
Chapter one-The first encounter

I entered into my father's room and saw him lying on the bed. He was on a large wonderfully crafted bed. In the past, I asked him where he got the bed, I found out it was from a renowned carpenter who made it as per request from the king-My father. I always loved jumping on it. It was really soft and comfy and bouncy too. Now I see my dad lying on it, all the thoughts I had of it immediately disappeared and a tear ran down from my face.

There was the family doctor Elvin sitting close to my Father, I didn't know what he was doing but He kept touching my father's wrist. The servants were all running around the room tending to one activity or the other. Noone paid any attention to me. So I walked closer to my Father's bed until I could finally see him up close. There he was, the man I always looked up to, my idol. He was breathing weakly and his eyes were closed.

Then Doctor Elvin suddenly stood up and said " The king.." Then he paused and continued "Your Fatger is very weak please don't stress him out and listen closely to what he says, because it's difficult for him to talk right now".

I nodded politely then went close to him.

I held his hands and started crying. I have never felt so tired and helpless in my life. I kept wishing theres more I could do. I was a prince I thought surely I can order someone to heal him. At that moment my dad grasped my hand closer and it felt like he knew exactly what I was thinking.

He looked into my eyes and said "I know you are a prince but there are something's that are inevitable, My illness is a Sword of Damocles, you know what that means right."

I nodded

He sighed and continued "Listen Son, You are going to rule as king now, I wish I taught you more, I really wish your mom was here to guide you". As he says this a tear runs down his cheeks and then he continues"But I am really sorry to leave you with all this things, all these burdens, I wish there's more I can do, but son I trust you to do the right thing. You have always been so smart and kind. You will make a fine king".

After saying this, he took out his necklace from around his neck and handed it to me. "Alexander keep this safe, I attached your mom's to mine, this will help guide you and encourage you even when all seems lost." He suddenly stopped and started gulping for breath.

Doctor Elvin rushed over and started checking my Dad's wrist again. Some servants then took me out of the room as ordered by Dr Elvin. I cried and lashed out while they were holding me. I kept crying and begging them to take me to my Dad. They took me to my room and locked the door. I started banging on the door relentlessly but to no avail. I then sat down on the floor and started crying even more. At some time, I think I fell asleep.

I woke up later that night to a storm, there was lots of shouting within the palace and I found myself on my bed with my bedroom door opened up slightly. I quickly ran out to go check up on things, I headed straight for my Dad's room.

I entered and saw a bunch of people standing around my Dad's bed. I pushed passed them till I saw Dr Elvin standing close to my Dad's bed. There was tears in his eyes and I knew that my Dad didn't make it. I looked over at the bed and saw my Dad's lifeless body. I went closer and hugged him and then my tears suddenly renewed.

One week Later...(From now on, narrative will be done in a second person noun-You, as Alexander)

You just woke up after a long night of nightmares and frequent toilet visits. The past week have gone by in a blur. After the day, your dad died, preparations were made to bury the King-Your Father and mourn his passing. You were brought gifts from royals from all over and the commoners who came to mourn along with you.

You have been given time to rest but your royal duties will begin soon. For now though, you have been instructed by your teachers to come visit them for a bit of advice and you also need to visit the various counsellors. There's Lady Laura, the head of servants and She's very famous around the whole kingdom for her extensive knowledge of all occurrence. There's General Gary, He is the best swordsman you know, this is because he's your teacher. Your father personally requested this of him. And the last but not least Lord Billy, He's a chubby old man and you never liked him because of his Weird face. He was always grinning, he always acted like he was upto something, You may not like him but he was your Dad's Financial advisor. You have to know where all the people's money is going to.

You try to think more of other important and high placed people when a sound suddenly comes from the window. You go closer to inspect it and find out it's your Friend Rob. You and rob have been closed friends for a while now. He's the son of a merchant who lives very close to the palace. Like you he always have guards around him but today he seems to have come without them.

Seeing you open the window, He looks up and says "Wake up sleepy head, I got out of bed early today, so I could go out without the guards, come now, I want to show you something".

Robs have been really supportive during this funeral arrangements and your Dad's passing. You decide to follow him and hear what he has to say or see what he's talkingabout. You grab onto the tree branch which you have used to scale through your window a dozen times in the past to escape from your guards or just to go have fun. You get down quickly and Robs immediately grabs onto your hands and starts sprinting towards the gate of the palace. You follow him, well you have no choice and you both run together in harmony towards the gate.

A transition occurs spontaneously but we all have to go through it.

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