
Mistake maid

Three years is enough for me to adapt to the slave thing right?

We'll, yes and no.

Yes. I am now used to eating leftovers and although my scale is not as shiny as before it still have the silver look it normally have, I wonder how and what it looks like if I turned to a full snake.

I am also used to the scrubbing of the floor, although madam Shese disagree, I mean the floor is always shiny when am through with it.

And I've got friends now, back home when I was treated like a princess I use to think servant life was unbearable, but I was wrong I kinda like it. When my work is done I can go wherever I please, I already have have a favorite spot in town. And I can watch which ever puppet play I want although this time it cost money I still like it, and how can I forget I can drink as much as I want, unfortunately am not a strong drinker.

No. Because use I always make mistake during task and I don't really like it when my superiors treat me badly, I have a sharp tongue and hot temper so I actually fight back. I especially get myself in trouble during festive times so that I won't have to see my family when I serve food and drinks to the guest. Last year when sir Devon set a banquet and invited my family and some important people in my kingdom they all acted as if they never knew me.

And the servant rank thing is way over my head, aren't we all doing the same work, serving.

So this year I was going to do what I've been doing ever time I hear a feast is coming, get in trouble and I'll have to figure how to do it because right now am cleaning the floor of the banquet room.

While I was yet to finish my task Milena came to the room telling me to hurry up that master Devon wanted to see us all and do some adjustments in the staff. So I hurried up, and I knew I was going to be late when I heard footsteps running to the front door to stand in line. So I hurried up left my work materials were I left them and join my companions before master Devon's wife arrived. Although I thought it was master that was coming I didn't complain when I saw her, truth be told she was not my favorite person.

"We shall be making some adjustment with the staffs, meaning some of you will not be working where you used to... "

Yes bimbo we know just get on with it, I thought to myself while she continued blabbing.

"... Is that so?"

Wait did I voice out my thoughts, oh, holy viper am dead.

" so known of you would volunteer to be a valet to my son"

Ah, thank the runners, I thought I was done for.

"Shese, you are the head here and you know how Felix is, tell me who do you think suits him"

Ma shese was quit for a while and then told madam.

"I'll think about it but I promise I have one suited for him"

Then they dismissed us, that night before bed shese shouted at me because left the bucket behind, although she was right it was not my fault, madam called us didn't she.

The next morning madam called me to the library, my favorite place in the whole mansion and told me to go to a particular room in the third floor and I did, inside was a man about my age although he invited me inside it was kind of weird he was not facing me but the fire place and he was not saying anything to me which was making as nervous as I could ever be. Clear he was master Devon first son but this was my first time of seeing him, seeing is back apparently. I stood their for about fifteen minutes before he said.

" Do you know why you're here"

"Ehmm.... To be your new maid"

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