
Chapter 12 : Hardest Time

Knight ended his call to May with a feeling of extreme pain in his heart, then suddenly Lyrids came from the window and shows a soft smile to him. He just smiled too and pretends that he is not sad. May finally told her that she wants a break up.

"Lyrids, you are here…" He smiled while he is trying to fix his kotatsu table (The small wooden Japanese table where you should sit or kneel in the floor.)

"I came for you…" She smiled with a little bit of worrying reaction while carrying some fruits from the planet Earth.

"Oh, thank you. You brought some fruits." He said while controlling his tears.

"These are apples… You must eat these to be much happier." She shows them with a smile.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she looked into his face.

"Yes,I am. There is no reason to be sad." He said while biting one of the apples and still pretending to be happy.

"I guess you are… I will now go." She said while worrying but can't do anything because she knows that he is just pretending.

  As Lyrids leaves by jumping into the high window, Knight starts to cry and lay his body into the clean floor while he is near the tokatsu table."

"Why this is so painful? It hurts so much…" He cried deeply.

  After 7 seconds, Lyrids return and entered his room by the big windows. There she saw Knight crying.

"Knight, please, stop crying… I did my best to help you but it doesn't work …" She said while her tears are starting to fall with her worrying voice.

"Why did you return back? I don't want you to see me like this…" He said as he wipes his tears while showing his braveness.

  Lyrids holds Knight in a comforting way while sitting beside him. She wrapped her arm to him and put his head to her shoulder while crying for him. Her strong emotions release his sadness. Knight starts to cry too and finally speaks from his heart.

"May doesn't love me anymore … Why this is happening to me? …" He cried as Lyrids cried too in a silent way.

  From the window, Teddy is looking at them and can also feel the sadness that surrounds them.

"Be strong Master …" Teddy whispered with a sad voice.

  When Knight feels okay, he told Lyrids that he plans to return to planet Earth and will try to fix things and return to May if there's still hope between them.

   Teddy told Lyrids that nothing will happen and it will just damage Knight's heart in a more difficult way. Knight starts drinking and never wants to return to planet Mars because he can't work properly. Lyrids wants to see him and never leaves him but Teddy doesn't allow her.

Here's the scene while they are talking and looking from far away to Knight who's drinking many bottles of 100% alcohol.

Lyrids: Can I talk to him? (She said with teary eyes.)

Teddy: No …

Lyrids: I don't want him to be alone.

Teddy: Let him experience the hardship.

Lyrids: He needs friend. (She whispered.)

Teddy: Master must learn life.

Lyrids: It also hurts me to see him like that… (She sadly said.)

Teddy: Me also, I want to be there for him but Master needs space for one year.

Lyrids: I'll pray for him … Hope that he'll stop drinking … (She sadly said while controlling her tears.)

Teddy: Let's pray for him…God will never leave him alone and also Jesus Christ.

     Lyrids' Point of View

(This is only in Lyrids' deep thinking.)

     Knight…if you were to ask, "What are fallen leaves useful for?" I would answer… …to enrich the sick soil. And you ask… "Why do we need winter?"  My answer would be …"So that new leaves can sprout." And you ask… "Why are leaves so green?" That's where I'd answer … "why?" It is because they are full of life. Again you ask me … "Why do summers have to end?" My answer is… "…so that all leaves could die." You ask me one your last question … "Why life is unpredictable even if you know what's behind them?" My answer would be … It is because everything happens for a reason. Knight, live life to the fullest…God loves you so much …

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