
Chapter 47

While Seirin's lead was expanding, Kaijo still didn't give up. They gave it their all to chase Seirin's score. Even though his team was in a dire situation, surprisingly, Kise still maintained a confident face. It was as if his team wasn't losing the game. It seemed like he was still sure they would win.

The turning point of the game came in the last two minutes, when Ryota Kise literally took over. As expected, Ichigo witnessed Kise unleash his trump card - his copying ability. However, this time, it wasn't the usual copy that he had done before. Kise utilized the abilities of the other Generation of Miracles.

Ichigo wasn't sure why Kise had only used it now, with only two minutes left in the game. Maybe he hadn't fully mastered the skill, or perhaps two minutes was his limit. Ichigo didn't know for sure. Nevertheless, witnessing Kise use his ability solidified in Ichigo's mind why Kise was the most dangerous player he would face that year.

While most people would think that Akashi Seijuro was the most threatening player in the Generation of Miracles, especially if he perfected his Emperor Eye, Ichigo had always considered Kise the most dangerous. Even before his high school career began, Kise had been on Ichigo's radar as the most formidable player in the Generation of Miracles.

Just imagine if Kise could do that for the entire game. It would be over before it even started. While it might be impossible for Kise to maintain that level of performance throughout the entire game at this point, if he could use it for an entire quarter, it would still be ridiculously overpowered.

If you face Kise like that, you will feel as if you are facing the entire Generation of Miracles for an entire quarter. Add to that his ability to enter the zone, and it becomes almost impossible to guard him. The worst part is that while you struggle to stop his offensive onslaught, he can also effectively defend the entire opposing team during that time.

And that's exactly what was happening in the game right now. In the last two minutes, Kise single-handedly carried his team to victory. Kagami did his best to stop him, but it was all in vain as Kise effortlessly bulldozed his way to the rim with his formless shot, a technique he copied from Aomine.

Moreover, Kise was shooting from everywhere on the half-court, which perplexed Ichigo. He knew that Midorima could shoot from anywhere on the court at the moment. The only explanation Ichigo could think of was that Kise hadn't seen Midorima do it, so he hadn't copied Midorima's full-court shooting yet.

In addition, Ichigo noticed that Kise wasn't using Akashi's Emperor Eye. He wasn't sure if Kise didn't want to use it or if he simply hadn't mastered it yet. Ichigo also observed that Kise couldn't seamlessly transition from one ability to another. Based on all this evidence, Ichigo concluded that Kise was still not very familiar with utilizing the abilities of the Generation of Miracles. Therefore, he couldn't fully unlock his own potential. Furthermore, since Kise hadn't witnessed the other Generation of Miracles in action, he was unaware that all their abilities had already improved, just like Midorima's.

The final quarter of the game turned into a Kise show as he took over. He scored from anywhere on the court and from various angles. It didn't matter if Seirin double or triple-teamed him; he always found a way to score. Despite inflicting damage on Seirin's defense, he also efficiently shut them down, preventing them from scoring in the last two minutes.

The entire Seirin team could only watch as Kise completely dismantled their defense. From Kagami to Ogiwara to Kuroko, he rendered them all useless in the last two minutes of the game.

The game ended with a score of 112-115, with Kaijo emerging victorious. Kise scored 17 consecutive points to lead his team to victory. The whole gym erupted with the cheers of Kaijo High students who filled the stands, especially Kise's fan girls.

While the entire Kaijo High was celebrating their win, the Seirin team, on the other hand, was devastated after witnessing Kise's full ability on display. They still couldn't believe what had happened in the last two minutes of the game. Prior to those two minutes, they were essentially winning the game. However, Kise dominated during that entire timeframe, causing them to lose the game. In just two minutes, their team, which was on the verge of victory, suffered a loss.

Fortunately for them, this was only a practice game, so no real harm was done to their team despite the loss. This game didn't hold much significance in their hopes of qualifying for the Interhigh. However, it did highlight the level of skill they needed to attain in order to compete with top-tier teams in the Interhigh.

Although they had lost, it's not like they were depressed about it. The defeat even motivated Kagami as he saw how he compared against the Generation of Miracles. He knew that he still had a long way to go before he could even come close to challenging the Generation of Miracles. However, he now had a clearer understanding of the heights he needed to reach.

As the game ended in such a fashion, Ichigo turned towards Midorima to observe the shock on his face. Midorima was stunned by Kise's remarkable improvement, realizing that he could even mimic the abilities of the Generation of Miracles. However, he quickly regained his composure upon sensing Ichigo's gaze upon him.

He adjusted his glasses as he turned to Ichigo and asked, "What?" after seeing the smile on Ichigo's face.

"How do you feel seeing Kise copying your ability like that? Are you intimidated by seeing Kise's ability?" Ichigo said with a teasing smile.

"It doesn't matter if he can copy all the abilities in the world. At the end of the day, fate will still be on my side, and fate has decided that I will emerge on top," Midorima said confidently. Though he was slightly disturbed after seeing Kise use his ability, it was only for a short time as he still had confidence in himself. He knew that if Kise completely mastered his ability, he would be a force to be reckoned with. However, Midorima still had the confidence to emerge victorious if he and Kise were to meet in the Interhigh.

Hearing what Midorima said, Ichigo just smiled. He was happy that Midorima still maintained his unbending confidence in himself after witnessing Kise's full ability. But Ichigo was also excited about the upcoming Interhigh. He thought to himself that if Kise's improvement was already this impressive, he could only imagine how much the other members of the Generation of Miracles had improved.

Just thinking about it made his blood boil with excitement. He couldn't wait for the Interhigh Tournament to start. With that in his mind, Ichigo turned to his companions and urged them to go home since the game had already ended. Takao immediately went to their rickshaw to prepare to go home, but Midorima didn't rush to leave. He said that he was still going to talk to Kise.

Seeing that Midorima was going to talk to his former teammate, Ichigo decided to do the same and waited outside the gym for Seirin High to finish practice. The first to exit the gym was Kise. He went to the water faucets outside and washed his head with cold water to cool down his body.

And while he was heading towards the faucets, Ichigo noticed him wobbling as he walked. He could even see Kise's leg muscles spasming, indicating that his abilities were taking a toll on his body. Ichigo wasn't the only one who noticed this; Midorima and Takao had also observed it.

Midorima watched as Kise drenched his head with cool water before approaching him. Ichigo couldn't hear what they were talking about because, at the same time, the entire Seirin team emerged from the gym.

When Ichigo spotted Ogiwara among them, he immediately called out to him, "Ogiwara!" he shouted.

Upon hearing his name being called, Ogiwara looked around to identify who it was. He was surprised to see Ichigo approaching him, still dressed in his school uniform. "Ichigo! Long time no see. What brings you here?" he asked as he walked towards him.

As they got closer, they exchanged a fist bump, and Ichigo responded, "I came here with my friends after we heard that one of the members of the Generation of Miracles would be playing. I didn't expect that your team would be going against them," he said, pretending to be unaware that Ogiwara was a part of the Seirin team.

Ogiwara scratches his head in embarrassment after realizing that Ichigo witnessed their loss in the game. "Well, I don't know if I should be happy that you're here or embarrassed after you saw my team losing in the last two minutes," he confesses, feeling embarrassed.

Ichigo laughs upon hearing this. "There's no need to be embarrassed. It's completely normal to lose a game like that, especially when faced with Ryota Kise's incredible abilities. Even I was shocked when he showcased the full extent of his copying ability," Ichigo reassures him consolingly.

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