
Chapter 1: Tattooed At First Sight

Lux’s POV

I can’t wait to kill Marco tonight. I’ve been thinking of how I want to do it while I get ready for the day. He’s never been very trustworthy anyway but we figured out he’s the one who’s been stealing from our gun shipments. Definitely not something you want to do to the De Luca family when I’m the one who has to kill him.

I head down the stairs to see my father in his study and he looks up at me as I walk in.

“You ready for tonight, principessa,” he says with a smile on his face.

I smirk, “I’m always ready. I’m about to leave though, I have a few appointments today at the shop.”

“Okay, well you better get going,” he says, looking down at his work, “I have a few things I need to do. Let me know when the job is done.”

I walk over to kiss his head, “I will, papa.”


I just fixed myself another cup of coffee while I’m waiting for my last client of the day. I’m so ready to get out of here and finish Marco so I can go home to my bed.

“Hey Lux, your next appointment is waiting upfront for you,” one of the other tattoo artists says walking up to my station.

I smile up at her, “Thanks for letting me know.”

I start heading toward the front when I see the most gorgeous, rugged man I have ever seen with his dirty blonde hair and leather-clad body. He looks like a giant – he’s so tall and broad. He turns around and I notice he has a scar slashed through his mouth and see his gray eyes already looking at me.

I walk up to him with my hand out to shake his, “I’m Lux, I’m going to be the one tattooing you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Orion,” he says, shaking my hand.

I turn around and lead him back to my station. Once I get the stencil on and start tattooing him we ease into a flow of conversation.

“So how long have you been a tattoo artist?” he asks.

“Since I was eighteen and then I opened this shop up a couple of years ago at twenty. What do you do for work?”

He scrunches up his face, “Ah, I’m somewhat of a Vice President for a trading company.”

“Hm, didn’t picture you as the suit type but I guess looks are deceiving.”

He changes the conversation, “Your studio looks pretty cool. Did you do everything yourself?” he says looking around.

I laugh, “Yeah actually, I did. I wanted it to represent my own personal style.”

As he’s looking around, I notice him tense up, “I can stop if you need a break.”

He whips his head back toward me, “No, I’m fine. I was just looking at the picture of you and that guy over there. How do you know Leo?”

I raise my eyebrows, “He’s my brother. How in the hell do you know him?”

He pauses to look me over, “You're telling me your brother is Leo De Luca?”

I take a minute to think about how he would know him but I’m coming up blank. I’ve never met this man in my entire life, and I know i’d remember if I did. This could be a setup but if it was then I think he would’ve already made a move by now.

“Yes, Leo is my brother,” giving the tone as if to ask if there is a problem.

Orion’s POV

F*cking hell. Of course, Leo’s sister is the one tattooing me and just so happens to be the hottest woman I’ve ever met. I’ve had a hard-on this entire time, feeling her hands on me and bent over tattooing my side. She has long black hair with artwork covering the tan skin I can see. He’d slice my d*** off if he knew of the things I’ve been thinking about his sister. I notice I still haven’t replied when she has turned off the tattoo gun and is still glaring at me.

“Leo is my best friend. I’m the Vice President of the Demons of Hades MC,” I say, now realizing she thinks I had a totally opposite job. “I just kind of gave you a very glorified version of my job when you asked.”

She cocks her head to the side, looking shocked, “Huh, I’ve heard about you in passing by him, but I just figured he made you up since I’ve never met you.”

I smirk, “Well, here I am in the flesh. I’ve heard a little bit about you too but you’re definitely not what I was picturing.”

That makes her scoff, “Yeah, I’m sure my brother would totally tell someone that he has a hot younger sister. I bet he made you think I was still dressing up in play clothes and pigtails.”

I laugh, “Not too far off from that. So, I’m guessing you’re not part of the family business then, since you have this place,” I say motioning my arms around the room.

This time she smirked at me, “Yeah there’s where you get to assume things that aren’t true. I’m fully part of the family business, I just have my own thing too.”

That shocked me, her being part of the mafia, which really shouldn’t since she grew up in it just like I grew up in the club. She’s d**n sure not the little girl playing dress up that I had in mind when Leo would bring her up throughout the years.

“I guess we both assumed different things of each other.”

“There’s more where that came from,” she says under her breath laughing lightly.


Lux’s POV

Later that night I'm in the interrogation room of the compound trying to get some answers out of Marco.

I’m walking around him with a blade in my hand when I ask him, “So why were you stealing our guns, Marco? You know better than to betray us. This is the final time I'm asking you.”

He looks like a mess, covered in his own blood and p***, missing some of his fingers and shallow cuts all over his body.

He shouts, “I don’t know anything, I swear it. I just got a call one day from an anonymous number telling me what to do and they sent pictures of my family threatening to kill them if I didn’t do exactly as they said.”

I’m growing tired of him spewing the same thing over and over again. I walk over to him and slit his throat, killing him instantly. I usually stay to help clean up the mess but I have way too much on my mind tonight.

I get up to my room and start thinking everything over. This is the third person I've killed with the same story. Something must be going on, there’s no way people would just all of a sudden randomly start betraying the family.

I go to sleep that night knowing I have to figure it out before it’s too late… and wondering if I'll see Orion again.

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