
Konosuba x Goblin Slayer

One day,Kazuma and his party go to Wiz shop for business deal.Before that Vanir offer them some Magic Item that he claim to open a portal to another world.But before proper introduction some accident happen and Kazuma got suck up into another world.Can he return and survive thou? NOTE:"I DO NOT OWN KONOSUBA AND GOBLIN SLAYER.PLUS THIS FANFIC INSPIRE FROM CERTAIN STORY ON FANFICTION WITH SAME STORY(SEARCH IT YOURSELF). SERIOUSLY I'M DOING THIS JUST TO SATISFIED MY HUNGER FOR CROSSOVER SO DON'T EXPECT GOOD STORY.

Mastar_Chef · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

On the morning,sun bright light shine toward our Protagonist.The fresh air he breath reach his brain as he open his eye.Look like this one of the best sleep he ever experience.

Kazuma:"Uuugghhh,Where am I?"As he begin to open his eye.Then he see a beautiful girl with red hair equip with huge asset.She just stare at him while smiling.

??:"Good morning young man.Are you feel healthy today?"As the girl with soft and angelic voice.

Kazuma:"(OHHHH...!)Are you an angel.I am dead again?No.. are you by any chance another Goddess in charge beside Eris?"Ask him with genuinely smile on his face.

??:"No you sily boy.I just found you unconscious in front of my house so I brought you here.You laid down for almost a day since yesterday?.How about some hot soup."As she give bowl of meat soup to Kazuma

Kazuma:"Thank you miss.Oh by the way where is my party member.Did they just put me here with you.Plus you very hardworking attending your cow at this winter.Woow.. this soap is delicious"As he enjoy the soap while asking the question.

??:"Ehh...?Aaa.... anoo..hmmm.. There is no one beside you you know and what winter?Is summer day you silly.By the way you can call me CowGirl"As the girl fidgety awkward 

Kazuma:"Ehhh,Come again?" As he stop eating soap and stare at the girl while avoiding stare at here asset because this very critical moment for him.

Cowgirl:"About my name or your comrade?"

Kazuma:"No about the season.Winter or Summer?"

Cowgirl:"Is Summer.. so may I know your name"

Kazuma:"(Bloddy hell!! I'm in another world or something.What the hell just happen during my sleep.!!Also the heck is this girl name Cow Girl.Direct translate or something?) Oh aa.... call me Kazuma.Satou Kazuma and nice to meet you.By the way is your same truly CowGirl?No offence"As he replied back with his "Gentleman Mode" to the girl. and questioning

CowGirl:"Yes that is my name.So Kazuma right?Are by any change Adventure.Well..Etoo... you said about your party member or something and also why you just fall from the sky out of nowhere "As she just finish her soap.

Kazuma:"Ohh did I said that.No you mistaken I'm aaa wait what.I' just falling from the sky out of nowhere!!" As he scream from shock.

Cow Girl:"Aaamm... yes along with this item"As she show the crystal orb magic item Vanir try to show him.

Kazuma:"(Hmm... this must be the Item Vanir try to show me.It look like this item is the responsible brought me here.Wait so that mean this is another world?No.. don't give me hope.Knowing him this must be teleportation devise and this must be another continent or something.) l see this must be work of my friend an Arch Wizard.She has some screw lose and very obsessing with her work but that fine.Ahahaha.... by the way quick question is vegetable on this world moving and has strength to kill full grown adult in single strike? "As he begin to to flash back about the flying Cabbage that he harvested every season.

Cow Girl:"There are no such thing as I recall.The only thing dangerous here is Monster such as Goblin but no vegetable can move its own and attack people let alone kill one."

Kazuma:"(Yess!! So about another world is true and this world is damn  normal.No bullsh■t li--){Begin to Realise} Etoo...  where my cloth and weapon Cow Girl-san?"

Cowgir):"Oh... that winter cloth. Ahmm... my .. Eto.... uncle help me to change it because is dirty.You did fall into a mud trap thou and luckily you manage to evade spike my mere Inch and that sword at the store for save keeping"As she fidget more and seem to panic.

Kazuma:"(What?? a spike trap on the Mud.YIKES!!).Oh thank you... Also did you take a peak,Hihihi"As he make some light joke.

CowGirl:"Of course not you dummy. Why I need to see your Pee Pee..... "As she stop talking immediately and give suspend air.

Kazuma:"Please Cowgirl-san please tell me what is actually happen"As he begin to feel Ďèjàvū for unknown reason.The girl silent for couple of minute then she begin her talk.

Cow Girl:"Well...actually when I'm doing a chore at field,there some portal of light at the sky and you appear after that you fall gently but the problem is...Kazuma.."As she begin to blush.

Kazuma:"Yes I'm Kazuma"He wait the answer with intense stare but his stare bit her eye but her "Asset".

Cow Girl:"There is no cloth!!! When you fall, you just naked leaving only with this orb,note and that sword.For unknown reason your Other Sword just stand up and you making weird face while drooling I mean Bubble foam on your mouth!!Plus there some sort of card with weird language on it.Also there is weird mask to!!."As the girl speak what on her mind she try to keep.


Kazuma:"I see... now excuse me can I go out for a little bit.I need to pluck a flower you know hihihihi...."As he leave the living room and go out side.

Cow Girl:"O....ok"





Cow Girl Uncle:"Shut up you brats!!" Shout the middle man while he feed the cow.

Kazuma:"I'm sorry sir"As he doing Dogeza pose on instinct.





After a few hour staying while explaining about this world in general,Kazuma decide screw his old world and stay here but he think that later after secure a way to return back.Then he heard Adventure guild at the town.So he prepare his gear and heading to guild.Of course he not telling everything such as "Hi I'm coming from another world nice to meet you" stuff.

He rational enough because he fear that some sort super evil and dangerous dark force will try to take the orb and doing unthinkable thing he can think of.But now he don't have to worried because there no one here to screw it up.. FOR NOW unless he himself screw up.He did read the note say it need to be charge first to certain degree and chanting a words "OCH*NCH*N HIMATSURI!!" in front of many people at least 10 or something.This indeed cursed Item but at least he know a way back.Now he need to make a test how to transfer mana to the orb.

Kazuma:"Thanks for your help Cow girl-san Uncle-san.After my first job I will immediately paid you back!!"As he waving his hand to the sky while smiling at the girl.

He around 6 meter from the house while equip himself with bag that hold the orb,his trusted katana Chunchumaru and cloth lending by the girl uncle.The cloth fashion some how same with his old one except for the short green mantel that replace with longer one.The mantel is just a cloth that wrap around his neck like like his thief suit.He put the mask to to give more mysterious air.

Cow Girl:"Sure,If you have free time,I'm welcome you here."As she wave her hand back and give angelic smile.

Uncle Cow Girl:"Sure.. but don't dare you assume I forgot your dept to me.Just because my niece is nice that does not mean you can take advantage of me.Now go forth young boy and a make your self a legend before coming back here."As he give small warm smile to Kazuma from his place.

Kazuma:"Sure..sure (He might be strict but he very kind.But damn that very embarrassing.But at least my Adventure card is still with me.Now I think about it,this world do have weird taste on naming but at least it had common sense thou) Now I will go.Wish me luck."

As he begin his first step heading to town.For couple of minute he walk then he realise some thing.

Kazuma:"How I was suppose to do like reading and writing.I only confirm that the god gift about translating spoken language,reading and writing back at Eris world and here I only confirm to understand a speech.Naahhh... Screw it!!"As he run full speed ahead with out care.



Kazuma:"Hmmm...I guess this is a right place"As he stare at in front guild building while observing people come forth and back from the building wearing adventure gear.He go to counter where the young and beautiful at the desk seemingly talking to young girl around Megumin age and wearing Priestess cloth.

??:"Here please right this fill first. Hmm?? Ah.. welcome at Adventure Guild.May I help you.(Hmm?What a weird mask but it kind look cool thou)"As she smile at Kazuma with professional attitude.

Kazuma:"(Hmmm... this girl asset maybe not as big as Luna but her attitude during work is on par with her.Less one point for her because she wearing a appropriate cloth and having "ONEE-SAN" Vibe.Luna do have that Vibe she more like M--"As he stare at the women until he snap.

??:"Excuse me young man!!Do you hear me.!!"As she try to talk to Kazuma.

Kazuma:"Eh...? Ahahahaaaha sorry Ma'm I just thinking about some thing. *Ehem* I like to register as Adventure."As he give a money to the reception.He had no idea how many because he forget to ask Cow Girl but He assume at least 10 silver.That half from Uncle Cow Girl give him.

??:"Hmmm....1 silver should be enough. Before I give you form.Can you read and write."As she hand out the form.It take 5 second until Kazuma reply back.

Kazuma:"Nope.. I'm sorry I cannot read nor write.Wait is that mean I cannot join guild and need to learn first?"As he reply with his usual monotone voice line he always use.Then he switch to surprise tone when he realise that.

??:"That to bad for you"As she with said with disappointment tone.

Kazuma:"Crap!!"As his shout manage gain intention of nearby adventure.

??:"Ah noo... that just a joke.You can join but I expect you to learn it ok as soon POS-SIBLE."As she give cute service smile.

Kazuma:"(She an angel)"

??:"For us to get know each other better just call me Guild Girl.I will fill the form for you.What is your name,age and occupation.Please state some skill at your disposable."

Kazuma:"(Great... another one with weird name.Is just all Parallel universe has some weird name or something.Back at Eris,people and monster are stupid.But here at least stupid thing I know is just a name.  Should I gove my real name?But just in case)Ahh... My name Mitsurigi Kouya,18 years old and my occupation is adventure.Before you ask any questions I do have my own little adventure kinda like odd job.I even have couple of skill to defend my self.One of them Thief skill,couple of magic and some healing spell"

Guild Girl:"Are sure about that.Can you show some example"As she doubt the weak looking young man in front of him have that many skill.Even he claim to have Healing Spell that exclusive to Priest and Priestess and those who associate with Church.

Kazuma:"Sure,look closely at my palm. "TINDER" "As some small fire ball materialise at Kazuma Palm.

Guild Girl:"How about I write it as thief swordsman Spell caster."Before she continue writing but she has being stop by Kazuma.

Kazuma:"Hould up,Look Onee-san,I'm not a wizard and look at my cloth and equipment.There is no staff only sword and I'm pretty damn sure I have right skill to fight at close quarter combat to.I also very confident about my archery skill.I can show you my heal spell but is not potent enough like real deal.(Beside this IS right time to build my new reputation here.For what I heard from Cow Girl earlier,this world need to learn skill traditionally and plus,magic is rare among this people.So technicaly people on this world is weak compare at Eris world in general.But...*Sob* *Sob*Back at home, mine old reputation one sank bottom to the sea just because I do some perv thing a little. *SOB*.People there ignore my useless teamate,first terrorize Loli explosion maniac, Masochist crusader that dare Moaning in front of enemy and Aqua the reincarnation of misfortune.I hope this world don't disappoint me to)"As he have quick flash back while putting his hand on  the mouth.

Before guild girl talk to Kazuma, some guy with blue fancy armour equip with high quality spear accompany by Busty wizard with revealing outfit.Just like Luna her Asset almost pop out.

Spearman:"Hello and good morning my Lady.Guess what I fought today." As he just push Kazuma out from the reception desk.

Kazuma:"Ouch..!! Hey man that not cool..!!!"As he retort at the spear guy.

Spearman:"Hmm...?Who is this green horn.What,you want to pick a fight."As he stare at Kazuma dare him to challenge him.

Kazuma:"Ohh yeah!! I bet I can kick your ass in--"

Random Adventure 1:"Ehh..is that infamous Team Spear."

Random Adventure 2:"Yeah,They Silver Rank and pretty much strong.I heard two of them manage to defeat Horde of Orcs alone you know."

Random Adventure:"Wow"


As Kazuma ear begin to twitch up and down.He heard many rumour about them using his Dark Stalker class skill EAVESDROP he got from Chris.Plus, his skill DETECT did not register them as threat.For couple of second he decide not to pick a fight because is foolish to challenge with veteran here.He did heard word 'ORCS' has leave cold on his spine as he recall back some of his black history.

Kazuma:"Anoo... I'm sorry to step my bound.So go on,doing your thing (Maybe Guild Onee-san can help me.There is no way this jerk will bully me the newbie infront of reception girl as he seem have a thing for her.He also survive from that monster"As he look down at floor and take step backward slowly.He said that because he forgot that this is another world.So the Orc here is difference from Eris world.

Guild Girl:"Wait,I have proposal.How about we have little spar here.Mr. Satou can give evidence he have about skill and Spearman-san can have some exercise.Of course no killing or hurt enough beyond Potion Recovery.After a fight I want you to confirm Mr. Satou credibility about his skill"As she give a suggestion

Spearman:"Not bad Idea.Hey green horn,follow be at the back.Training area if you don't know."As he walking heading to back of the building along with busty Wizard.

Kazuma:"(Shit,There is now turn back)Fffi---Fine before that.*Pointing to the ceiling* I DECLARE TO BET MY SELF 5 Gold FOR DEFEATING YOU!!"As he obey and follow the spearguy after he shout loud enough to be heard in entire Guild.

Random Adventure 1:"Now that interesting.I bet Spearman win within 3 minute for 10 Silver!!"

Random adventure 2,3:"I bet to!!"

Random Adventure 4:"Hmph,this rather interesting,Now we see that Kid spoke true or not."

As most people on the guild follow Kazuma and head to back of the building to witness the battle.

Priestess:"Anooo... here my form."

Guild Girl:"Hmm??Oh I'm sorry.Here take this porcelain Guild Id.This can be use for identified. Remember don't lose them and please take a look on your left side.That is quest board.You either work solo or join veteran party but I really recommned second option for your own safety."

Priestess:"Thank you very much"

Some young man with brown hair and eye wearing standard equipment of swordman and red hair band on his forehead.He approached the priestess and he out his hand in the desk and smile.On his neck has porcelain rank pendant.He accompany by two other girl.

Red Hair Band:"Hey... Are you priestess right?Want to join my party?We have urgent quest about GOBLIN.But before we go,how about we join the other to watch the fight on  back of the building.Insteresting?"

Priestess:"Sure I guess?"

Guild Girl:"Wait a minute,did you said Goblin?I truly recommended wait for some veteran to help yo-"

Red Hair Band:"Naaahhh,Goblin is not that strong.Beside we not that weak.Now come on,I even bet my money on"°As the group of four leave the desk

Guild Girl:"I hope they safe.(Just in case I contact Goblin Slayer later)"