
Creation of the Universe

In an epoch preceding creation itself, in the primordial emptiness devoid of even a name, where the concepts of time and space lay unborn, there existed a boundless, omnipotent being known only as 'Father'. From his solitary expanse, he birthed his sons and daughters, who would be known to all beings as 'Omnigods'.

The omnigods were put in charge of their own personal multiverses, each consisting of an infinite network of infinite possibilities. The omnigod of this world, began by conjuring a grand palace of unparalleled magnificence, greater than even the largest of palaces imaginable.

Loneliness crept upon the omnigod in his boundless realm, prompting him to birth a legion of entities from his everlasting latent powers known as 'Kai'. Each kai was a sentient embodiment of a singular energy— such as one of fire, one of gas, another of metals, one of lightning, and so forth. They are the genesis of every conceivable power and ability in all of existence.

These preeminent beings would live in harmony underneath the omnigod's supervision for an incomprehensible amount of time. However, as the eons waned, discord festered amongst the kai, as certain powers and abilities proved to be stronger than others. They grew prideful, malicious even.

The growing chaos was too much for the omnigod to manage, so instead of erasing them entirely, he dispersed their ephemeral forms at random throughout his multiverse, thereby catalyzing its intricate evolution. The kai's power was used to create the lesser beings, the mortals— a complex mixture of their higher ancestors.

After countless years, our universe matured, and a planet we named Earth emerged as the perfect crucible for bearing precious life. It became home to a pantheon of races, starting with [redacted]

Humans are the most basic of the main races, bearing scant traces of noticeable power or magical ability. In contrast, the absydians are similar, but their DNA includes traits from beasts and various animals. Their vigor, ferocity, and agility surpasses their human counterparts by twofold.

Angels, with hair the color of alabaster and their luminous gaze, often marked with an emerald sigil on their foreheads, possessed a might a thousand times beyond human capacity. The strongest of these beings bear feathered wings like doves— beautiful, but quite unremarkable as they don't accomplish much that's not already achievable through other means.

Gods, born from all races, are simply higher life forms, due to a special gene that awakens at birth, distinguishing them as sovereigns by way of unparalleled might. They reigned supreme, with the angels serving as their militant power. Below them, humans and absydians had equal birthright, though humans in particular were subject to the whims of the more formidable races. 

- Amun, Library of Zedan, Year 142

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