
Chapter 2: Vause

"... So anyways what I'm trying to tell you is scientifically you should eventually wake up. 'Cuz your pinky finger twitches when I talk. See! See! There it is Samara!" A familiar voice laughed. It took me all of two seconds to place it. Daniel Banner, my lab partner from school.

Where was I?

I tried to open my eyes, but they ignored my commands and stayed sealed shut. My tongue was heavy and my heart beat was so slow that terror slowly began to creep upon me. Was this hell? My thoughts reeled to a stop as Danny began talking again.

"So anyways, they made Kelsey my lab partner now. You know how much I hate Kelsey. Don't get me wrong, like I know - I know - you guys are BFF's forever or does one of the F's stand for forever? I bet you're dying to correct me on repetition fragments run on sentences lack of pauses in speech." Danny laughed and it hitched on something. "Maybe if I use enough double negatives or say 'gots' you'll just sit up and give me a lecture on the English language and the reason behind grammar rules and why they should be followed. See? Wasn't that another run on sentence?" I heard the rustle of fabric and something scraping along the floor. "I used to think, that maybe we could be friend's – way better than you and Kelsey." The door opened and closed.

Why hadn't I called Danny? I knew he would answer. But he was too good for someone like me. Danny didn't know about how messed up I really was. Danny didn't approve of the drugs. Plus, he was sick. He had all those doctor appointments for his cancer. I couldn't have called Danny. What if he stressed out and had an aneurysm or something?

Time passed. There were no clocks or seconds to count. I could hear jostling and the constant beeping around me helped me hold onto a space that didn't exist. I tried to dream but everything hurt.

The familiar scrape of a skateboard hitting the linoleum alerted me to Danny. He took that stupid thing everywhere.

"Hey, Beautiful," He laughed. "I know it's stupid, you're asleep and all, but I brought this sketch you did of us as cartooned potatoes. You probably don't remember it."

I did.

"You gave me this ridiculous emo hair do that flipped over my potato shoulder. Heh. You know I didn't even know potatoes had shoulders. My favorite thing about that is… uh … never mind it's stupid."

Danny, I'm so sorry.

"Do you remember the spring formal? Do you - do you remember how your date took off with Kelsey? Um… and you were waiting on the bleachers for them to come back with some water; or something. I was smoking a joint on the other side of the field. Remember how instead of walking over, you called my phone and we played charades? You probably don't." The rustle of papers seemed to distract him for a little bit.

I remembered.

Waiting outside for Kelsey and Jordan to grab some water for me, I had gotten lonely. The thought of climbing to top of the bleachers and jumping down crossed my mind more than once. When I finally worked up the courage to do it, a sharp whistle caught my attention, stopping my climb to the top.

Sitting directly across from me on the other side of the field was Danny. He had his curly black hair tied up in a high ponytail. His skateboard was resting across his knees and I thought about how he missed the formal due to his lack of attendance. Something I thought was bullshit since Danny had been going to chemotherapy.

My phone had fallen out of my bra and when I bent to pick it up a crazy thought hit me. As the phone rang I felt butterflies crawl up my throat - threatening to suffocate me.

"Why are you calling?"

"It's boring out here."

"Where do you want to go?"


"That makes no sense, Samara."

"Danny, shut up."


The dial tone had rung loud and clear in my ear. The wind rustling through my turquoise tutu dress couldn't distract me from the hollow ache in my chest. When my cell vibrated in my hand I remember looking across at him feeling confused.

"You called back?"

"Yeah… what are you doing out here? It's dangerous for a girl to be out here alone. Especially at night."

"Don't be sexist, Danny. It's dangerous for anyone to be out alone at any time of day."

"Haha, yeah I figured you'd say something like that."

"Let's play charades." Where had that idea even come from?

"Only if you go first."

We played four rounds of charades eventually meeting up at the center of the field.

"I won fair and square, Samara."

"Oh yeah? how about another round - all or nothing?"

"Only one more set. OK?"

I thought really hard on how to throw him off … twenty seconds in and Danny got it.

"I love Lucy."

"Ha! You creep. You're too good at this game."

"Are you going to go?"

"Na, what'd you win, Nerd?"

When Danny pulled me in close, I was so sure he was going to kiss me. Instead he let go and plucked my USB drive from around my neck.

"Your English Comp notes."

Danny. I remember.

"Okay, Um. I need to go home now. I might not be back for a couple of days, but you'll just call me if you need me, right?"


The scrape across the floor informed me that he was on his way out.


His footsteps echoed into the back of my brain.


They stopped, and the fear that he had left the room gripped me, threatening to never let go.

"Samara?" He was out of breath. "Samara I swear to fuck if you just said something wiggle your big toe or something."

I focused all of my might into wiggling my big toe. Unable to feel anything, I slammed my fist down in frustration.

"HOLY SHIT!" Danny shouted. My body was jostled several times. "Open your eyes - open your eyes!"

"They're too heavy." I rasped and my dry lips cut into each other.

"I told them, I told them you would wake up. Oh my God. Oh my God!" Rain trickled onto my cheeks. No - not rain. Danny was crying.

"Aren't you an atheist?" I tried licking my lips, but my mouth was too dry to help ease the cuts.

"Shut up, just shut up. NO, NO! Don't shut up. Tell me I'm a hypocrite. Tell me I'm a jackass. Tell me anything you want." Danny ran his hands through my hair and held me against him.

"What's going on in here?" One of my nurses shouted and finally my eyes opened of their own accord and I saw him. Daniel. Only Daniel's long hair was gone, replaced by a bald and shiny head. His cheeks were sunken and his eyes weren't the right shade of green. Everything about him was faded and his skinny arms clutched me as a nurse tried to pry him away.

"Good morning." He choked out; grinning so wide his cheeks wrinkled. His gums had a purple hue to them.

"...good morning." Swallowing the shock of seeing Danny wasting away, I tried my best to smile - even as the nurses yelled and the doctor began prodding at me.

"How did you sleep?" His Adam's apple bobbed violently underneath his skin, threatening to break free at any moment.

"Terribly." My throat caught on dry air and a fit of coughs violently rocked through my body. Danny set me down on the hospital cot and let himself get dragged out, laughing the whole time.



If I said pret ty please.

Don't leave.

Don't give up on me.

I won't give up on you

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