

There once lived a three-tailed kitsune in Japan. There he was in charge of a farm and on this farm lived a man with his wife and two children. It was a peaceful existence the family would come and pray at his shrine that was given to him by lady inari.

The day he was sent to the farm was one of pure joy for he was finally receiving the honor of his shrine. For not just any kitsune can get a shrine there are as many steps to get one as there are torii gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine. But he did it and got his third tail from inari.

Life on the farm was peaceful every morning the family would come and pray and leave an offering of rice, sake, and other foods in exchange for a good harvest. Which he was all too happy to give. In the summer he would watch the children play as the parents work. In the winter he would watch them stay warm.

As the snow melted they came and prayed and started to plant their fields. Be something was new this year a two-tailed kitsune was out front of the house. He fell head over paws for her. Throughout the spring they fell in love and as the summer went on so did their love.

As the fall came the mother of the house fell ill. Every healer around came but couldn't help. So the father and children can and prayed to him to help. But the kitsune had very little knowledge of healing. He tried his best but she pasted just as the snow melted.

As spring came no one came to pray. As time went on he went for a walk to checked on the protective barrier when he felt something new in the house he went to see. When he made it to the back of the house in the garden was a wedding.

The father had remarried as the days went no one still came but one night well the father was away the kitsune heard water hitting wood and someone talk with strange words. As he rounded the corner to see the wife throwing water on the post of the house.

After she was done she left when he went to touch the water it burned him. As he followed the wife he came across a small black shadow creature. It looked at him with an evil smile as the kitsune tried to banish it just laughed and jumped into the wife.

As the days went on the shadow grow bigger and his seals for the barrier kept getting destroyed by the burning water. Then one day the father was killed by one of the works over not getting paid. When the kitsune heard the fight it ran out to the field to see the father died with the man above him crying with the shadow creature above him.

At the moment he knew it was an evil spirit of greed well is it in the field he went back to the house to strengthen the barrier as much as he could but the wife just used more water. As the days went on a heavy sadness was on the children. The kitsune realized I couldn't keep the evil spirit out but I could keep the children safe.

He wouldn't leave the children's side but he had to back to its shrine to rest. So every night it stood guard over them and slept during the day. One night went it was time for the children's bedtime the kitsune was trapped in the room where his shrine was.

He could see down the hallway as he slammed on the barrier the wife had a knife and was heading for the kid's room with the creature on her back. As it came back out of the kid's room she was covered in blood. The barrier came down and the kitsune felt rage and anger for the first time and charged at her.

But was repelled by the same barrier as he fell to the floor he laid the with tears fell down his face. The next morning he laid by his shrine as he felt a new presence in the house. As he went to look it was a man in a white rob holding book and a wooden stick with a man on it.

He did not like the feeling this man gave off so he put up a barrier at the door and hid in his shrine. As time went by he heard the man chanting words in the same language the mother did before the evil spirit came into the house. Then the man was in the doorway.

Just as the man took down his barrier the female two tails came in. From his shrine, he saw the two of them make eye contact the man reached into his rods and pulled out a clear vial that looked like water. The robed man opened it and was about to throw it.

At that moment the kitsune burst from his shrine and in front of the two tails as he is hit with the burning water he throws the two tails into his shrine. As he lays there the robed man chants more words as the burning water intensify.

As his vision starts going dark he looks over at his shrine to see her beautiful muzzled face crying out for him. As she pounds on the barrier to get out he just smiles knowing when he is gone anything in the shrine gets sent back to lady inari at Fushimi Inari Shrine.

He looks at the man in white chanting and throwing burning water on him as the pain increase. The last thing to go through his head is he was not able to save children but at least he saved someone he cared about. As the dark takes him and the voice fades away.