1 new beginning

It was a day like no other. Every women dreamed about this day since she was a little girl.

The lights shined and glistened dangling from the balcony entrance. The smell of fresh roses as they were being placed on each table.

I wanted this day to be perfect I thought as I looked around the room watching things being put in their perfect place. this was a day come true for me why you ask well this was how it all happen.

- 7 years ago-

Dani.. oh dani.. Earth to dani!

I jumped hearing my name being called out to me.

Finally are you even listen to me? callie said as she made a confused face.

Of course I'm listening to you. I said with a smile

but she didn't know and neither did anyone else that I wasn't really paying attention why but watching the captain of the football team Dylan O'Neal practice. It was like a dream come true. Dylan wasn't like any guy oh no he was different tall dark and handsome the kind that would make a girl fall at his feet and any guy turn gay over him.

but guess what he wasn't mine oh no he was my sisters boyfriend.

callie rolled her eyes knowing I wasn't even listening to her at all. See the thing is my sister and I are twins yes twins. she's gorgeous with golden blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. she is the type of girl ever girl wanted to be and every guy wanted to date. And then there's me the thing is when my sister and I was born she got all the looks and I got well nothing. I watched my sister get up and walk over to Dylan as he was done with practice. she placed her arms around his neck pulling him close and she kissed him deep. yeah a gross fest didn't really want to see my sister make out with the guy I secretly liked. I smiled at My sister as she walked back over to me.

He tastes like mint she said sitting down as she was twirling the gum that he had in his mouth around her finger.

wait did that come out of his mouth? I said looking disgusted.

oh yes it was his gum she said smiling at me.

Face it dani you have to have looks to get a guy she said with a cocky look.

wait was she calling me ugly? I didn't answer her trying to tune her out as my mind being to wonder again.


finally a day off school I could lay in bed all day and not do anything and that's what I was planning to do.

I could hear callie screaming as she ran up the stairs to my room. I was bracing myself for her dramatic entrance. I rolled my eyes as she entered my room.

Have you seen my red top she said with a angry look

now why would I have seen your top I said not really caring.

wait never mind you don't have taste in clothing so of course you haven't seen it she said smiling some.

she had treated me lesser than her all out lives and I was to the Point of telling her to go fuck herself.

I looked at her trying to stay calm while saying then get out of my room and go look for it.

she rolled her eyes and walked out.

-phone rings-

hello... I said

umm is this dani? -mystery person

ummm yes this is dani why -me

ok good umm this is Dylan and I want to know if you can come to the hangout and talk.

my heart dropped why would Dylan O'Neal ask me to the hangout.

s..sure I'll come I said with a red face.

cool meet you in 15 mins he says before hanging up.

I smiles with excitement while getting ready to leave my house why of all would Dylan want to talk to me.


know you know what to do baby and I'll let you have sex with me tonight says callie as she smirks

yes I know but is this the right thing to do to your sister? he says with a worried look.

oh please Dylan I see the way she looks at you. I'm just gonna show her who's better looking callie says with another smirk

I pulled up at the hangout smiling while getting out of the car and walking inside the place. I seen Dylan standing there and I walked over to him to see callie also. my heart dropped.

what's going on? I said with a confuse look

oh this says callie as she walks around me. it's nothing but a pay back for thinking you have a chance. dani do you actually think Dylan would ever date someone who looked like you? callie says While laughing. I look down feeling tears come to my eyes. I was so embarrassed. then before I knew it callie raised her arms and poured a cup of tea over my head. I gasped while holding back the tears. look at you dani you are ugly she says while laughing. I couldn't help it I ran out of the building while listening to everyone laugh before getting into my car and driving off while crying my eyes out. I was tired of being done wrong I needed a new start a new beginning and was gonna change it all.
