

Sebastian Wymans could still remember that day. How could he forget the day he met his angel, his...soulmate? The memory was still vivid to him, too vivid that he could see it through his eyes anytime he wanted to. Like a CD -- you can play it whenever you want, whenever you like.


A six year old boy, Sebastian, closed his eyes and inhaled a gulp of air. The frown on his face showed that he was at that time thinking hard, very hard whether to colour the kitten on the paper that his teacher had given him, purple or red. Yes, it was either those two colours. No more, no less.

Wrong decision may deform the little kitten appearance and what would he say to defend himself if his classmates saw it? He'd put his next seven generations to shame. Yes, it was that kind of serious decision and for this, he didn't let himself to be distracted easily.

Though that being said, his attention instantly diverted from the boring colourless picture, yet cute, to a very wonderful girl at the front of the small class. A wonderful angel. An angel that was wearing an oversized school uniform; the red skirt hung past her knees and the sleeves of her red jumper were gathered on her elbows to stop them from covering her hands.

She was an angel, Seb insist, no one shall deny that fact.

The girl was standing there with her head bowed low. Cheeks and nose were rosy due to the chilly February air, pale skin and messy bright ginger hair that perfectly contrasting the light blue irises of hers. With her lips clamped together, it was a clear notice to everyone that she was holding her tears back; anxious about her new surroundings.

Mrs. Bentley clapped her skinny hands loudly in hope to get everyone's attention since some were still doing the colouring and with her deep tired voice she said, "Okay everyone, look who we have here, your new classmate that arrived in this town from London, Natalia Summer! Horray!" She cheered with no hint of enthusiasm.

Mrs. Bentley after that raised her brow at her young students expecting them to do what she had in mind, as if they were all equipped with the power of mind-reading. However, the people actually knew what she was asking them, so they inhaled deeply.

"GOOD MORNING NATALIA!" Seb and his classmates shouted in a failed unison after all had stood up. The schools in this small town of Sebastian's had agreed and decided that practising the youngsters to greet everyone they come across to, was a way to blossom them to be polite adults. So Mrs. Bentley had been training her students to just do that and tried to make it perfect by harmonising them, but eventually she gave up after knowing they would never made it.

Honestly speaking, it was terrifying for Seb to think that when he became a grown-up man, when he go to work, all of his co-workers would simultaneously stand up and shout their greetings to him out of habit. But he would be lying if he says he didn't like greeting Natalia Summer at that moment. Seb smiled to himself feeling somewhat happy.

Natalia's face instantly fired up. Her face was as red as tomato and that made Seb's heart fluttered. Then something unexpected for Seb happened -- Natalia finally lifted her head, faced front and their eyes met each other -- icy blue with a hazel brown one. And that time was exactly the moment their form teacher's phone rang.

I had a vision of love,

And it was all you've given to me.

An old cheesy love song, Vision of Love by Mariah Carey, was playing (her ringtone) at the background. It was completely ironic but, for Seb, it was romantic in its own way.

It took a good seven seconds before Natalia bowed her face down back. A-Seven-Seconds-of-Heaven, Seb named it. With their both cheeks set on fire, small furtive smiles slowly curled their way across the two's lips.

Every expression has its own meaning and reason, his mum told him once.

Seb didn't know what does Natalia's smile means and what's it for. But he knew his.

Reason: Natalia

Meaning: I like you.

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