
Kiss Me, Roommate {BL}

Kiss Andrews Crowner- graduated of Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering. Even with the highest grades his life value is as failure as 74. As much as he desire to be out of poverty, his life put him into the ground. In hope to find a stable job, he took his journey in the city of Meyhem- the paradise of wealth. Not every one is blessed and his one of them. His drastic life changes when the landlord told him the soaring price of the apartment his renting. Without nothing at hand, he called his friend in hope that he might help him out. And that's when he needed to find a roommate to share with his expenses. His daily- not too pleasant- journey begins when he found out who his new roommate was. "I hate you yet I love you" "Loving you is my most greatest sin and the longest regret I ever did"

crimsonfujo656 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


"This is the promising daughter of the Reine family. Meet Regina Reine, your fiancee" Mr. Hamlet uttered.

Kris widen his eyes as he exclaimed "WHAT?" with disapproval. His eyes were like of a blade that can easily pierce though the moment he turn his sight into the woman.

Regina remain silent. She already expected the outcome but the reaction still hurt her though she understands the circumstances of her presence infront of Kris, she still bravely stood up ignoring the lethal gaze of the man.

Regina Reine- the only daughter of the Reine family. Exceptionally gorgeous all the way as though like an angel descent from heaven. Her charisma never fails of to drool every man. Her charm and beauty is one of a kind. Even if being an only daughter, she isn't that spoiled but rather being carefree. She received love more than her two brothers. Pampered with outmost care. Her life is not as what it seems. Expectations are greater than wealth. With her freedom to do anything as she pleased, she still needed to be strictly guided with her manners and etiquettes. As a lady, no other means of beauty other than having a proper and modest behavior, attitude and grace.

Compared to any lady the Hamlet couple meet, only Regina received their praise. She is stunning. Brighter than any gems. Her features are light but strong. Just with a simple smile, one shall sure to fall in love.

Kris tried to maintain his cool but his father's voice seems like a broken record that keep on playing in his mind. As much as he wanted to decline the possibility of marrying a woman instead of a man- his wife, his life will sure be a hell. He glance at his mother that seems like she wasn't bothered at all. His eyes are pleading help but Mrs. Hamlet only return a faint smile as she continue consuming her tea.

"I won't accept this. This is not what we talked about before. How can you decide whom I shall marry?" he said.

"But son, we cannot loose much time. We---"

"No. That? I'm not gonna marry that woman" Kris remarks as he pointed Regina frankly. What he keep on thinking is Kiss at the moment. Living with someone that don't hold any value to him is like throwing it into a mud. Useless. As though, he's more worried about when will he can capture his wife's heart when his coming of age is fastly approaching. Now he is facing a new epic dilemma. Marrying a woman that he don't even know is like a slap into his face. He is far beyond being straight but near to lose his sanity. If there's no other way, why don't he let them witness his wife bearing their flesh and blood as so they won't force him marrying a woman anymore and Kiss will be finally his. Wait, can a man conceive a child?

"Kris Richard Hamlet. Your. manners" Mrs. Hamlet warn. Her observation remains high but she cannot tolerate his son's derned manners especially with a fine lady at that.

"But mother--" Kris was cut off from his phrase but his fist remain tight. He still couldn't believe that his parents arrange a marriage for him even if they already know that he has someone resides in his heart.

"No one gives you permission to speak" Mrs. Hamlet added.

Kris couldn't keep up with the phrase as he burst out some words out of his mind as he started to walk out of his house. He careless said "This is ridiculous. I'm out of here. If you want to marry that woman, marry her yourself" without minding if he hurt the feelings of the woman his parents wanted him to marry. The earlier he disagree will they realize he won't be a married man if it is not his wife.

Mr. Hamlet carefully pull Regina to sit beside him. Even if she's reluctant, she let the old man do what he pleased as she took a peek to Mrs. Hamlet. She simply gulp as she weakly look into Mr. Hamlet that seems to be worried about her.

"Will it be too late to cancel the engagement? I don't want to tie a man who cannot cherish his woman" Regina said. Her voice is like a lullaby that comforts a child. It sounds gently and soft that one will immediately melted once heart.

"Oh dear, you don't have to worry about anything. My son just reacted like that simply because we didn't inform him in advance. And besides, you're the only one I think is suitable for him" Mr. Hamlet coax trying to lighten up Regina's mood. Even he, himself don't predict his son's wild behavior as much the words Kris spout before living the house. He will be more surprised if Kris would agree. His son is an obedient child as long as they didn't interfere in his personal affair.

"But he seems mad at me. Will this really works?"

"Ofcourse. No one is exceptional other than you. Both of you just needed a little bit of time to know each other. Perhaps, time will tell about the feelings hidden inside" Mr. Hamlet is now doubtful if his decision is right. He cannot easily pursued his son to marry Regina but he still need to act according to plan.

"Don't lose hope. Everything will be fine. I shall arrange you a date with him when he cools down. Is it okay, dear?" he added.

"Ofcourse, Mr. Hamlet" Regina smiles bitterly as she keeps on thinking about Kris' reaction upon knowing their marriage. Even she didn't want to get married. She wanted a life without much care about anything. A life that only she will decide. But her parents expectations are to high for her to reach. They want her to marry a man with good pocket and a heavy fame.

"No, you should call me father from now on. We're going to be a family someday, so there's no need for formality"

"Thank you, Fa-Father"

"That's better"


Kris didn't went straight home to his wife but instead into his usual hangout bar. He cannot let his wife seen him in his other side. He's afraid that it may leave a bad impression to him and thus will only add the hatred his wife already have.

He is once a regular customer in that place before he found his wife. He is well-known inside, even the owner is his loyal fan. He trail his way into the counter as he was immediately greeted with the owner.

"What brings you here, Mr. Hamlet? Our bar isn't open yet" he said.

Kris only ignore the man as he simply sit in the chair and says "Serve me Rhum" irritatedly. He don't know what to do in order to cancel the engagement. His father seems like he is certain that Kris will marry that woman. Too certain that he wants to run away.

"Whoa, isn't it too early? are you killing yourself?"

"Just serve me"

"Fine. What brings you here anyway? What about your wife?"

"Wife?" Kris frown. He only has one wife and though it is a man, he still consider him a wife. Now thinking back, he have now doubt whether the owner talks about the woman he just recently met or his wife that he want to laid on right now.

"Yes. The one you called 'honey'. It's viral in the internet. I never thought that you would sway like that. Even calling him wife in broad daylight. How bold"