

Danzo was originally gloomy in his heart because he saw that there was no chance to punish the Uchiha clan.

Seeing Uchiha Tunan take the initiative to say this, he immediately sat up straight in spirit at once.

Only Hiruzen Sarutobi looked puzzled and said, "Why?"

Just see Uchiha Tunan righteously said:

"Because that masked man is Madara Uchiha.

And he happened to appear at the time when Kushina-senpai was in labor.

This information is top-secret in Konoha, and no person knows about it except for Minato-sensei, me, and you, the third generation Hokage.

I believe that the third gen will not leak, Minato certainly will not tell others.

I can't be the one who passed the information out.

Then the only possibility is that someone in Konoha is secretly spying on the Jinchuriki information.

So I have reason to suspect that the Uchiha clan has spies in it.

You must know that in the Uchiha clan, except for me and some individuals.

The vast majority of people have still been immersed in the glory of the Uchiha clan while in the war.

They are all likely to be bewitched by Uchiha Madara."

After listening to Uchiha Tunan's analysis, Danzo and Sarutobi Hizen nodded in agreement.

Makes sense.

But Sarutobi frowned slightly and said in a deep voice:

"But it's a little difficult to find out who the spies are.

You can't just interrogate everyone in the Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Tunan smiled and pondered for a moment, his expression became cold and said:

"I suggest first relocating the lands of the Uchiha clan to the edge of Konoha.

So that I can secretly send someone to spy on them.

Once I know which clan members dare to betray Konoha.

I will personally clean the clan."

Saying that, Uchiha Tunan's fist on the table clenched suddenly, and after a moment of pause, he slowly released it again and said:

"But ... Right now we don't have real evidence.

And I am, after all, a member of the Uchiha clan.

If I stand up to them like that.

I'm afraid it will break the hearts of most honest clansmen.

This will easily make some people feel that there is no place for them in Konoha, and thus rebellious.

Therefore, the third generation and Danzo-sama are also invited to take the lead in this matter.

And I will be responsible for comforting them during this time, while giving a little relief in material terms."

Danzo sniffed and couldn't wait to agree, "We have no problem with it, just do what you say, Tunan."

Sarutobi nodded, got up and went to a table on the side, took out a scroll of painting and unrolled it on the table.

It is the map of Konoha Village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen reached out and pointed to the map of the Uchiha clan at this time and said:

"The clan land of the Uchiha is located in a prosperous area.

If we want to move them to the edge, I'm afraid it would be better to give them double the amount of land."

Saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed his finger to a suburb of Konoha Village and said.

"It just so happens that this location is next to the mountain and the land is just the right size.

Tunan what do you think."

Uchiha Tunan dragged out his hand and put it on the map to feel, then shook his head and prodded near the edge of the map and said:

"It's still too close to Konoha, I think this is a better location."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at his eyes, a hesitant look appeared on his face and said.

"Wouldn't this be too far out of the way ? It's already very close to the Forest of Death.

I'm afraid the Uchiha clan won't accept it."

Danzo naturally happy that the Uchiha clan suffered a loss, and quickly said in a deep voice.

"As long as the three of us decide, it's the village's order.

Whether they accept it or not.

At this juncture, a touch of wisdom was cruel to the other villager.

It's a big deal to give a little more land.

Those out-of-the-way lands aren't worth much anyway."

Seeing Uchiha Tunan and Danzo have agreed, and this matter will not damage his own interests.

Sarutobi Hiruzen will no longer pretend to speak for the Uchiha clan, and immediately nodded and said, "I support Tunan."

Uchiha Tunan fingers tapped the table heavily twice, and said with a straight face.

"Since the two lords have no objection, then this matter is settled.

I also hope that when the Shinobi clan meeting is held tomorrow, the two lords will have a stronger attitude."

Danzo thought that he would be able to punish the evil Uchiha clan right away. He couldn't help but feel good, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but draw a discordant smile and said: "Tunan, you can rest assured, we have no problem."

The matter about the masked man and the Uchiha clan has been discussed, and the next step is naturally the matters of Hokage that Sarutobi and Danzo are most concerned about.

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up the cigarette stick on the table, took a sharp breath, and said softly:

"Minato is dead now, but Konoha can't live without Hokage.

In this turbulent time, I don't think it's appropriate to have an open election.

I don't know if you have a suitable candidate for the fifth Hokage, Tunan. "

At the end of the sentence, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo both moved their eyes to Uchiha Tunan's face.

The two are naturally extremely eager for the position of Hokage.

Anyway, to the three of them, basically no one else has the qualifications to sit in the position of Hokage.

The only other popular candidate for the last Hokage is Uchiha Fugaku.

But last night everyone saw with their own eyes that the masked man has Mangekyo eyes, and is a pure Uchiha.

So Uchiha Fugaku, as the head of the Uchiha clan, will naturally be implicated, resulting in the loss of the possibility of succeeding Hokage.

"Tap, Tap, Tap ....."

Uchiha Tunan tapped his fingers on the table one after another, seemingly in deep thought.

Sarutobi and Genzo both nearly held their breath.

Looking at Uchiha Tunan's previous behavior, he probably is not interested in the position of Hokage.

Once Uchiha Tunan voluntarily give up the Hokage position, then the two of them will have to fight for the position.

After a long time, Uchiha Tunan fingers a meal, sighed and shook his head, said

"I thought about it and found that from the current Konoha descendants,

No matter the strength and prestige, no one is yet qualified to assume the position of Hokage."

Sarutobi coughed lightly, with a tentative meaning: "In fact, I think you are the most suitable candidate for the fifth generation of Hokage, Tunan.

Whether it is the identity of the perfect jinchuriki, or strength and reputation.

There is no one left in all of Konoha that can match you."

However, Uchiha Tunan waved his hand and said with an apologetic face.

"I'm sorry, although I would love to do more for the village.

But being a Hokage is too heavy of a resposibility, and now I have a lot of work to do.

Konoha, in my opinion, needs more on the side of spiritual leaders.

And I for one would prefer to get down to the field and serve the villagers behind the scenes."

The two men saw that Uchiha Tunan was really not interested in competing for the position of Hokage, a glint of joy flashed in their eyes.

Danzo, slightly nervous, said: "But Konoha can't be without hokage, right?"

Uchiha Tunan frowned slightly at the words, and then raised his head to face the opposite Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo.

He seems to be thinking which one of the two should be the hokage.

Time passes little by little.

Hiruzen and Danzo seem to be calm, but in fact, the palms of their hands are soaked with sweat.

After a while, Uchiha Tunan looked straight and faced Sarutobi Hiruzen and said:

"Having been a hokage for so many years, Lord third is very experienced.

In the absence of a suitable candidate to succeed the fifth Hokage, third Hokage should temporarily post it.

After all, Minato-sensei only succeeded being the fourth for a short year.

It is not good to say that the fifth hokage will appear so soon."

Againsr this statement, the face of Danzo instantly cold down, his fist placed under the table can not help but clench.

A strong resentment welled up in his heart.

Damn .... Why not me ....

Why he thought that Hiruzen was better than me ....

On the contrary, Sarutobi Hiruzen was smiling with a warm face, and the cigarette stick in his mouth was trembling.

"Tunan, thank you for believing in me."

Uchiha Tunan shook his head gently and said lightly.

"To be honest, I dislike the way you act, Hiruzen-sama.

I also never thought you could lead Konoha to glory.

But there is no way, the current Konoha can not afford to be in a turmoil.

Everything need to be stabilized.

Until a truly suitable person appears.

At that point, I will take the lead and ask you to step aside."

The joyful Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately choke by the unforgiving words of Uchiha Tunan.

He had to cough heavily twice to ease the embarrassment and change the subject and said:

"Ahem ... Next, we have to discuss the compassionate arrangements for those who died in this incident."


The three discussed until late afternoon, before a series of follow-up arrangements for this event were set.

After leaving the Hokage building, Uchiha Tunan went straight back into the orphanage.

Inside the house, Hatake Yi left sitting in the toy pile is concentrating on playing, and even did not notice that Uchiha Tunan had arrived.

And at this time, Hatake Dou is taking good care of the little Naruto lying in the cradle bed asleep.

Seeing Uchiha Tunan return, he immediately got up and came to Uchiha Tunan, bowed with his hands on his knees and said, "Welcome back, Sir."

Uchiha Tunan ignored Hatake Dou and went straight to the cradle bed, reaching out the back of his warm hand to touch little Naruto's face.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Tunan's mouth, he reached out and patted Hatake Dou on the shoulder and said:

"Well done.

Take care of Naruto while I'm gone."

Hatake Dou immediately nodded and responded, "Yes, sir."

Uchiha Tunan finished his explanation and turned towards the study.

When he reached the door of the study, Uchiha Tunan sideways face whispered

"If something happens to him ...

Everything in Konoha has no meaningful existence.

Remember clearly, it's everything."

When he said that, he saw Uchiha Tunan push open the study door and walked in.

After hearing Uchiha Tunan's words, His whole body froze in place.

It was only when the footstep sound descending the stairs came to his ears that Hatake Dou relaxed a little and looked at little Naruto lying asleep in his cradle bed with a flat face.

It's amazing how important this little guy is.

Is it because this little guy is the child of Master's Teacher?

Thinking about it, Hatake Dou shook his head repeatedly to shake off this impractical idea.

Impossible, if Master really value the mentorship that much.

With the ability of Master, the fourth hokage simply can not die.

Could it be that this little guy is very precious material ....

Without any regards on Hatake Dou who is racking his brain, Uchiha Tunan had already arrived in the dusty laboratory at this time.

He manipulated a few puppets in the lab and started to do a sweep of the lab.

Uchiha Tunan himself came to sit on the sofa, closed his eyes and entered into a false sleep.

In the Tailed Beast space.

As if thunderous snoring sounded one after another.

Nine-tail had a dream that he left this dark place and returned to Kushina's body.

In the dream, the nine tails are talking merrily with Kushina.

Suddenly, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in front of his eyes.

Nine tail immediately jolted and woke up from the dream.

However, Nine-tail opened his eyes, but found that instead of pitch black, it was bright in front of him.

The ancient palace, the large dragon pillar, and the Uchiha kid sitting there in the center of the palace sipping tea.

"Nasty nightmare, I need to wake up soon."

Nine-tail muttered and closed his eyes again.

However, the next moment, in the heart of the nine tail the devil whispered voice rang out.

"It looks like you're having a comfortable time here."

Nine tail suddenly opened wide eyes, his hair can not help but explode, shivering.

"When did you get here."

Uchiha Tunan slowly sipping tea, and just asked, "I want the answer."

Nine tail did not say a word, just stared at Uchiha Tunan with a wary look.

Uchiha Tunan drink the cup of tea in one go, and slams it heavily to the table.


Nine-tail's body shook imperceptibly, then curled up.

"You're really untamed."

Uchiha Tunan sighed softly while shaking his head, while slowly standing up and raising his right hand.

Nine tail's pupils suddenly shrink, thinking of the previous nightmarish experience, hurried to explain:.

"It's not that I won't say, it's that I really don't know.

I'm just a tailed beast made by the Rokudo Sennin.

If there was really some secret, how could he have told me."

Uchiha Tunan looked indifferent, a dark hollow emerged from the palm of his hand, a golden chain spread out from the hollow.

Nine tails backward fiercely, body hit the coiled dragon pillar, and anxiously said.

"I'm not lying to you, why can't you just trust me for once."

Uchiha Tunan lifted his legs and took a step towards the Nine Tails.

The golden chains in his hands were like spiritual snakes flipping in the air.

"I really don't know, you can't do this to me, you have to trust me.

I'll give you as much chakra as you want, and we'll be partners from now on.

No ... Not a partner, you are my master.

Please .... Don't hit me ...."

Nine-tail seems to have foreseen the scene of his skin splitting open, his body leaning close to the dragon pillar.

While begging for mercy, his mind was spinning madly, recalling the traces of his time with the Rokudo Sennin.

Suddenly, a flash of light came to Nine-tail's mind, and he hurriedly exclaimed.

"Don't Don't ....

I thought about it, about Asura and their relationship with the Rokudo Sennin.

Asura and Indra are not descendants of Rokudo Sennin and human.

They are actually the offspring of the Rokudo Sennin who defeated the chakra originator and fused the sacred tree to create them."

Uchiha Tunan remains unmoved, his right hand flicked up.

The golden chains slashed toward the nine-tail.

Nine tail hurriedly closed his eyes and paws clutching his head, hissing.

"I told you all i know, you believe me once okay ...."

After a long time, the expected pain did not come.

Nine-tail slowly opened his eyes.

Only to see the palace empty, Uchiha Tunan's figure has disappeared without a trace.

Nine-tailed carefully lifted his head and looked around carefully.

After making sure that Uchiha Tunan had left, Nine-Tails fell to the ground at once, panting and saying.

"Whew~ That guy is finally gone."

Outside, in the laboratory.

Uchiha Tunan reached out to take the hot tea handed to him by the puppet and took a sip.

His eyebrow is filled with thoughtfulness.

The sacred tree ....

That thing can actually make a man pregnant.

Kaguya birthed two ungrateful sons, and as a result, they were sealed by the ungrateful sons.

The Rokudo Sennin gives birth to Asura and Indra.

But they all died, only the so-called chakra still keep reincarnating in the Shinobi world.

If Kaguya had not been sealed, would those two unfilial sons have ended up with Asura and Indra.

Thinking about it, Uchiha Tunan felt as if he had captured a certain key point.

Sealing their own mother, for the sake of ninja world and every other living being.

Uchiha Tunan did not think that the two alien species would have such a high level of awareness.

Instead, he's more convinced that they are in it for survival as well as profit.

But it happens so far back in the ages of Rokudo Sennin, the clues are almost zero.

Of course, there are two clues at hand for reference.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tunan lifted his head, his eyes under the bandages gazing through the thick wall at little Naruto lying asleep in his cradle bed, and murmured.

"When it's agreed, we can start working it.

Prior to that, we must found out whether there is a documentary record about that time."

After saying that, Uchiha Tunan controlled the puppet to fetch a white paper and pen.

With the pen, he wrote a sentence on a piece of paper.

The next moment, Uchiha Tunan left eye slightly glared, and paper was sucked into the divine space.

At the same time, the masked Tunan, who was walking on the sea, had a gaze in his eyes and raised his right hand.

A spatial vortex emerges at the palm of the hand.

After the spatial vortex disappeared, a piece of paper had appeared in his hand.

After reading the message on the paper, the masked Tunan lifted his head to look at the sky.

That direction is where the battlefield between Kirigakure and Konoha is located at this time: the old whirlpool Kingdom.

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