
‘We work, to earn the right to work ...’

I ... may have gone a little ahead of myself.

*Thud !*

I thought as my face planted itself on the ground. Oh, how well I remember this feeling. Back in a campus this was an everyday event. Our 'caretakers', or as a group I was assigned to liked to call them, 'Drill Sergeants', were quite adamant to make it nostalgic to us. Every single day, kids like me, ones unable to learn anything from school but being in possession of ominously powerful abilities, were pushed towards breaking point.

Our limbs snapping, our organs falling apart, only for us to be put back, given half hour of rest and rushed back to training. This was honestly one of the most brutal things that I witnessed with my own eyes, and I was a person hunting people for money and selling them as slaves.

That DOES say something about how harsh it was.

Breathing in, I smelled a smell of sand, getting some of it into my nose in the process.

Having enough of laying around, I materialized energy beneath my shoulders and pushed myself up. Breathing out violently through the nose, I empowered it with energy, releasing a black wind from my nose in the process.

With sand finally out of my poor nose, I started trying to stand up.

Only to be met with a firm resistance of my ripped muscles.

What did I do ? 200 push-ups, then some pull ups, ending with squats. For some more advanced training I would have to visit a gym, which I currently don't have access to.

And so, I ended up like that. Pumping energy into my limbs, I pushed them up. My muscles may feel like they just decided to take vacations, but my power still exists.

Raising up, I pushed huge amount of energy into my limbs, giving me something of an ability to move around with ability to manipulate core. I may look very clumsy while doing so, quite like a doll that is led around only with one hand, but I will manage.

Wait, I could probably levitate, wouldn't I ?

Trying this hypothesis, I tried lifting myself up into the air from my knees. More energy flew from my core, but I did indeed, rise into the air. And it did feel kind of weird.

Most of the time you are bound to the surface of earth by force such as gravity. But now ? It feels like there's none of that. Energy was emerging from my core at extensive rate and as such, I zoomed towards my apartment with bags in my hand.

Strain would probably beat me to landing back down with an old version of core, but this one, like I may mentioned earlier, feels way more ... bottomless. As if the lost energy is constantly resupplied and the source it comes from, never ending.

Yes, I do realize that a child levitating back to its apartment might be and probably is, a funny scene to see, cause of which I fastened my floating speed.

After few minutes, I finally arrived at familiar doorway.

Activating my [Darker Location], I looked inside the apartment-

Only to find a person standing beside them, looking unusually pissed off.

Well, shit.

If I am fortunate enough, she did not see me and I can form something of a plan. First, my muscles. If she spots them being unnaturally sore, she might just go ahead and make a fuss.

There has to be some kind of healing method with this ability ...

Okay, let's think back a little bit.

We had a healer on our team, Jo. His ability was similar to mine. He had his own core, his own kind energy. Only difference being that my core allowed me to store more and my energy was way more destructive than his.

He could use it to mend wounds and close some ugly injuries. He even described it to me once. Come on, you can surely remember it !

As I thought about this, I levitated down to the cellar and cut of a solid hole in the wall. Pushing all the bags inside, I closed it, making sure to make it look as naturally as if it never got cut off in the first place.

The way he described it, shaping energy into a plaster or bandage, wrapping it around the wound and ... wishing for it to heal ? He did mention that it is the most basic thing to do, but ...

It does seem a little bit nonsensical. Like, a shape changing the effect of the energy itself ? Seems ridiculous ...

But it doesn't hurt to try I guess. Making a black bandages from the thin air, wrapping them around my whole body, I started to pray.

I do not know if I am to do it that or some other way, but if it doesn't work I will at least know that he scammed me.

'Oh, whoever is up there listening, grant my wish of replenishment !


Head my call and deploy a healing on this one !


Fucking heal me in this goddamn instant !'

First two times ... made me cringe quite hard. I am not gonna lie. Disappointment in myself has rose to such levels that I would start considering going to psychiatrist.

However suddenly, a wave of dizziness hits me, knocking me down onto the floor.

More bandages rises out of the ground, wrapping around me without any kind of plan.

In this instant, I pass out.


[Opening a system management ...

Welcome to the Management point of world #528639729 !

Opening modification point ...

Chose a group/individual to modify ...

Individual found. Proceeding to modifications ...

Appliance successful.

Individual met a condition of unlocking part of the [Partial Hate (Dominant Trait)], [Immense Natural Regeneration] !


Delay calculated ... Approximately 5 years until the start of the effect of [Major Evil forces empowerment].

Trying to unlock other abilities ...


Detecting Seals on Individuals Soul.

Scanning ...

Sealed traits identified.

- [Undying Determination (Minor Trait)]

- [Unmovable Integrity (Minor Trait)]

- [Endless Hate (Dominant Trait) {Major part sealed}]

Attempting to break the seals-


Interference detected.

Identifying perpetrator ...


Grand God, A̵̘͉̟̔̿͝T̴̝̙̦̀͌r̵͓͓͉̐͝͝u̵̦͙͉̔͊̓é̸͍̞̻͒͘W̵̦̦͍̾̓͆a̵̘͙̠͆̈́̈́i̵̻̙͇̓̈́̈́f̵̼͎̺͆͑u̸̼̼͑̓͐, detected. [Analysis] skill about to connect.

Attempts to bring down the seals halted.

Retreating from system management ...


Erasing protocol Data ...


Blocking off the system management ...


System management transferin-

Grand God uses [Forceful System Takedown] ... Affirmative.

Processing ...


Removing administration abilities of [Major Souls] from the management system of world #528639729 temporarily, until further notice.]


I snap awake with a gasp, standing up from the dirty and cold floor of the cellar. Sweat dripping from my forehead, my hands being in no better thing of a state.

What was that thing that happened ? Last thing I remember was falling down onto the floor ... and probably blacking out.

Wait a goddamn second ... I can move around ? It did work ?!

Well, I had my doubts about that one, but it still worked ! Jo, I send you my inter-dimensional thanks.

With my muscles aching no longer and me being able to properly walk around, I decided to go back to our apartment.

What's the worst that could happen ? I would get scolded ? I have been (probably) scolded worse.

Making my way up the stairs, I came before the door. Materializing energy on my finger, I pushed it into the keyhole. Molding it to fit, I twisted it open-

Revealing a figure of my mother sleeping against the wall beside the door ...

Is that the tactic ? You want to make me feel guilty ?

Because if the answer is yes, then she succeeded fully. *Sigh*

Materializing a platform beneath her, I floated it above the bed. Lowering it carefully, as to not wake her up, I then dispersed it making her lay onto the bed. She doesn't seem to shift around in any way, so that is a good thing. Coming closer, I grab one edge of the duvet, grabbing the other one with the core.

I then lay it over her, making sure she is somewhat comfortable.

Her not moving around probably signifies that she is, so I guess that is a good thing.

Sitting down on a chair beside the bed, I leaned back in my seat. What hour it is once again ?

I looked at the old, seemingly ancient clock. It still worked however, so I don't think there is any need to replace it. It showed 3 AM ... wow, I really took my time didn't I ?

Now that I think about it ... she must have waited for me ?


Goddamn it, is that the trick ?! Making me feel the guilt ? I am all in for sacrificing myself for my family and friends, but there ain't no way I am letting them do the same for me. She has also got work tomorrow ...


Having nothing left to add, I sat in the chair, thinking, before eventually falling into a deep embrace of sleep.


My eyes opened once again.

No, I did not appear back in my old world, still in here.

I looked towards the curtains, it was already quite bright behind them, signifying that it was morning already.

Looking towards the clock, it showed that it was currently 7:30 AM.

I looked around. Mom was still sleeping, she will probably be late for work ... but I have no heart to wake her up. She already committed herself enough.

Decided ! I am going to seek a job, be it illegal or legal, I will help my mother.

I know that kids normally would not be hired under any circumstances, but I am no normal kid. My quirk is powerful enough to lift boulders weighting tons, it was enough to defend from Fiction-level threat. I should be able to easily find some physical job that doesn't require a lot of thinking.

Refilled with new determination to help my mother, I dressed up and went down towards the cellar. If I am to go to an interview, I need to at least look presentable.

Opening my new 'secret' stash, I took out a white T-shirt, big green blouse, pair of boots and black pants. Closing it back, I made my way up yet again, entering the apartment.

Wearing them on, I made my way out, not forgetting to lock the door behind me.

Going out of apartment block, I get blinded momentarily by sudden exposure to sun.

Streets were somewhat busy, as one would expect them to be. Cars riding left and right, stopping and increasing in speed.

Wearing a hood onto my head, I started going in no particular direction. If luck will be on my side, I will encounter some construction workers or some others along the way.

After few minutes, I arrived at something of a construction site. Seems that luck IS on my side.

Somehow, I arrived at something of a management cabin while not being thrown out by anyone. Which is something of a miracle.

Knocking on the door, I waited for a few seconds before hearing a reaction on the other side of the door.

Door snapped open.

"What is it ?"

Said a voice of a men that opened the door. He had short brown hair paired with a beard of the same color. I can't exactly say anything about his body build because of clothes he is wearing.

He seems to be looking around, searching for the source of knocking ... why the fuck must you remind me that I am short ?!

Raising my hand before his eyes seems to be enough to draw his attention.

"A kid ? Who has let you in ?"

"Good morning kind sir. I am searching for an employment, would you happen to be of help ?"

I asked with a rather calm voice, doing my best to keep my face straight.

"... Employment ? Kids in your age want to be firefighters, police, heroes. What are you seeking in here ?"

He asked of me, making both surprised and curious face at the same time.

"As I said, I wanted to work here. As much as I would like to have time to dream of such things, I don't think I do. I need to help my mom."


He replied in silence, having either nothing to say or thinking about how to reply.

"Listen, kid. You can't work here. You have neither the strength nor a posture-"

"I have my quirk. I guarantee it is enough."

I interrupted him in an imposing manner. His face was now tainted with surprise. A kid talked back to him when he was proud of his intimidating posture.

Smiling to himself, he replied.

"Okay then, kid. You will have to prove first that you do have what it takes. If you do, I will consider it. If you don't, you will go back to wherever you came from. Deal ?"

He then moved his hand in front of me, waiting for me to shake it.

I, of course, placed my hand over his and shook it. I didn't forget to enhance it with energy first of course, I would have to be stupid to not do that.

In this moment, his grip tried to crush my hand. So this is the test, huh ? Okay then, don't regret it.

I pumped up the amount of energy present on my hand, successfully protecting my hand from his monstrous grip. I have to say, he does have some strength. But-

In this moment, I enveloped my energy over his hand and started something of a grip myself.

Surprised at first, he increased the strength he was putting in. I swear, a wind started stirring besides both of us.

I do have to say, he is a monster ! I mean, not on Gus level, but still.

His face now changed, from shock and curiosity to something of happiness.

"Hahahahaha !"

He laughed out loudly, letting go off my hand. With this I also retreated energy back to the core, not expecting any other attack.

"You do have what it takes ! I am quite amazed, I must say. Well, I welcome you to your new place of work, we could use some help of powerful people like you. Not many people want to do such a mundane task as ours. But, before you start, let's talk about the work you can be doing."

And with this, he invited me inside to talk about what I will be working on. I didn't expect to get accepted on the first try, so I am already grateful as I am.

"Well, ok kid. Wait, maybe not kid. What is your name ?"

"My name is Chara, nice to meet you ..?"

"Ahh, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Rein. I am a leader of our humble group of workers. And yes, nice to meet you.

So, about the work. Judging from what I witnessed, you have something of a telekinetic type of quirk. Quite strong one at that. So, what you want to help with ? Carrying heavy objects ? Transporting ? Or-"

"All things that require physical help !"

"Hahaha, you are quite determined one, ain't you ? Okay then, I will get one of my men to show you around later. Varying of how much you will work, you will get salary equal to how much work you will do. Is it alright ?"

"Yes sir !"

"No need for formalities in here, young Chara. All of us treat each other like family. On a side note, I am glad you are here. We have been recently low on people, we wouldn't make it in time otherwise ! I hope that with your help, we will be able to. Sit in here, I am going to call a guy to show you what you can do. Any questions ?"

"None !"

"Good. Wait in here."

And as such, my first work in this world started.

[I am not able to believe, but I made it.

I released three chapters in span of a week. Am I sick or something ? Probably.

Next chapter will surely be on this weekend or next week ... or is it ?


PS - Also, for all people that have time to grammatically correct me, keep it to yourself please. Or find yourself other hobby.

PSS - Forgive if it may seem a little bad at the start.]

Next chapter