
A new friend

Kora walks around trying to figure out where she is. However, her stomach's growling distracts her from thinking properly.

"Come to think of it...I didn't eat anything yet. Ugh. All I did today was walk, walk and walk even more!"

A nice scent lures Kora into a bakery. As she walks in, she sees delicious-looking bread and cake.

"Looks delicious!!"

She checks to see if she has any money and finds a dollar bill in her pocket.

A tall girl with black hair and orange eyes appears and says with a bright smile, "Welcome! What would you like?"

Kora walks up to the counter and hands the girl a one-dollar bill and asks if she could buy anything with it.

"Um...what is this?? I might've accepted this if you didn't color it green since I'm not that big of a fan of green..."

"It's a dollar bill...and it's not my fault that they made dollar bills green..."

"Dollar Bill? Is he someone from the Bill's family who lives next door?"

"No, I mean the paper I'm holding right now."

"Well, that certainly didn't look like anyone from the Bill's family. But sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept this as payment..."

"How do you buy the bread here if these dollar bills aren't accepted?"

"Huh? Oh! You must be new here. We use mofs to buy them. They are round and quite small. Silver and Gold mofs are what you use to buy all the expensive stuff. But it only costs a bronze mof to buy bread here."

"Mofs? I've never heard about that currency before..."

Kora's stomach growls again.

"Hmm...you seem really hungry...I guess I could let you eat a piece of my new recipe. I'm still thinking about what extra ingredient I should add to the recipe to make it taste better. Tell me how it tastes!"

"T-thank you! You're really kind."

"Come on! No need to say that. I just needed some help since taste-testing the same bread for two weeks is really tiring. Can you imagine the feeling of tasting the same food for two whole weeks!? Oh and I'm Emili by the way. Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Kora... Kora Yorps. Nice to meet you too."

"I'll be back shortly!", Emili says as she walks inside the kitchen smiling.

As Kora waits for Emili, she looks around the bakery. There's quite a lot of people still at the bakery eating. She looks out through the clear glass door and sees how the sun is starting to set.

"What a pretty sunset..."

"Yes, I agree. It sure gets pretty around this time."

Kora gets startled by the unknown and unexpected response. She turns around and sees a tall man with a huge smile on his face.

"Hello, young lady! I am Ken, the baker of this bakery! Is there anything you need?"

"U-um," Kora says awkwardly and nervously.

Just then, Emili comes out with a tray in her hand. The sweet smell of the bread roams around.

"Sorry for the wait! Oh, dad!"

"Hey, dear Emili. Isn't that the new recipe you've been working on for a few weeks?"

"Yup! I got myself a new taste-tester. Kora, this is my dad. He's the best baker that I know of! And dad, this is Kora, my new taste tester!"

Kora and Ken introduce themselves. "Please feel free to ask me for any help. Being my daughter's taste tester might be tough haha."

"I'm not that bad of a baker! You can go back to the kitchen now dad..."

"Haha. Alright, alright. You two enjoy yourselves," Ken says as he walks back into the kitchen.

Emili hands Kora the tray with the bread on it and Kora eats it in bliss. The softness of the bread and the sweet taste and aroma of the bread brings a smile to Kora's face.

Emili asks what Kora thinks about it and Kora compliments her skills for being able to make such delicious bread. Emili thanks Kora cheerfully for her compliment.

Kora continues to eat the bread and decides to save the rest for later.

Just then, a loud explosion occurs. Emili and Kora are both in shock and walk out of the bakery to see what is going on. People are screaming and running away in horror. Some are crying and some look injured. Some buildings from the direction that the people came from are destroyed as well.

The people in the bakery leave their food and start running out towards the direction that everyone else is running.

"The Defus are here again!! RUN"

"What's the Defus that everyone keeps talking about Emili..? And what's going on...?", Kora asks confused.

However, there is no response. Kora turns to look at Emili. Emili is standing still in fear while everyone is running away.

"Emili...? Are you alright?"

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