
Lydia and Stiles

I came back to the town called Beacon Hills which happens to be a beacon for the supernatural.

I'm now adapted to this world with different supernatural species, my new werewolf transformation which I hardly use. I enrolled in the new school thinking of doing something new with my new life.

The only difference in this new world I feel is not having my family and a clean slate, no one is afraid of me and neither have intentions of anything against me.

Today was the winter formal, some sort of an annual dance and I just got here a few days ago so I had to use one page of Rebekah's playbook.

I compelled a date with me but it just got boring in less than ten minutes so I left the party and came out to move around the campus.

I was on the roof when I heard a scream at the lacrosse field, I quickly got to the field where I saw a girl with strawberry blond hair lying on the ground whilst a man who I could feel wasn't a human standing near her and a boy of my age begging for her life.

"What is going on here?" I asked with little anger showing up on my face.

That man turns slowly turns towards me "This is none of your business, get the hell out of here before I rip you apart".

I grinned at his words and started walking toward him, as I got closer he tried to punch me but I blocked it and turned his hand down using my strength. I could see the expression of fear on his face.

I kicked him in the stomach and tossed him to the stands and then I used my vampire speed to reach where he dropped.

I grabbed his chin tightly and whispered in his ear " If I saw you, here again, I will take out your intestine and hang you on the street light".

I knew I did enough to keep myself in his mind if he ever thinks of attacking and bullying any human.

I walked to the boy who was staring at me, surprised and protecting the girl in his embrace.

"Wh-Who are y-you?" He asked stuttering.

"I'm Klaus" I answered while keeping my eyes on that girl, I bit on my wrist and placed it on her mouth so that she can heal.

"What are you doing?" the boy asks and pushes my hand away from her, He was possessive for her as I was for Hope.

"I'm healing her" I said when the bite on my wrist healed.

"No, I should take her to the hospital" He exclaimed at me not having any idea.

"Look at her" I said keeping myself calm.

He gets dazed when he sees all the bruises on her body getting heal but then my eyes landed on the bite at her waist.

Even nearly after a minute, it didn't heal making me a little bit worried.

"Why the bite didn't heal?" He asked me.

That reminded me of the moment it happened last time when my blood failed to heal Finn's bite causing it to take his life.

" You should take her to the hospital" I said.

" What are you?" He asked me, seeming a little afraid of me.

" I'll tell you next time when we will meet" I said and he picked her up and then I rushed away without looking back at them.


I got to my car continuously thinking about the incident happened in the field which became more formal than winter formal he attended.

A boy who wasn't in the field came running with that girl in his hands, her name is Lydia.

I smiled when I heard her name in the frightened crowd because I was hoping her name to be Cara or maybe Carol or you know the one and only.

I opened the door of my car and was about to get inside when I heard a loud howl from the nearby.

I started to convince myself that it is not my matter to be solving and I should go home and start living my life till I'm in this not so boring town of Beacon Hills.

Thought of turning people into vampires has come into my head for over hundreds of thousands of time but I still neglected it because a smart man always learns from his past and that thought always ends on reminding me of my daughter who I will I guess can never be able to forget.

There is nothing which does not remind me of her but at the moment that howl I heard was also for reunity of the werewolf pack and I should not be interrupting but the howl got through my skin so I stopped fighting its effect and ran towards it.

I was a little late when I reached the woods seeing another girl holding a bow against a werewolf which I could feel.

That werewolf was a teenager and so was that Hunter girl, who was continuously getting words in her head by some adult wicked bitxh woman to shoot that werewolf who was sounding innocent.

Me also the thousand years old hybrid who has learned to read people could see that the girl was mind washed to do that by none other I guess that bitxh walking behind her.

"I was going to tell you the truth, I was going to tell you everything cause everything I said, everything I did -" That werewolf tried to clarify his actions but the girl wasn't in the right mind to listen as she completed his sentence "-was to protect me".

" Yes" The werewolf agrees.

"I don't believe you" the girl said and by now I was completely exhausted and was heading out when I heard a voice.

"Oh thank God, now shoot him before I have to shoot him myself" the manipulative bitxh speaks.

"But you said we were just gonna catch them" That girl says being emotionally tired of all the drama she has witnessed in last few hours.

" We did that now we are going to kill them" She shoots the werewolf who I didn't notice was lying there.

I frowned at her actions and I knew I need to do something before she harms that boy.

I quickly ran towards them and snatched the gun, I unloaded the gun and dropped all the bullets on the ground.

" Miss, be a little easy... they are kids" I said.

"Who are you?" That girl asked me but then I turned to the bitxh lady who punched me which was like... I don't know I didn't feel anything.

"My name is Klaus... Klaus Mikaelson, you must have heard of me" Words came out of my mouth like a flow of habit which isn't gone yet.

" Who?" the woman asks with the visible confusion on her face.

A voice of growling comes into my ears from inside the house.

"Allison, back away from her" A man speaks from a distance keeping his gun at that bitxh.

"Shush" I said and an animal came out from the burned down house and tackles that unknown man and then comes for me but I just twisted my body to left and he missed me.

Second time he attacks but I clenched his neck and start pressing till the moment he fells down to his knees.

He looks at the boy for help and then to the other one but none come for his help "So much for the pack mentality, isn't it?" I said making a joke of the situation.

"You want to kill me, go ahead do " that man says with a voice of feeling failed and a broken heart.

"What do you mean?" I asked loosing my grip on his neck.

"Six years ago, On the night of the full moon when my family was going through the transformation, they came and burned my house including my family with it so if you wouldn't have done the same thing, go on kill me" He says.

I let go of him and he took the chance and grabbed the woman.

"Now you'll pay" The alpha says.

"No, she didn't do anything!" The girl beside me shouts.

"Allison, Help me, please" That woman speaks reaching her hand towards Allison.

Allison runs for her help but I stopped her because I had the doubt that she might have done it and I already witnessed that woman's passion for killing werewolves and there is a chance that she killed that man's family.

" Stop! let me do it" I said to Allison and reached that woman and compelled her.

" Did you killed this man's family?" I compelled her to tell the truth.

"Yes, I did" She speaks the truth frowning everyone around her.

" You are a vampire" That man says " But I can also same a werewolf inside you, a strong one indeed"

I smiled at his comment and move back to let him have a look of everyone's face.

"See this is the reality, the truth of your family... you brag about your code but in reality, there are people in your own family who break this code every day" That man slashes his victim's throat and she falls on the ground.

The most terrifying part of this incident was that woman's blood drops reached Allison's face giving that poor girl a shock she might never recover from.

I looked at the man I thought is her father " Are you her father?" I asked.

"Yes" That man replies.

" Then help me get her out of here as quick as you can" As I said that man runs towards Allison only to get stopped by the werewolf who slashed his sister's throat.

"You next, Chris Argent" He speaks mischievously.

" He didn't do anything, let him go" I said.

" You don't know if I let him go then he will also do the same as his sister did" He explains his actions but I couldn't let him kill that girl's father so I used my speed and came in between of them.

" I can't let you kill him on no grounds of proof" I declared.

"You just helped me kill Kate Argent just on the basis of your compulsion and now you are protecting the same family" He said in surprise.

"I helped you because it brought Justice to your family and I know how it feels to lose your family, believe me, I have gone through this but killing an innocent girl's father will take every good you consist" I said trying to change that man's mind.

He smiles wickedly and pushed me towards the Argents and he quickly shifts into a bipedal humanoid animal looking werewolf.

"Hideous" I said looking at his transformation.

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