
Kingdom: Dragon General of Heaven

Follow trough the journey of Long Lingxu to become a dragon among mans to conquer China

Dragonic_Tamer · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

2. Letting go of the Death

After a good night sleep and well deserved rest Lingxu who has been training for a whole year not missing a day has changed to become a handsome teenage boy and tall considering his age standing at 162 cm tall at the age of 14 while his brother just a bit shorter around 159 cm tall, both of them resembling their parents, while Lingxu similar to his mother who is hailed as an ice beauty have a certain aura that make people sees him as an emotionless kid.

unlike his brother Taidu who even after the gruelling year of training still contain his playfulness a trait hailing from his father "Brother, tomorrow is father death anniversary how are you feeling" asked Taidu with concerns.

"Sad, but starting to let go, we cannot delve into the past so much, it will be against father and mother will" said Lingxu calmly.

even hearing it Taidu knew his brother so much that hearing his brother said that make it even more heart broken, Taidu knew his Brother is cold, but everytime the mention of their parents are brought up, the cold and ice look he have will soften for a bit and shows a bit of longing and sadness, knowing his brother pride, Taidu decide to not asked anything more and just smile then sleep waiting for the day after.

after both of them wake up, both of them are getting ready for their father death anniversary, Lingxu has grown to be such a cute and beautiful boy, the word beautiful is an understatement for his looks, that make even some girl his age jealous seeing him.

Lingxu have part of his hair tied while letting some loose, he wore as always black hanfu with some dark jade around his body.

Taidu in the other hand always cut his hair short and have the looks of a young soon to be officer of the army unlike his brother who is said to look to much of a Scholar, usually Taidu would wear sky blue Hanfu with white ornaments, but in this occasion he wear same as his brother a black hanfu for the anniversary.

the ceremony began without any trouble, some of their old father friend also come to visit with both brother happily welcomes, well, maybe only Taidu is Happily welcoming while Lingxu always wear the same emotionless look on his face.

while they are at it a sudden guest come which make everyone surprised, the member of 6 Qin Great General come to visits, General Ou Ki himself accompanied by General Tou as his guard, they come not wearing a Hanfu but wearing full battle armor like someone who wants to kill his enemy.

coming into their father memorial, Ouki did not greet anyone and just walk straight to the memorial, suddenly he cups his Hand to oay respect and bow his head slightly while saying "nfufufu it seems I am late by a year old friend" and then turning to face the Long Descendants.

"you must be Lingxu, and you must be Taidu, nfufufufu such a young lizard trying to face the heaven is indeed interesting, and you" while he point at Lingxu "if you are not his son maybe I will kidnap you myself" while then slap both of their shoulder hard even startling the guest.

while Taidu rubs the place the general just slap, Lingxu just cups his hand and said "General please have a seat, and please hold back the excitement because it seems you are scaring the Long Family guest" while looking at the General eyes like a pair of hawk.

"Nfufufu you really make me want to kidnap you, but alas, I cannot stay for long, hmm but maybe, young Taidu, you handle here and young Lingxu come, follow me" said Ouki as he walk out.

Lingxu look at his brother and his brothee gave a nod which signal him that Taidu can handle and fix the atmosphere while he is away.

walking beside the general with Tou following behind, the scene looks like a scholar walking with the epitome of destruction side by side "so how are you coping young Lingxu?" asked the general still smiling clearly intrigued by how Lingxu behave just like the frost beauty.

"everything is doing well in Gamei leadership, he is someone that father trust so I will also trust him, and both of us just fill our day with training our body and just after a year begun training the mind and body at the same time" said Lingxu in a calm voice.

"How do you think about the storm that is raging inside of the royal palace?" asked Ouki

"by no means I have no idea what to say, even if I have it will be a useless rambling of an 14 years old boy" answered Lingxu still with the calm and steady voice.

they stopped at a nearby area where Lingxu called a servant to prepare drink and tea for the general, they sit while watching the pond on the Long Mansion.

"You seems to understand the outline of what is happening outside even without you being outside" said Ouki liking the boy more and more.

"as I said General, it is just but a rambling of a boy and what I know will be always useless to what you know" said Lingxu sipping his Tea

"nfufufu maybe, but maybe not, tell me your thought" said Ouki knowing that the boy has something going on inside his head.

Lingxu stopped sipping his Tea and look at the General deep trying to think what to say and what the general are aiming asking him this.

"a storm is eminent with the death of King Sou, a storm is clearly brewing that's the only thing I know" said Lingxu back to his calm demeanor.

Ouki just smile and Nod, after a while he get up and said his farewell "don't try anything reckless, or that storm you said might be the end of the century old family of yours nfufufu" said Ouki while Lingxu just cups hid hand and Nod understanding what the General said.

To be Continued.

(Well not much is happening but I will bring some action after this I guess, and I don't want the MC to be super powerfull and all, being genius is fine, but OP is not on my list for now just wait and enjoy as the story progresses I guess)