
Knowledge is the best skill for Isekai [P1]

A 24 year old man who spent his last 10 years in a hospital due to a serious disease. Unable to move or go outside yet he was able to hold his pain and suffering. It was thanks to the stories he read from novel, manga, animes and video games. When his time finally came, he was given a second chance to choose what kind of new life he wants to live, and the type of world he wants to go. For someone who spent his life on reading or watching some "isekai" stories, he knows exactly what kind of world he wants to go. Or so he thought. [I know "exactly" what you want. How about Saletera?] [Sounds good. And for the skills, only one I'll ask.] ---------------------------- English is my second language. This novel wasn't suppose to be uploade early. Originally I was going to make a Fanfiction, but because of misclick, I made it a webnovel instead. So I had to change the title to a new one which is this one. The story has many Arc, but I'm only gonna make one Arc for "Webnovel". As for the reason "why?" It will be in the last chapter. ------------------------------ One last thing: this novel was requested to be shared. so I don't care about the numbers of whatever. I'm just sharing the story to readers.

B_N_F · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Silver Moon Wolf

In the Mystic Forest, somewhere in the outer area, I am walking along with Rutelae. Yesterday I received a news that my rank as an adventure went up, from D to C rank.

Honestly I didn't expect that to happen so fast in just twelve days. I think it's because of the multiple hard quests that I completed. Since most of those quests that I took were very hard to complete, and takes alot of time.

When Tina announced my rank up, some adventures began looking at me, even Ade and Davy, along with their party members came to congratulate me. Some of them asked how I was able to do that, which I gave them the answer, and Tina was there to help me explain to them, she told them that I am an expert when it comes to anything related to the Mystic Forest.

Pretty sure rumors will spread fast. Now that I think about it, doesn't this means that many adventures will come to me, asking my help for quests that are related to the Mystic Forest in the near future?


I see. That wasn't my plan, but at least it will help me form many connections with the people of the Saif.

I looked to my side where Rutelae is flying next to me, with a hamburger in his hands, while reading the holographic screen. Six days ago he finished reading the "History of Tera" short version. Tera is the name of this world or this planet that the people use.

Next thing I was able to invite him to Senoki's Library so he can read any books he wants to know. Unsurprisingly for me, he chose books about foods of Tera. And not just Tera, but also the foods from my previous world Earth. He even ask me to make them for him, which I didn't mind.

And from that day, he became obsessed with all the Earth's food and its history.

Really, this little guy is kinda spoiled. He only eats, sleep, and reads books. It's a good thing I didn't give him access to the books using videos, or else he will use it for 28 hours.

[Is there something wrong?] He asked me when he realized I was staring at him, with a half eyes.

[...It's nothing.]

[Really? But why are you looking at me like that?]

[...I was thinking of petting you, if you had a fur like a cute kitty or a puppy.]


[What's that supposed to mean!? Hey wait, answer me.]

I chuckled in my mind. I wasn't lying when I said that I wanted to pet him if he had some fur. Spirit takes many shapes and forms, from animals, object, spiritual, to humanoid. I did asked him why he choose to take that pokemon form, and he said that it was the form of the first spirit of protection who took a form of a giant dragon, with a large wing ears, which explains alot.

Spirits when born they take the shape of a small glowing ball. And when they grow up and evolve, they are able to take a shape that they want. Rutelae already finished his first evolution, and the second evolution will allow him to take another shape, and he will be able shapeshift into two form.

'I hope he doesn't take a weird form in the future.'


'Hm? An information-'


I spit some saliva when I received the message. He is really going for a weird form?! A humanoid form with a Very Long Ears!

I really need to help this guy.


Twenty minutes later, we arrived at our destination.

[We are here.]

[Hm? I don't see any Ylzzig Rabbits around here.]

[They are a head of us, about thirty one meters away.]

[Really? Then why are we stopping here?]

[Just wait and see.]

I closed my eyes, and concentrated in manipulating the mana inside me. What am I doing you ask? Well, I'm trying to Change my presence.

First, release the mana and cover them all on my body. Next use Space magic and Reality manipulation magic to manipulate the presence of my existence around me.

<Information installing: Complete!>

By using Senoki's guidance on how to do that, I'm able to change my presence to something else.


<A new Skill has been created. Presence Changer.>

I open my eyes and looked at my hands. I could feel that my presence has been changed into a rock.

[X-Xora...is...is that really y-you?]

I looked at Rutelae who had a pale expression, and some fear in his eyes.

[Yes, it's still me.]

[W-what happened to you!? Why can't I feel you as if your dead!? What did you do!?]

He began shouting in a panic.

[Calm down calm down, I can explain.]

I understand why would he had this kind of reaction, I too would be freaking out if he did the same. Wait, is he... crying?


After my explanation, he finally calm down.

[I see...]

I smiled at my companion who was worried about me. He looked very cute~.

I checked my new Skill that I acquired.

Presence Changer. It allows me to change my presence into anything I want. Into a tree, a rock, a wind, an animal, anything, as long as I know how. It's the perfect skill for an assassin and a hunter. Better than a skill that hides your presence. Those who are very good at hiding their presence, or are able to conceal it, they can still be detected using magic, spells, high senses, or a powerful skill. That's why the best way to conceal your presence is by changing it. That's what Senoki told me.

And the reason why Rutelae was freaking out, because he wasn't able to sense my presence or rather, my life force anymore. He could only sense me as an empty shell, like a dead corpse, since I changed my presence into a rock.

[Come on, I want to try this new skill on the rabbits.]


Although Rutelae wasn't able to sense my presence, he still was able to tell if I am real, using the link of the Partner contract.

I walked forward until I was able to see seven Ylzzig Rabbit in front of me. The distance between us and them was about twenty meters.

I activate my skill and changed my presence into a forest tree, the same as the trees around me.

[Stay here.] I told Rutelae, and he nodded.

'Activate sound manipulation magic.'

Using sound magic to cut off the sounds around my feets, so that they can't hear me, I began walking towards them slowly.

*Ptt*  *Ptt* *Ptt*

After reaching four meters, I stopped and began observing them. Ylzzig rabbits, unlike the normal rabbits they have a pointy horn on their forehead, and long tail like the cats.

They are wild beast that eats plants... and meat. But not any meat, a dead body's meat. Just like the crow and vultures.



I snapped my fingers to make a small sound, and they all stop and turn their heads towards me. I kept looking at them, and they were doing the same, with their ears moving.


Twenty seconds later they all went back doing their thing, completely ignoring my figure that I am in front of them.

'This is so funny! They can not tell if I am real or not!'

To them, they see me as a weird looking Tree!

I then began moving my arms up slowly, trying to see if they will react or not. Their ears twitched a little, but they all ignored me.

'It's time.'

I used mana to create six ice needles between my fingers and waited. I looked at my targets and concentrate my mind, as I was going to throw the needles at them.


Right now I'm sweating. What are the chances of killing them all without missing?



Your kidding? Then what about if I use mind acceleration?


Tch! Of course.

I concentrated more and waited...



*Jab - jab!* ×6

Six of them got stabbed, and two were able to survive the attack but they both got a fatal wound. The last one which I didn't attack because I was only able to hold six needles, it was preparing to run but I was able to create another needle right after I threw the other six, and thrown it straight to the last one.


[Yes!] I clenched my fist with a smile.

Five killing blow and two fatal wound. Those who got injured are unable to move and were bleeding to death because of the poison. Although I wasn't able to do it perfectly but still, that's a great progress.

Rutelae then came next to me.

[Is it done?]

[Yeah, let's move on.]

I placed the bodies in my ring, and walked to the next target.

[Xora, I was wondering, since Senoki is your first skill, doesn't that means you have two skills now?]

[Actually, I have three skills.]


[I got my second skill during my training in the Laboratory.]

Yeah. I think I forgot to mention about it, but at that time, I was too lazy to explain to you guys. Sorry about that.

Now that I remember, I think I said it was a secret or something. In the 10th day, chapter five if I'm not mistaken.

Welp, there is no problem in revealing it now. My second skill that I got was "VPCT" virtual projection combat training, for short. Yeah, weird name, just ignore it.

During my training in the Laboratory, Senoki informed me that I can train my martial arts much better by using a virtual holographic partner. And that's by creating a new program/skill in my brain, or rather add it to my soul. With the help of Senoki and using her full knowledge on how to create it, I was able to acquire a new skill which allows me to create virtual images in my eyes, and also sending the sound, and all five senses to my brain to make it more realistic. It's alot similar to the "Augma" device from SAO, where you can bring the virtual world to the real world, and be able to experience its feelings.

After explaining to Rutelae, he was able to get it.

[This is giving me a headache... Just how are you able to get more than two skills? As far as I know, the people of this world can only get one skill. Two skills is already the maximum.]

[Pfft. Yeah, that's what the higher intellect people think. But the truth is, anyone can get Skills more than two, there is no limit in getting a Skill, which is also same to the Abilities.]

[How come?]

[Skill is similar to Abilities, there are no limits in acquiring them. The only difference is that the Skill is more unique, hard, and difficult to get. Abilities can be acquired by doing a certain job multiple times, and then becoming very good at doing it, like cooking, fishing, swordsmanship, archery, martial arts, etc.]

[As for Skill, they are more different because it can't be acquired by a normal way like the abilities. It can only be acquired by some conditions. And those conditions can sometimes be very hard or impossible, or involve some miracles. A good example is my skill Senoki, knowledge of the world. I got her after being reincarnated in to this world.]

[Then what about the other two skills?]

[Those I was able to get because I have Senoki, and an AI computer brain.]

Now that I think about it, I was lucky to choose the skill first before the race. Have I chosen another race other than homunculus before the skill, I would have been having a very hard time.

[I see. Your teacher is very scary.]

[... Senoki says Thank you for the compliment.]


We continue moving forward, searching for any new targets to do more test on my new skill. We run into a group of squirrel, and then some boars, lizards, bears, and lastly some big birds. The result was very good.

Right after that, something unexpected happened.



My eyes widen from the information that I received.

[What's wrong Xora?]

[We got company.]


Something came out from the bushes. It was a big wolf with silver fur and multiple scratch, wounds and bite Mark's all over its body. Its red eyes was glaring at me specifically, with bloodlust. There was rage, anger, vengeance, and some joy?

[Yo, long time no see.] I wave my hand at it with a smile.

[Grrrrrrrrrr!] It growl in anger.

The wolf that was standing in front of me was the same one that I met, two weeks ago. It grew a little bigger than the last time I saw it... and stronger too.

<Information installing...>


It seems after I left it unconscious, It became more angrier and humiliated for losing all his underlings and for being weak. It plan to get revenge on me, and began hunting down many wild beast to get stronger. Alone, in the middle area, it was hunting, killing, and eating. Getting injured and wounded after fighting multiple strong opponents, while still remember my face in its mind. And then finally, it was able to smell my scent near by. The moment it reached the source and saw me, it felt very happy, and hungry...

Wait what?

[Xora, you know that wolf?]

[Yeah, he's an old friend who wants a rematch.]



It dashed towards me, much faster than the last time. I used Mind acceleration magic and Boost magic in my body to increase my speed, and dodged the attack.

[Wooo, easy now. Can't we just talk first?]

It disappeared from its spot, and reappeared in front of me, with its claws nearing my chest.


But I was still able to dodge it again.

'Man, it became alot faster than before.'

I then heard Rutelae's voice from the side.

[Need any help?]

[I'm fine.] I said while dodging another attack.

[Okay! *munch- munch*.]

I took a quick look at Rutelae, who was watching our fight, while eating a Sandwich!

My eyebrows twitched from his action.

Right now I'm dodging and evading every attack from the wolf. I didn't used Senoki's help like the last time, and focused more on using my experience.

*slash* *slash* *slach*

*dodge* *dodge* *dodge*

I'm trying to look for an opening to counter, but it reacts so fast every time I tried to land a punch. And it's growing more faster.

'It's using mana to boost its speed.'

We both were running around, attacking and dodging, trying to land one hit on the other one, until fifty minutes has past.

[Huff... hufff...]

We both stop, trying to catch our breath. I was able to land a kick on its abdomen, but at the same time, it counter attack and made a claw mark on my leg.

[That's enough for excercise today.]

'Activate Plant magic: binding vines.'

Multiple vines came out under its body, binding it to the ground... and its mouth too.


I then used healing magic on my wounded leg.

[Is it over?] Asked Rutelae, who is now eating a Shawarma!?

Huhhhh! this guy.


[So... what are you going to do to it?]

I looked at the silver wolf while thinking. I really don't know what to do to it. Killing it will give me alot of money, but not to much. I don't feel short on money, or in ingredients.

[I'm thinking of making it my Familia.] I said, as I start approaching it.

[Are you sure? It looks like it will never agree, and wants to bite you so badly.]

I smiled as I heard that.

[I won't be surprised.]

I knelt down and placed my palm on its head. It tried to shake off free, but the vines were too strong. I then began pouring mana into its body, giving it more of my mana, and at the same time, purifying its body and mind from the negative mana that makes it wild.

The more mana a wild beast have, the more stronger it becomes and the more its intellect grows, with reasons and understanding. A wild beast that increase in the amount of mana in their MP will evolve into an intelligent beast. A Magic Beast.


A bright light envelop its body, and its wounds started to disappear. Its red eyes changed into a green, similar to mine. What I did wasn't not only giving it mana, but also forming a connection link between us, just like what Rutelae did to me.

Minutes later, the light was gone and I deactivate the binding spell. My palm is still on its head and it didn't move or tried to attack me. It...or rather He, was sitting on the ground like an obedient dog, waiting for something.

'What's left is to give him a Name as a sign to the contract.'

Let's see... Wolf, Silver, Determination, Intelligent, Strong. These are the elements that I can see from him, but I still need more info.

<Information about "High Silver Wolf and wolves species" installing...>

<Information Complete!>

Hmmm... there are two Great magic beast wolves, or what people would call them "Divine Wolf". A white snow king in the south, and a black hunting king in this Mystic Forest. There aren't many magic wolves in this land.

Just then, a new idea was added to my list.

'A silver king huh...'

[Your name will be Ginro, The Silver Moon Wolf.]

I felt a new connection from my MP.


He jumped at me and began licking my face.

[H-hey... That tickles!]

He looked very happy after receiving a name.

[looks like it work out.] Rutelae was amazed with my success.

[It did.]

I patted it's head a little, and then, I began ruffling it soft fur. It feels very soft and warm.

'Thank God it's a boy'


[Oh, you like that?] I said as I was rubbing its belly.

[Woof woof!]

I looked at Rutelae who was staring at us with some hesitation, and a little jealousy.

[Want to pet him?]

[Wa?! n-no, I don't need to.]

'Heh~, Tsundere'

I gave a signal to Ginro through telepathy, and he jumped at Rutelae, locking him down to the ground, and began licking him.

[Wa-! Hey S-stop! Haha, your tickling me- haha!]

After a full three minutes of licking, Rutelae was able to get free.

[That was not funny! I'm all covered in saliva.]

[Oh come on, you were enjoying it.] I chuckled, along with Ginro.

[N-no I wasn't, humph!]


One hours later we left the Mystic forest and headed back to the city. I didn't take Ginro with us because it will attract too many attention from the people, even those with bad intentions. So instead, I ordered him to stay there and keep training in the Mystic Forest.

The boy wasn't happy to be separated from his master, and even Rutelae was a little sad, but I told them that we can meet each other every time we go to the forest. I even told them that I plan to build a large house for the three of us in the future. They both became happy after hearing that.

Actually, I have a lot of plans for Ginro, so I shared some knowledge to him, and told Senoki to give him some guidance during his training. I will be in touch with him using the Familia link, so I can check his progress every day.

I told him to start training in the Deeper area, and focus in increasing his magic control. Because Ginro is now a magic beast, he can use magic like any other magic beast, but he will need someone to show him how to do that, and that's where Senoki comes. By using the Familia contract as a medium, similar like what I did to Rutelae using the Partner contract, I can share some knowledge to my familia.

Well actually, I'm able to share Senoki's knowledge to Anyone, by creating a link connection using magic like Mind magic or telepathy magic. A partner contract and a familia contract is one of those ways.

[Xora, can I ask you something?]

[Hm? What is it?]

[What is your main reason for leaving Ginro there so he can train? It can't be because you only want him to get stronger?]

I wasn't surprised with his question. Rutelae is now able to tell what are my thoughts, even if it's a little.

'We have been together for two weeks and he started to understand me alot faster'

I smiled as I answered

[Because of two reasons. The first reason is because I need power, and allies for help. Having a strong familia is great a benefit, against the threats that may come in the near future.]


[When I studied about this world, I found that there are many powerful beings exist throughout the history, and many bad people are aiming to that spot. Someone like me with great knowledge can be targeted one day, that's why I need more strength and help. Meeting good people, powerful people, making connections, befriending them, getting a familia, etc. Not just threats that are coming to me, but also threats that I may encounter through the journey.]

[So... is there a threat that is coming to us?]

[Not sure, but there is a very high chance that we will meet it. And at that time, I need to be fully prepared.]


Rutelae was thinking about what I said. There was no more words that came out of me, so I just waited.

[And what's your second reason?]

A wide smile appeared on my face.

[My second reason is because, I want Ginro to become one of the great divine beast.]

[Ah, I see... wait What!? A Divine Beast?!]

I chuckled at his reaction. He didn't expect that I would say something like that.

Divine beast is a title given to those who reached a very high level between the magic beasts. Lady Anka, the Phoenix, is one of them. Their rank are classified as high S rank, meaning that they are above the normal S rank. There are about forty two divine beast that are still alive today.

'Hehe, I can't wait to create my own Divine Beast Familias.'

'I wonder who would be the next Familia.'

[Hey! Your not joking on making Ginro become one of the divine beats? Hey, answer me!?]


We arrived at the Saif city and went straight to the adventure guild to submit my quest. When we entered the guild, some adventures were looking at me and observing me. Whispers began to form among them.

[Hey it's him, the white hair kid.]

[Yeah, he ranked up yesterday.]

[What? He defeated the guild master in a dual?]

[I swear it's true. I watch him win.]

[That's explains how he is able to rank up fast. He must be high rank B or A.]

[Twelve days!? Doesn't that mean he broke Her record?]

I ignored their gazes and focused in reaching the counter. But in my way there, I was blocked by three people. I raised my head to see who, and I was a little surprised.

'Three muscle heads?'

[What's up with these guys?] Rutelae asked next to me, but I didn't answer.

The one in the middle, who would I guess is the leader spoke.

[Look what do we have here.] He had a wide grin on his face.

'Oh please, don't say the things that I think you will say.'

I looked at them with a stoic expression, but behind that face, I was smiling with excitement.




- Information about Earth can be accessed, because the WORLD Saletera has an Earth too. (Spoilers)

- Xora want to teach Rutelae how to use videos screen in the Library, but he canceled it, afraid he would become a teenager rebellion kid.

- VPCT is a Skill that allows Xora to train his martial  arts by creating virtual images of some famous fighter and martial artist from his previous life Earth, like Lee and Jacky Chan, with all thier movements, fighting style, and techniques 100%, and that with the help of Senoki since she can gather all information, by using Noctis's memories as a medium link to access all the "Past" information of Xora's old world Earth, when he was alive. It's like creating a translator application on your smartphone and then downloading all language's word to it. So simple, if you have "Knowledge of the world" that is.

- Skill can only be acquired by doing something impossible and very hard to achieve by doing the normal way, or it can be by miracle. What Xora meant by "miracle" is, something that can't be explained by logic or by law nature of the world Tera. Like acquiring it during reincarnation, regression, summoning, etc.

- Familia Contract is similar to Partner Contract, between a person and an animal, or a beast. Unlike the Partner contract which is equal between they person and the spirit, the familia contract is more benefit to the Master, because the can control the Familia fully. The master can shares his magic power and mana to make its familia alot stronger. The master can know its whereabouts, communicate through telepathy, share view, give order, and summon it like the summoning jutsu.

- Divine beast are high level magic beast that reached the level of destruction. The people of Tera classified them as High S rank, meaning they can destroy a big cities in less than a minute. As for large cities like a kingdom, it would take an hour.