...I'll just take one peek. Just one small peek is enough. After seeing that he is okay, I'll go back to the shelter!" Emili murmurs to herself.

"Emili...who are you trying to find? I'll find him for you but you need to get back to the shelter! It's too dangerous here...and your dad must be looking for you right now. He'll be so worried!"

"I know, I know. I'm just going to take a peek and then I'll go back."

"Of who though--"

Emili notices Dan and smiles. She points over to where he is and Kora looks over.

"Thank goodness he's alright!!"

"I can't really see who you're pointing at with all this smoke but it's good that he's fine!! We should head back now-"

Just then, a soldier looks over to Emili and Kora and makes eye contact with them. Around him are many corpses. He smirks with a devilish smile and starts walking over.

"E-emili...a soldier is coming over here... is that a soldier from our side or-"

As he walks closer, the smell of blood becomes much stronger. He drags his sword against the ground and says, "Ah... look what I've found here. Some Askalandra citizens."

"No...that's definitely not an ally. We have to run, Emili!"

Kora attempts to drag Emili with her but she doesn't move. She is shaking and standing still just like she was when the explosion occurred. She stares at the soldier who is coming closer towards them, unable to move.

Kora pulls her arm, trying to get her to move.

"Please, Emili! You have to run. Now's not the time to be in shock! You will get killed!! WE will get killed at this rate!"

"Hah, not going to even try to run? You disgusting Askaladrians. Pathetic, weak, and naive. Did you think you could defeat us after we lost the support from the Fairy Kingdom? That you can now rise on top of us? What a bunch of fools. We can tear you apart even without those forest peasants, humph," the soldier says with a disgusted look on his face.

"Look how afraid you both are. Cowards, just like always. You are no match for us, you never were, and you never will be."

"N-No...no...Help! Dan!!! F-FATHER!! Someone!"

Emily shuts her eyes, hoping for a sudden miracle that someone will come to save her life. Just then, she hears a scream, followed by a cough. The smell of blood lingered around her. Emili slowly opens her eyes, frightened. Blood was splashed onto Emili's face and clothes yet she did not feel any pain. She looked up and saw the soldier, still standing and smiling, and then looked down on the ground.

"K-kora!?", Emili shouted, shaking in fear.

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