
Kingdom of Zo-An

The Kingdom of Zo-An has a great rulers which are called Royalties, Every people in the kingdom loved them, worshipped them, but the truth behind their wealth were soon to be discovered by the Zodiac (people who were blessed by the stars and had an ability that is superior from normal people)

Dash_vin · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Seirums Pain

The zodiac Virgos came together in front of Linhardt and they knelt down at the same time and what surprised Linhardt even more was that they suddenly started crying.

While kneeling and wailing in tears, they begged to be released.

Linhardt was surprised and unable to speak but he did not know why they were crying and to whom he should release them.

you are the real king. the one who deserves to rule the entire Kingdom of Zo-An. We wanted to be release and stop the brutality from the Royalties who were continuously using us.

the other patients screamed because the Zodiac Virgos suddenly stopped healing them. others are already angry and will call the soldier to punish the Virgos for not doing their duty even though they have paid correctly.

a soldier grabs a Zodiac Virgo and points a knife at her neck saying, heal my master! if not and I will surely kill you.

No! don't do that. you will only hurt yourself! She' a Zodiac you are no match with her. Linhardt shouted as he worried about the Zodiac Virgo and the solider in front of him. Little did they know that Virgos were hiding a strange ability and slowly turned to the soldier holding the knife.

Its form gradually changed and appeared as a terrifying monster with very sharp fangs and red eyes staring at the soldier. the soldier let go of the knife he was holding because of his fear and he also peed on his pants.

Linhardt and his colleagues immediately became alert and immediately raised their guard due to the sudden transformation of the Virgo in front of them. when the soldier went away and retreated because of his trembling fear, The Zodiac Virgo also returned immediately in the form of a very beautiful woman.

I'm sorry your majesty. I didn't mean to get emotional and accidentally look like a monster in front of you. I just wanted to scare that soldier. She said as she bows down her head in front of Linhardt.

Wait! don't call me your majesty. and you don't have to kneel or bow in front of me. I'm just a Zodiac like you, we're equals and I'm no different from you. and also, I want to know why you want to be free from the reign of King Regulus. isn't he managing our Kingdom well? and why do you want me to defeat him?

well managed? words of another Zodiac Virgo with annoyance in his speech.

all you see are the good things in their reign because that's what they intended from the very beginning. people love them because of their fake kindness and pretend concern for their constituents. but not everyone knows why these rulers remain untouchable is because of what they do to our kind of Zodiacs.

We witnessed firsthand what they do with the Zodiacs. they mistreat us and always show us that even though we have unique and special abilities, we are still no match against them.

they have a facility where they drain the blood of the zodiacs. and because of the reason that we don't die easily, they only keep our kind and every day they take blood and translate it into their artifacts that serve as their equipment to control us.

you need to be careful with those artifacts because no matter what you do, you will suddenly feel weaker and they can humiliate any Zodiac when they use those artifacts.

the land of CLEA is the most violent of all the houses. they made an agreement with us that they will never destroy our Desi but instead they will take Zodiac Virgos for their own lust.

Due to our ability to shapeshift in anything we want. they force the Virgos to change the face and body they want and then they will desecrate our bodies, will raped us, force us to do terrible things with lots of men. They feast thru our bodies with their lust. And time to time they were doing it whenever they had an occasion on the house of CLEA.

Seth and Juno's tears just flowed while listening to the story of the Virgos and they felt the pain they were suffering because they were also women.

How can they bear to do those filthy things! what they did to your whole Desi and the whole Zodiac of Virgo is very vile. I will never forgive them! I promise that I will avenge you to the best of my ability. Linhardt's angry voice because of what he heard.

One of the Seirum returns the Book of spell that Seth made as payment for healing Kilian. and he apologized to her.

Zodiac Virgos begged Linhardt to help them and said that they will provide all the support and will never leave his side for anything that will happen.

don't worry, I will help you and my companions. behind this beautiful place and your alluring faces, you are hiding a very severe pain and you have endured it for a long time. Linhardt answered.

however. if they have the Artifact that you say is so powerful, how can you be sure that I can fight them?

The ability of Zodiac Leos was too powerful. with just a glance of their eyes they can subdue and control a battalion of soldiers. that's one ability you have is very strong and uncontrollable by the Royalties. that's why we don't believe there was an epidemic in Chyros Desi. we know that Royalty has something to do with the depletion of your race. and others were blinded so that they could no longer use their abilities. Good thing you survived.

I still don't know the full history of how I became a Zodiac Leo either. all my life I thought I was a Zodiac Aquarius like my father. And I grow up at Nero Desi, knowing that Zodiac Leo's are bad zodiac that are punished by the stars. That is why we are traveling and our destination is Chyros Desi to know my history and maybe there is someone there who can teach me how to fully control this ability of mine.

but right now, it's more important that we help your Desi. I can't get over what they did to your kind. I have somewhat controlled my ability and the sword on my back. this is a big help for us to show those Royalty that we can fight them. and we will take back the Kingdom of Zo-An from them.