

"The purpose of this exercise is for discipline. Those who are able to follow my orders will get the most out of my training." stated Headmaster Oak. He took out a carving knife, "As you carve you must expend your mana into the carving knife. This will teach you to control the output of your Mana. Focusing on the knife as a medium for exerting your Mana."

Handing him a small carving knife, Headmaster Oak took a ring out and handed Eden a ring. It was a spatial ring.

"This is a gift for you, you can store your items in here. There are a thousand pieces of wood in here. You must carve 750 dog figurines."

"Another point of this exercise is to make you sufficient, I will not be providing for you on our journey. You must be able to carve that you can sell them and support yourself."


"This old man! When is he going to teach me anything! I have to sit here and carve these figurines!"

Imitating the already made dog figurine, Eden focused on his first piece of wood. Slowly exerting a small part of his Mana into the knife and carefully cutting the wood. The exertion of mana was to make cutting the dense piece of wood more easily.

Eden who has now already passed the Entry Level had made his footstep into the Elemental Novice stage. At this stage he could begin learning spells and output his Mana.

Old Man Oak explained to Eden that the Elemental Novice stage was the true foundational period of his power. Eden's training would be the foundation for his future power in the higher stages.

The Entry level was merely being able to showcase that a person had the ability. The Elemental Stages were the true core to growth. The stages were novice, intermediate, advanced, where your mana heart should grow and develop its own elemental body. Novice, where Eden was at currently is the development of the elemental heart and core foundation around it, intermediate where the body begins to develop mana veins, third was the advanced stage where the mana body is fully created, connecting his mana veins, heart, and mana eye all together.

After being able to do all that a person would then be able to enter the Elementalist stage, where a user is at one with their mana body. There were no following stages after Elementalist, however the new system of power would be called Circles. After the merging of the mana body and the physical body, a circle would form around the heart and increase depending on level.

Circles represented the level of strength an elementalist had. For example, Eden's father Roan, sat at the 2nd Circle Elementalist stage. The King of Rivenhart was a 5th Circle Elementalist. Each tier progressively more and difficult to get to. In the history books, all notable figures that were remembered made it to the 4th circle. Each circle progressively more and more difficult. It was even more difficult for those with multiple elements, Each element had to be trained individually. For the Sage of Many Colors who reached the 10th circle, the feat of training all the elements to that level was legendary.

Anything that is built on sand will crumble. Which was why Old man Oak wanted Eden to build the foundations of control in his mana output.

Control showcased how long a person can continue using their mana during their daily activities, or in battles. It was a must when it comes to fighting long battles. In a battle where one person had better control over their mana output, they would most likely win due to one reason, better stamina. Tiredness leads to weakness, weakness leads to mistakes. If on can engage in a drawn out battle, one can tire out an opponent to where they can then find easy openings.

After spending three hours cutting and molding this piece of wood, Eden finished his first figurine. He had emptied out all his mana and was under heavy exhaustion.

"I see you have a bit of talent here my child" said Old man Oak admiring the figurine. " As you get better and better you should be able to make a hundred of these without feeling exhaustion. The amount of mana you put into your carving knife should decrease and decrease as you slowly get used to how much strength is needed to carve the figurine."


"I heard that your father is a fire Elementalist Eden. I also heard that he passed down some basic sword techniques to you. I want you to set time aside to practice this throughout the day as well. The goal is to have you be well rounded." instructed Old Man Oak.

"When will I learn my first spell Old man?" asked Eden. Eden was anxious, he couldn't wait to learn his first spell.

"Don't worry about that yet, that time will be soon. You must finish your figurines first, only then will I teach you your first spells. Patience is key. Being impatient will lead to a weak foundation"

Besides the time spent carving and practicing swordsmanship, Old man Oak gave teachings to Eden on battle tactics. Old man Oak had in his mind a vision for Eden to be the leader of his group of students when he obtains them. Someone that could have an eagle view of the battle and determine the next steps. He could tell that although Eden was at times a tad arrogant, he did put in the hard work.

'One year my child, I will have you reach the Elementalist stage and we'll shock the kingdom!'

I hope I did a good job at explaining the progression system.

Entry Level



-Elemental Sight.

Foundational Stage




Elementalist Stage

-Circle 1-10

NimbusBluecreators' thoughts
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