
I Won't Date You

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Mu Xiaoya was sitting on a chair, holding a lipstick in one hand. She turned to look at the fallen door, and her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

The makeup room was temporarily built, so the door wasn't of a high quality. It wasn't a surprise that it had been broken, but the problem was … How dare he?

Wasn't that man here to woo her? Why is he so uncultured?

She then heard the man say, "Come out, Ms. Summer Wood."

Summer Wood … Mu Xiaoya couldn't help frowning, and she lost her temper. She shot her assistant Xiao Qi a glance and said, "Go tell him I'm tired. If he wants to ask me out, he can try another time."

Xiao Qi's face paled. "Is that okay? Sister Xiaoya, that's the young master of the Xiao family …"

"Go!" Mu Xiaoya yelled.

Xiao Qi walked to the doorway, trembling. She didn't even dare look up as she stammered out what Mu Xiaoya had said.

Xiao Ruilang listened quietly, and the smile on his handsome face widened.